Mission Accomplished...Maybe?

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Aria POV

I have never been so nervous yet bored in my entire life. After entering the house, he quickly guided me into the house and into his office.

I've now been waiting in this room for so long I thought my ass was gonna fall asleep. I didn't dare say that out loud though; my dad was behind his desk, staring at me and looking back down at his tidy desk.

Speaking of which, he was looking at me again. I shot him a polite smile only for him to look away again.

"Can I just say something real quick?", I blurted out suddenly, unable to hold it in anymore.

"No lie, but I've been dreamin' about this day all my life and now here I am standing in front of my father. It's wild", I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face; I thought my face would crack in half. I refrained from calling him the d-word, seeing as he was gonna have to earn that title. I might of had a slip up earlier, but I'm standing by it from this point on.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the door opened and voices talking filled the room. I looked back to see the people from the news, the older blonde woman and her daughter, but the third man was a stranger to me. Well not that they all weren't but ya know what I mean.

Anyway, their laughing fit soon ended when their eyes landed on me. The older blonde looked between me and my dad for a moment before realizing she couldn't come up with a good enough reason in her head. "Frederick", she asked in a nervous voice,"Who is this?"

Quiet. That's all it was. I just looked at him because I know he wasn't expecting me to tell them. 'Hey so I'm your finance's daughter from another woman, but it's okay because they were together before you guys were.' Nope; that is not what we are going to do.

The older woman stepped forward, eyes still trained on me,"Henry dear, why is this girl here in our house?", she asked once again, her hand to her chest. I never thought I'd hear that outside of Grandma's stories, but here this woman was clutching her pearls at the sight of me.

Frederick looked from me to her and I just knew he was in trouble. "Well dear", he started slowly, anxious as he stood in front of her. I wonder how she was gonna take it; she looked like the dramatic fainting type,"she claims to be... my daughter", he finally spit out; cue the gasps of utter disbelief.



"I beg your pardon?"

I swear I'm psychic or something -note the sarcasm. Anyway, Frederick held out the pictures I'd given him, apparently letting the evidence speak from himself.

I could see the wheels turning in all three of their heads, especially the old guy who looked like deer in headlights,"Memphis is your mother", it was more of a statement than a question. For some reason it rubbed me the wrong way.

The other blonde chick looked from him to me and back at Frederick,"The wilde beast you met in the states?"

"Evangeline", the women who I assumed was her mom scolded quietly, before looking at me,"apologies dear, she didn't mean it", she promised, but I didn't buy it for one second.

I rolled my eyes at her fakeness,"Sure she didn't", I mumbled. She's lucky I wanted to make a good impression on my dad or I would've been on her ass like that guard.

Still, she gave me a fake smile before turning back to Frederick, and taking the photos from him,"Uh this still means nothing, she was probably a fan?", she suggested weakly.

I frowned at the excuse,"That's not what she said", I mumbled, slouching into my chair. Did they just talk about people like this over here? I swear everybody just rude as fuck; I could feel the Evangeline chicks eyes practically boring into the side of my head.

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