3. Was that Liam, Brett or Cory?

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"Hey, what'd you do with that rat?" Liam asks as we get out of Mason's car. I had left mine at the school and Mason offered to drop me here as they were going here anyway.

It was a lot different to when I first left school today, the sun was shining then, now the cold air whistled around us, it nipping at my bare arms, I left my jacket in my locker.

"I lost it in the fight." Mason sighs. "Mellissa's gonna kill us."

"Please don't tell me we have to go back there to get it." I groan loudly and Liam looks at me in amusement.

"I don't think we can ever go back there again." Liam chuckles slightly.

"Yeah, that might work for you but, what about me?" Mason asks.

"And me." I add, Liam looks to us, his gaze lingers on me and I can tell he's trying to figure out if I'm human or not. I'm not, but I don't heal like him, I heal like any other mundane human.

"It could be a problem." Liam agrees.

"Yeah." Mason sighs and looks to me. "You said earlier you saw a man in that classroom."

We walk through the halls of the school, the only light illuminating them was moonlight.
"Yeah." I respond. "It was really weird, he just walked in, looked at everyone panicking and then left."

"What did he look like?" Liam questions, his interest peaked.

"He was hot." I say. Liam rolls his eyes.

"I wasn't asking if he was hot, what did he look like?" Liam huffs as we round a corner, I chuckle lightly but all traces of laughter were soon wiped from my face.

"He looked like him." I whisper, the man I saw earlier was stood in the hall across from a deputy. Everybody was still, each of us just looking at one another.

"Something you let out." The man growls as he slowly approaches the deputy, I grip the blade hidden in my pants as I follow his movements. My father always did say to never go anywhere unarmed. "It must be stopped." The man speaks, eerily slow.

"Is he talking to you?" Mason asks Liam as he gets ready to fight the man.

"I hope not." He replies.

The man's eyes glow orange and fire engulfs his body, it doesn't hurt him though. My eyes widen, he's a hellhound, both of them are. I watch as the deputy's clothes burn, turning to ash, just like the clothes of the other man.

I feel myself being pushed, Liam moving Mason and I out of harms way.
Both hellhounds fight, both landing hits on the other. The three of us hide behind a wall, watching as the hellhounds throw each other through classrooms. They exit the classroom they were in and come back into the school hall, the unknown man stabs the deputy in the back with his claws and sends him straight into a brick wall, knocking the deputy out cold. 

"Run!" Liam shouts, Mason protests but Liam cuts him off. "No, He's a hellhound, run!"

I grab Mason's arm and run, I don't want Liam to get hurt but if we were to stay we could get killed, the man is literally on fire and we don't have the ability to heal like Liam does.
Mason struggles in my grip but I don't let him go until we round a corner. " Wait! I'm going, you don't have to go, you don't know him. But, I do, he's my best friend." Mason pants, he immediately runs off in the direction of Liam.

"Oh hell." I shake my head and start to run after him.

I round the corner only to see the hellhound throw Mason against the lockers, he doesn't get up.Then I see Liam struggling in the hellhounds grip.
I take the blade out of my pants and aim for the hellhounds head, I fluidly throw the blade and it soars through the air, the hellhound catches it, millimeters before his eye, he throws the blade on the ground and gives me a low growl. The distraction gave Liam enough time swing at the hellhound.
Liam shoved the man back into the lockers slashing his nails into his chest. The hellhound pushes Liam away slashing at his abdomen before Liam shoves him back again, cutting the hellhound with his sharp nails. The hellhound finally gives up and slides down the locker, his eyes dimming to their original color.

"Mason."I breathe, running toward the boy who was slowly waking up.

"I'm okay, I'm good." He speaks before he makes his way over to Liam who was sat on the floor across from him.
I walked over to the two and slid down beside Liam, letting out a deep breath.

I was never very interested in sports, but with the boys practicing lacrosse on the field, I decided I'd rather watch them play than sit on my sofa with nothing to do other than stare at the ceiling. I did that already, it's not that fun.

As I made my way to the bleachers I noticed Mason sitting with a blonde girl, I made my way over to the two.
"Can I sit here?" I motion to the space beside the blonde girl and she nods. "I'm Eliza." I say as I take a seat beside her.

"Lori." She replies with a slight smile.

"You like lacrosse?" Mason questions, glancing at me before turning his head back to the boys playing lacrosse.

"Not really, beats doing nothing though." I shrug in response. 

"Corey's been practicing all summer to play goalie, he's actually gotten really good." Mason gushed but at that exact moment a ball was thrown straight into the net, instead of catching the small ball, Corey jumped on the ground for a moment in defeat.

"The season doesn't start for at least a week." Lori reasoned.

"Thank god." Mason sighed in response.
All three of us once again let our focus fall on the boys practicing lacrosse. 
The taller boy breaks out in a sprint as Liam starts to step back toward Corey, they all ended up in a pile on the grass. Multiple cracks we're heard as nearly everyone watching heard.
"Um, was that Liam, Brett, or Corey?" Mason asked as he looked away. I held a grimace on my face as I looked from the three teenagers on the ground to Mason.

"I think that was all of them." Lori answered, causing Mason to groan.
Once all three of the boys were up Brett got ready to charge and Liam stood, breathing deeply.

Brett began to sprint again and once he approached Liam, he flipped Brett over and the teenager landed on his side, slightly winded.

Liam ran toward the goal and used his lacrosse stick to throw the ball into the goal, but, the ball flew straight through the net.

I rolled my eyes, this boy was going to get himself killed.
Brett and Liam seemed to be having a heated debate as I looked to Mason.

"Is this what normally happens at lacrosse practice?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much." Mason replies as he nods his head, his gaze still focused on the field.

"No wonder people are terrified of werewolves and the supernatural." I say as I stand behind Liam, he jumps slightly as he was too consumed in punching the locker to pay attention to who was in the room with him.
He looked at me with wide eyes to which I offered him a small smile.
"Really, what did that locker ever do to you?"

"Please Eliza, okay, don't tell anyone about this." Liam spoke quickly, his breathing out of control.

"Liam, it's okay, I understand that control isn't easy. Sometimes it gets hard." I speak softly as I walk closer, sitting on the bench beside him, Liam soon sits beside me.

"Everyone struggles with control, it's normal. But, don't do it alone. Having people you love beside you helps. Trust me." I smile at the boy beside me, he didn't know just how much I understood what he was going through.


Okay another chapter down I hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions on anything I would love to hear from you !

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