Ridley Robot

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Ridley robot was first introduced as the final space pirate in the way of Samus Aran's escape from Zebes. Ridley robot is commonly mistaken for a early Meta-Ridley, when in fact, Ridley Robot is a prototype robot created by Ridley himself to guard the Space Pirates mothership on Zebes.

Classification: Robotic Weapon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristic, self-destruction, missiles, laser weapons, flight, fireballs, invulnerability

Attack Potency: Planet level, possibly higher(Capable of damaging fully powered gravity suit Samus)

Speed: Massively FTL+(Capable of hitting gravity suit samus and blocking most of her attacks, begins to accelerates as the battle goes on)

Lifting Strength: Unknown(Was stated to be far superior to Ridley himself in an interview)

Striking Strength: Planet Class, likely higher(Capable of damaging Gravity suit samus with its claws in their own encounter)

Durability: Planet level, possibly higher(Completely immune to weaponized power bombs, as well as superior weaponry such as the plasma blaster)

Stamina; Limitless(Is a robot after all, and even while incomplete it was capable of standing against Gravity suit Samus)

Range: Extended melee range, further with projectiles

Standard equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Likely gifted(While an AI was likely designed to be great, little of its intelligence is known, however, from its battle with Samus, it is likely very high)

Weakness: Its chest area can be destroyed, however, it requires concussive weaponry and is immune to anything else. 

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