5. I think everyone in these tunnels heard us

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"Rock balancing, Satomi taught us. It's him, and I know where he's going." Lori tells us and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Apparently even in life or death situations, trust isn't given easily.

"I could have sworn I already said the tunnels." I speak, slightly agitated.

"I don't trust you." Malia states simply making me shake my head. Brett was dying.
Lori stops and runs her fingers through a black substance on the floor of the tunnels.

"He's been poisoned." Lori panics.

"That's why he's not healing." I continue, black blood is never good. Ha that rhymes.

"What if he only has a few hours to live?" Lori asks.

"Well, if we howl, we can find him." Liam states.

"That's too risky." Malia argues with the young wolves.

"Who cares about the risk? He could be dying." Lori retaliates.

"He's still moving."

"We just need time to think." Scott interrupts the two girls.

"Time that we don't have." I state.

"I need him to know that I'm here, that I'm coming for him." Lori tries.

"Yeah, Lori's right. He has to know we're here."

"Liam, wait!" Malia tried to stop him but it was too late, he had already howled. The loud howl vibrated along the tunnel walls, Brett had to have heard it. But so did the hunters.
We rushed through the tunnels trying to find the injured wolf. We were running out of time and all of us knew it.

"Why didn't he answer?" Lori demands.

"Maybe, maybe, he didn't hear us." Liam answers the blonde.

"No, I think everyone in these tunnels heard us." I protest.

"Maybe he can't." Malia said lowly.

"Lori, no!" Scott shouts and before she or any of us can reply, a stake had already pierced the alpha. He immediately groaned and we ran to help him.
Liam and I helped Scott stand upright as Malia and Lori pulled the wooden stake out of his abdomen. Scott's body fell to the floor as blood seeped out from the large hole in his stomach.

"They knew we were coming." Scott pants.

"Don't talk, just heal, and let us figure this out." Malia tells the boy.

"They've been a step ahead of us this whole time." Scott says as he struggles to talk.

"I'm sorry, but I can't wait around. We have to go." Lori looks around the tunnels anxiously.

"We still have the numbers, four-to-two. We're faster and we're stronger." Liam voices.

"They're smarter."

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