6. Turn around, turn around, turn around

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I slammed my locker shut, making the girl beside me jump. My usual smile was gone. Everyone knew what happened last night.

The sun shone brightly in the sky but the darkness in the school made today seem much grimmer.

Whispers. Everywhere I went. I may not have supernatural strength but, I could still beat their asses.

I didn't care what anyone had to say about me, I had heard worse.

"Eliza, hey." I turned to see Corey standing in front of me.

"Hey, Corey, what's up?"

"I was uh- just wondering, how are you?" He seemed slightly afraid to ask me, he didn't know how I would react.

"I'm fine." I sigh. "How is Liam?"

"Honestly, he's not doing too good." Corey sighs.


"Who will let Liam join their group?" Mrs. Finch's voice snapped me out of my daze. I looked to the front of the classroom to see Liam Dunbar sitting on his own, and behind him were Mason and Corey with their hands raised. "Someone other than you two."

I raised my hand and my partner- a boy named Darryl - looked at me in bewilderment.

"Thank you Eliza." She nods towards Liam and I walk over and take a seat next to him.
I could feel the eyes of the whole class on the back of my head.


"Wait so, the whole lacrosse team is looking for you so they can beat you up and make you turn in front of the whole school?"

"Yes Eliza, thank you for reminding me." Liam responds in an annoyed tone. I put both my hands in the air in surrender.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask.

"Corey will make himself and Liam invisible and you and I will make sure nobody bumps into them." Mason explains.

"Okay." I smile, unsure about the plan her new-found friend had come up with.
As Mason and I walked side by side, Corey and Liam walked directly behind us, invisible to the eye. The plan was, get out of the school. Pretty straight-forward, but there was a problem, every door in the school was blocked by lacrosse players.

As we walked towards one of the many exits, two teenagers stood in our way, Mason and I immediately turned to go a different direction but two more players were there.

"Alright, okay, turn around, turn around, turn around."

"Oh. Hey, Nolan." I say nervously. He just stared straight past us, taking a white powder out of his pocket and throwing it at us. I quickly turn around to find Corey and Liam visible.

Well shit.

"Oh, hey, when did you get here?" I chuckle nervously.

Gabe swiftly grabs Liam's shoulders and flings him on the ground, he then grabbed Liam by his shirt and dragged him through the hall, throwing him into an empty classroom.

A large group of students quickly followed Nolan, Liam and Gabe into the classroom.
Corey, Mason and I looked at each other in panic before heading for the classroom.

"Hey. Hey, let him go!" Mason and I try to push through to get to Liam.

"Get your hands off me." I sneer to a boy who was holding me by the shoulders.
Nolan had Liam, blood running out of the beta's nose.

I bring my head back and with as much momentum as I could, crashed my skull against the skull of the boy holding me. He cursed in pain and I kicked his stomach, making him drop to the floor.
I now have one hell of a headache.
I ran further into the room, getting ready to pull Nolan off of Liam but a pair of arms wrapped around me, spinning me around in the process and finally throwing me to the ground.

"Gabe." I bluster, giving him a hard glare.

"Are you one of them? I guess we'll see." He speaks and uses his shoe to press against my neck, restricting my breathing.

"Stop! Stop, don't hurt her!" Liam spluttered as it got harder and harder to stay awake.

"Who cares?" I hear, Gabe takes his foot of me, punching Liam in the face.

"Nolan, take care of the girl." Gabe says, not once taking his eyes off Liam.

"And do what?"

"Make her turn."

Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I let out a whimper, my lip trembled as Nolan approached me. "I'm sorry." He whispers as he nears me, he looked to Gabe before looking back to me. His eyes were filled with dread.

"So am I." I whispered. Nolan looked at me, confused. I quickly bring my leg up, throwing it over Nolan and flipping us over. I was now on top of Nolan. Fear in his eyes and I was about to say something else when one of Gabe's goonies grabbed me and pinned me back down on the floor.

I could just watch as Gabe landed more hits on Liam. Blood covered his entire face but he wasn't turning.

"What the hell is going on?" Coach Finstock yelled as he entered the classroom. Coach grabbed Nolan, Gabe and the person holding me down. "Back off! Hey! Get to the principal's office!" The three boys almost sprint out of the room. "What the hell is this?"

I made my way over to Liam, he was still spitting out blood.

"Get out! All of you! I can't stand to look at your faces!"

I stand up off the ground as Mason and Corey help Liam up.

"I can't believe you did that." Mason pants.

"Clark Kent, right?" Liam responds, he and Mason shared a laugh.

"Yeah, Clark Kent."
A million thoughts ran through my head as I stood in the shower. I came here to help, but was I really doing? Following a couple of teenagers around trying to solve the mystery of the tangled rats?

A bruise was starting to form on my neck. A mistake, I wasn't focused and I got hurt.
My thoughts drifted to Nolan, a boy I hoped to befriend. He looked so innocent but after today I knew he was far from that, I could never forget the look of insanity in his eyes. 
I have fought witches and werewolves, so why am I scared of this boy?


Another chapter down! I hope you are enjoying this, please comment your thoughts and dont forget to vote.

See you soon!

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