11. its okay to be afraid

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The woman didn't take a second to question it as she took advantage of my surprise and threw herself out of the classroom.

The wolves spluttered on the ground as I stared wide-eyed at the door my biology teacher had just ran through, I would follow her, to protect her from running head-first into the person she thought was her daughter but decided against it, after all it would probably lead to the both of our demises.

It wasn't long before the two wolves sobered up, the three of us quickly skidding out of the classroom and into the halls. Scott lead us to where Mrs. Finch lay, propped against the wall, hand to her neck as blood seeped out of the wound.

"Wait, I'll stay. You two, go find Quinn." Scott speaks as he kneels down in front of the teacher.

"We-we need to face her together." Liam stammered as he looked to me for support.

"I can't leave her." The alpha pants. "Go!"

"What if she finds Aaron first? How are we supposed to fight both of them?"

"Liam. Look, man. It's okay to be afraid. Just dont let it stop you, okay?" The alpha pleaded with his beta. "You've got this. Go" Liam glanced at me and took off sprinting with a grunt, me following closely behind.

Liam sprinted through the hallways as I tried to keep up with the werewolf. He pushed the door to the library open and stopped in his tracks, over his shoulder I could see Quinn standing in the middle of the large room, her steely gaze fixed on us.

There was an unforgiving chill in the air, my skin felt cold to the touch, a sense of dread taking over my mind. I could feel it, we were losing. Or maybe, we already had. Aaron slowly descended down the stairs of the library, stopping at Quinn's side. A loud roar rang throughout the room, Liam's eyes amber as he bared his sharp teeth. I snapped my knife open as he took off, jumping up on one of the tables and reaching them in no time, I took the less dramatic route and opted to run around the tables and as I near Quinn and Aaron the girl delivers a blow to Liam's stomach, knocking him back down to the floor. As I reached Aaron I quickly raised my knife, but he caught my wrist just millimeters from his face and threw me against the bookshelf effortlessly. The shelf broke on impact and books came tumbling down on top of me. I watched, winded as Aaron's and Quinn's lips met. The two quickly broke away and held each other's forearms, Quinn swiftly brought her head back and bounced her skull of the boy's.

The two fought, each delivering punches and kicks as I struggled to catch my breath. Quinn had Aaron against a steel beam that stood in the centre of the room. Both had their fingers wrapped around the other's necks before Aaron reached forward and snapped the girl's neck, her lifeless body dropping to the ground with a thud. Aaron kneeled beside the body, his hand reaching for her face as his eyes glowed a bright purple and hundreds of spiders left her lips, crawling their way up his arm and into his mouth.

I quietly crawled over to Liam, who was still recovering on the floor. I looked back to the other boy as I heard the sound of bones breaking. A purple smoke swirled around him as he stumbled backwards, out of view. Liam and I stood slowly in apprehension of what was going to come at us next and as I heard the sound of footsteps against the cold linoleum of the library floor I had that feeling once again that something was going wrong. I turned towards the door of the library just as it swung open, a flash of red hair as a hand reached out to grab Liam and I. We fell back against the cold concrete as Lydia Martin panted beside us.

"We have to run!" She said as she helped us up and toward the halls.

"What are you doing? Quinn and Aaron merged, we have to stop them!" Liam shouted as he trailed after her.

"You can't. You can't look at it, if you do it'll kill you." My eyes widened. So did Liam's. We kept running until the feeling of fear slowly seeped away. It was still there, it was always there nowadays but it was more like a faint hum. We carefully made our way through the dimly lit halls, stumbling upon two men, two statues. I reached my hand down to rest on the cold rock. A shock of anxiety and pain buzzed through my system at the contact.

"He- he's still alive, I think. I can feel him. I don't know how to help." I sighed as a stray tear slipped down my cheek. The strong emotions in the room feeding on my powers.

"How are we supposed to fight something we can't look at?" Liam sighed.

"I have no idea." Lydia replied bleakly.

"We have to learn to fight without our eyes." Scott spoke as he neared us, Malia by his side.

"Fight without seeing? That means-" Malia looked to Scott, an unimpressed look on her face.



It was late that night when I stepped through the door of my house, it was so quiet, no doubt my mom was asleep. I closed the door as I felt my phone buzz, a text from Mason.

I'll get back to him later. Now, I just need to rest.

"Eliza." My moms voice startled me, I didn't see her sitting there on the couch.

"Mom, I thought you'd be asleep." I chuckled slightly, she didn't.

"Eliza, my baby. I'm worried. I know that I'm not like you, but, I can't lose you too." Her voice cracked as she spoke and her eyes pleaded with me.

"Mom, I know its scary but, I have this gift and if I don't use it to help people and someone gets hurt, I couldn't live with myself." She nods solemnly, she knows, of course she knows, we've been here before, we've already done this.

"Is it working again?" The raven haired woman asked. I shook my head.

"It hasn't been the same since."

"Honey, don't worry too much, you aren't the only one, we'll get through it." She lay a hand on top of mine, her honey skin warm against my cold hand. I nodded.


Oh, what's this? Another chapter? Are you proud because I'm kinda proud. I always knew squishing a whole character arc into half a season would be hard but like shit, it's hard. Anywho, hope you enjoy, vote and comment if you like the story so far!!

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