Chapter 27

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There's an edit in chapter 26 (it's on rochu) in paragraph 3 (counting the A/N) Sorry for not updating in two weeks. I've been deciding between whether to add this chapter in or not because its quite similar to the last chapter. I just decided to add it in because life needs to move on. I've also been working on an antichlorobenzene x paradichlorobenzene flute duet, since there are none, as usual. *British sigh* It'll be increasingly difficult to type as my idiot mother has decided to disconnect me from the outside world during schooldays, which is absolute hell. Imagine little China as in the picture but with blue. I'll make this brief.


Ivan and Roderich had been searching the entire first floor. They'd found nothing so far besides inanimate objects. The two stepped into a room full of books. Ivan searched near the bookshelves and square wall thing while Roderich observed the table. Roderich looked for clues in the papers. Maybe there would be a note on secret passageways. Who knows? It's possible. He spotted an onigiri on the table. "?" He picked up the food item. "It's not rotting~" Ivan suddenly noted, surprising Roderich a bit. Ivan had covered the distance from where he was searching and to Roderich's side in the blink of an eye. "Yes. That would seem so." He set the onigiri down and continued his search for clues on the opposite side of the table.

An awkward silence followed (don't dare say awkward silence because I find that quite annoying). "Hey, Roderich." "Yes, my lord?" Roderich replied, not looking up."You like Elizaveta, don't you?" Roderich froze and blushed a bit. He imagined the dark look that must've been on Ivan's face right then. When he didn't answer, Ivan said, "You're welcome to love her." Roderich's head snapped up and he saw, not a dark look, but a somewhat happy and nostalgic look on his face (nostalgia.... see this is why I feel like this is similar which makes this boring but oh well). Roderich's face became painted with confusion. "Huh? But she's your wife..." 'Being in love with a married women isn't right.' He thought. Ivan smiled. "I don't love her." Now a look of surprise covered Roderich's face. "Excuse me?"  "I don't love Elizaveta." Ivan repeated. "I only needed a queen. My parent's organized our marriage. I love another girl." Ivan's smile grew a bit as he closed his eyes, seemingly remembering a happy memory. "We met when we were kids.."


Ivan walked around a small village that was around the boundaries of Clubs. He enjoyed exploring the vast lands of his kingdom-to-be. They had such beautiful lands. He wondered around the fields and watched the farmers do their thing. He smiled, and one of the farmers saw him. He walked to another field, as if trying to run from him. Ivan frowned. Then he continued his stroll to a playground. There were kids climbling trees and playing on the wooden swings and see-saws and hollowed out logs filled with holes. "Hello!" He greeted them with a smile and walked over. The kids saw him and one started crying. Ivan stopped and watched the kid's parent run over, look at him, and carry the child away. He looked down as the other kids shied away and walked away. 

Ivan sighed as he walked down another road. He wondered why everyone always ran when they saw him. He wasn't doing anything wrong. At least, not that he was aware of. In the distance, he saw a flower field. He smiled when he saw kids playing in it. Maybe they would play with him too. He ran over excitely towards the kids and waved. The kids saw him as he opened his mouth to say something, and he couldn't even say "Hi" before they all screamed and ran away as if they were ants under a hovering foot. He arrived at the center of the flower field as it became deserted. He looked in the direction they ran. He plopped down where he was and watched the sunflowers dance to the breeze's soft music.

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