Chapter 4

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They're all still the same age as they were in the previous chapter, other than Elizabeth, but it will become apparent as you read on.


The next week I awoke really early in the morning. I smiled widely as I jumped out of bed. It was finally my fifteenth birthday, and tonight would be my first ball ever!! I was so excited. I drew back all the curtains and quickly tied my hair up, not even waiting for Esme to arrive, before rushing through the castle to the kitchens. I grabbed some fruit from the plates without getting caught and made it back into my room just in time for me to get ready for breakfast.

Esme came in and got me into a proper dress, before I skipped happily down to breakfast. I entered the Main Hall, and for the first time ever I was the first one there, other than father, obviously. "How did I know you were going to be the first one here. Happy birthday ELizabeth." Father said as I went over to the table, I smiled at him and thanked him.

I sat down in my seat and waited for the other two to arrive. When they did, they both wished me a happy birthday, and I received my first few presents.I smiled and thanked my family for their kindness, then we all departed and went our separate ways. I knew that Arthur had lessons to go to this morning, and father would be busy greeting more guests for the ball tonight, so I decided to grab a book from the library and go out into the garden to read a fantastical tale.

When I had finished reading I heard some hurried footsteps come my way. I looked up and saw that it was Morgana. "There you are, I've been looking for you forever, come on, you should get ready for the ball!" She exclaimed and I giggled, knowing that she was just being pedantic. "Can we get ready together?" I asked, as I was slightly scared, because I'd never done this before.

Morgana nodded and we both headed to my chambers. Once there I sat on a chair as Morgana's maidservant and Esme started working on us. First they did our makeup and hair, which took longer than it should have because we were talking the whole time. Then we were told to get into our dresses. Morgana went first and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Then it was my turn

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Then it was my turn. I was very nervous, as I actually hadn't seen the dress, because it had only been completed yesterday. I went behind the screen and let Esme put the dress on me and then tighten it where necessary. When she was finished, I felt so nice. The dress was so breathable, and it was comfortable too. "Come out, I want to see what you look like." Morgana complained from the other side of the screen, so I moved out from behind it and showed her the dress.

" Morgana complained from the other side of the screen, so I moved out from behind it and showed her the dress

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Morgana gasped and came over to me, with what looked like tears in her eyes. "Lizzie, you look incredible." She said, and I blushed at her comment, looking down at my feet. "Lady Morgana, we need to head down to the Hall, it's almost time for you and Arthur to enter." A servant said from outside my door. I looked at Morgana nervously, but she placed her hand over mine.

"You'll be fine." She said, kissing my head, before leaving the room. The plan was that everyone would be in there when it officially started, and then Morgana and Arthur would go in, then I would be escorted by father a little later. I twirled around in my dress, going over all the steps my dance teacher had had me practicing for weeks now. I was so nervous that I would mess something up, and embarrass myself in front of everyone.

But my worries were pushed aside when my door opened. I quickly checked myself in my mirror before I turned to the door, already knowing who was going to be there. "Elizabeth, you look so beautiful, my dear." Father said, coming over and taking my hand. I smiled up at him, before we started walking towards the Main Hall together.

Once we got outside, we stood there, waiting to be announced, and I could feel my hands shaking slightly, but father took my hand and smiled at me. I could hear the announcer on the other side of the door. "And here is his majesty, King Uther and his ward, the Lady Elizabeth." He said, and I heard the fanfare of horns, which signified our entrance.

Father and I walked hand in hand into the Hall, and I smiled widely as everyone clapped and bowed before us. Then my father led me to the table at the end of the hall. He sat down on his throne, in the middle, and I placed myself in the chair to his left, with Morgana on my left.

We then started the feast, and I spent most of the time looking around the Hall, trying to see who I remembered from any time before now. I smiled as in one corner I noticed King David and Prince Alexander. Alex caught my eye, and waved at me discreetly. I giggled under my breath and waved back, glad to see my friend there.

"Attention everyone!" Father said, standing up in his spot. "Today, we are all here to celebrate Lady Elizabeth's fifteenth birthday. I thank you all for coming tonight, and I hope you enjoy yourselves, let the festivities begin!" Father finished, and music immediately started playing. I smiled and watched as everyone got up, and the tables got moved out to the side, so there was more space in the middle for dancing.

However, no one was moving, and I knew why. I had to have the first dance, considering it was my ball, I was just waiting for someone to ask me. I got out of my seat, as did Morgana and Arthur, and I stood in front of the table. There was little movement in the room, and it was starting to get awkward. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Arthur begin to move, but was distracted by someone coming in front of me.

"My Lady, may I have this dance?" He asked. I looked up and smiled as I saw that familiar face of Alexander. "Of course." I said, taking his hand, letting him lead me onto the floor. I would've tried to talk with him as we danced, but I was too concentrated on getting the steps right. When the song finished we parted and I had a smile on my face, glad that I didn't fall over at all. He bowed to me, and I curtseyed.

The room applauded us, before another song started and more people flocked to the dance floor. I walked to the side, and Alexander followed. "It's good to see you again Elizabeth, and may I say happy birthday." Alexander said and I smiled at his kindness. "Thank you, sire. And it's good to see you too, Alex." I said, using the nickname I had given him on his last visit.

"You look beautiful by the way, although I'm sure you've heard that enough already tonight." He said, and I blushed at the compliment, shaking my head. "Thank you, you look handsome tonight." I replied, and it was true, he was wearing a blue tunic, which was the colour of his kingdom, and his brown hair was swept back, away from his face.

"Umm... Ex-excuse me, Prince Alexander, I was wondering if I could borrow Lizzie... urr, Elizabeth for a dance." A voice said from beside us, interrupting the conversation we were having about a book. I turned and smiled when I saw it was Arthur. He was standing there, rather awkwardly, with his hand on the back of his neck, meaning he was embarrassed, probably because father had told him that he needed to dance with me.

"Of course, Arthur, she's all yours." Alexander said, turning to me, before kissing my hand, and walking away, back to his father. I turned to Arthur and he held his hand out for me to take. I took it, and he led me to the dance floor, where we started swaying along to the music that was currently being played.

"You...urr, you look amazing, Lizzie." Arthur said, his face going red again. I giggled under my breath, but thanked him. "You look handsome, red is definitely your colour." I said, referring to the red tunic he had on tonight. Arthur and I danced for a large portion of the night, him always getting red, and stuttering whenever we got close to each other.

However, I did ensure that I had a dance with father, and also managed to persuade Morgana to dance with me, as she hadn't danced all evening and that was a tragedy. I ended the night by saying goodnight to everyone there, and they all started leaving the Hall. I let out a yawn, and decided that it was also time for me to go to bed as well. As I left the hall, I felt someone's eyes on me, and I turned to see Arthur staring at me. I blushed, but turned around and left the hall.

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