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It's dead still, the moon shining high, nine creatures and one man surround a coal-black table. Their eyes, or should I say, senses are fully awake despite the period of the Blue Night. A moldy egg yellow and green mist swirls in the middle, giving the only light in the dark and gloomy room. The man sits at the head of the table an ink-black metal crown rests on his head. His silky deep blood-red robe contrasting with the whitish glow of his papery skin. Obsidian-colored jewels blanket his neck, wrists, any place he can show off his wealth.

"Click-zicktic-crickl-ix-intzackt" a creature hunched over says, its foreign language almost extinct. 

The dark king grins at this flashing his rotten and moldy teeth.  "Your sure they're the one," he says, more demanding than asking. The creature nods, "Then do it" the king commands. 

Its green slimy claws shrink, its webbed fingers contort, splitting into five fingers, its left hand growing a few fingers, its disfigured bald head molds, changing, shaping into a simple normal-looking human one. Faint, weak coloring seeps into its purely black eyes, the thin, bony, and ragged wings on its back fall to the grimy floor with a loud thump. Its leathery skin quickly concealing the pail yellowish-grey veins, that lurch to the beat of its soul. For, it has no heart.

The dark king nods in approval "That's convincing enough". The creature grins showing off its razor-sharp teeth which are rapidly shrinking to form the flat teeth the humans have. 

The others roar, some gnash their teeth, scraping their claws on the metal table making sparks fly, all in approval. Impatiently waiting for the action to begin.

The creature, now human, nods and slips silently away into the darkness. Heading back to Westchester High School.

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