Chapter 28

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I'm just going to have fun in this chapter, ok X3 If I don't make sense, blame it on the drugs (jk jk XD I'm only a new XX year old (Cannot display age. Born in January tho). Happy birthday to me X a bunch of times *SOBS BECAUSE BARELY ANYONE REMEMBERED IT* Thank you friends XD I FEEL SO LOVED) The face Hungary's making at Gilbert when she accidentally you know is the picture.

Btw so since only like two (or like a couple I haven't checked in a while probably two though) people wanted the Diamonds chapter, I'm just not gonna write it. Although, I won't close the voting cuz it sucks hell when you could've made something happen but were too late to do it *cough cough MMD MODELS COUGH COUGH *INSANE SOBBING**

Btw sorry for such a shit ship chapter. I'm terrible at writing romance. I think. Idk I wanted to publish this since I've had this draft for weeks and I only needed an ending so yeah.


A couple weeks had passed by since the queens had been captured. Well, at least it had been in Elizaveta's perspective. Everyone's sense of time seemed distorted and messed up. It was probably some side effect of Gilbert and Peter's magic. Elizaveta had learned that Peter was another magic user in the mansion. He'd only visited once, though. Gilbert stayed the entire time though. He never went to get a drink or anything. That was another reason to believe that time was messed up. After the first day, or when everyone fell asleep after they'd learned that they'd been kidnapped, they'd all woken up in different cells. We had to be. Otherwise, Arthur's magic would've been stronger because apparently we all have magic in ourselves, but can't use it cuz just because we have magic doesn't mean we know how to use it. Like having all these apples, but not knowing how to make apple pie. Or having a pool of blood, but not knowing how to make a living being. That really sucks, you know? But I guess we can't all bend magic, can we? Salem witch trials, everyone. Haters hating on magic users. Solution? "Bloody murderers!" I say in Arthur's British accent! (She didn't say anything. This is just her thoughts) But yeah, Peter's a cute kid. Seems real friendly! Well, besides the obvious dislike of us. I heard him say something about us taking Gilbert away from him. Poor kid. Can't he make magical snowmen appear for him to play with? Maybe he hasn't matured enough? WAIT MAYBE HE'S MATURING NOW yesss perfect time for ******** and ****** AND DON'T FORGET ******. Omg when I get out of this cell I'm so going to ********* that cute little dog (.....huehuehUehue)! Sexual education~ My favorite subject. OH WHY COULDN'T I BE MALE. All this fanfiction. Oh~

Elizaveta's thoughts wandered around like this. "..." She felt a presence next to her and nearly jumped through the roof when she saw Gilbert sitting across from her. "AWEPVNJA WHAT THE BIBITY BOBITY BUCKETS ARE YOU DOING HERE?! LEMME OUT!!" Gilbert seemed just as surprised as she was, but because of her reaction. "Wha- I just came to do something cuz I was bored!" Elizaveta relaxed like, "Oh." Then she started pushing him out towards the bars. "Bye!" "Huh? Wait!" Gilbert suddenly went behind Elizaveta with his magic, and she fell into the bars. "Ow!" (A week later and I realize how high I seemed. The fuck was I thinking. I would start over but I don't feel like starting over XD *admin pulls out shipping material* TIME TO FLUFF THESE FUCKERS *looks at plot papers* *only sees "pruhun fluff" for this chapter* shit) (Shit this is like two and a half weeks later and fuck do I seem so drunk god should I even publish this like *admin is ashamed*)

 Gilbert stiffled a laugh when Elizaveta rubbed her head. "PFFFT KESESESE THAT WAS PRICELESS ELI-FKJVJ" A strong fist made contact with Gilbert's face before anything else could be said. Blood started dripping out of Gilberts nose. He was about to say something, then saw Elizaveta's expression and backed up. "We are never to discuss this again, Gilbert." (I honestly liked Free!'s first opening better) Gilbert nodded at the speed of light. Elizaveta grinned in satisfaction, then sat on the only bed/bench/hanging dissecting table in the cell and looked out, beyond the metal boundary of her cell. "I guess it's really boring sitting there." She turned to Gilbert.

"How much time has passed?"

"Uh, about 7 hours since all of you fell asleep." "

WHAT!?" Elizaveta started freaking out. "I THOUGHT IT'S BEEN WEEKS!!! I KNEW IT! TIME IS SCREWED UP HERE! Wait. DOES THIS MEAN-"

"No, its just that time is different here. Your under a spell that keeps you immune to it."

"Why can't you just take away this weird time thing?"

"No, that wouldn't work. That would require much too much energy. It's just a result of having two powerful, now three, wizards here. It's especially strong since Peter's powers aren't fully developed."

"Oh. How's Peter doing?"

"Good. He's maturing," Elizaveta's head filled with more thoughts once again. "And his training is great. He's controlling his magic better."

"That's great news!"

"Uh huh." There was a bit of a silence. Elizaveta stared at Gilbert.

"Your frowning again."


"You should smile more."


Elizaveta shoved her two pointer fingers into his mouth (she didn't care if they were dirty, lol nope) and stretched his face hole up. Gilbert made a sound like he was melting and sizzling like a vampire under a magnifying class under the sun. She kept him in that painful position for a bit before letting go. "FUCK OW." He rubbed his lips. Then he noticed Elizaveta looking at him. "...Well, how did my pain look?"

"It was so much worse than when you were frowning."

Gilbert smiled and laughed. It was a weird laugh, but it really suited him, just as that stupid grin did. It was almost like a scene from one of her mangas, where the guy laughs princyly with his hair flipped and sparkles. Oh? She furrowed her eyebrows. Did my heart just... skip a beat?

Suddenly, an ear shattering scream broke her train of thoughts. Gilbert and Elizaveta's heads snapped towards the source of the sound and her eyes widened. A cute Italian stood on the other side of the bars with a horrific expression. Gilbert's mouth moved, barely uttering a whisper more audible than a breath. "Him."

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