Chapter 21

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The couple's loud arguing and fighting were normal in this house hold. Even if the house was large and sturdy and pretty, there was no hiding from the truths being carelessly shouted throughout the house. A small child with thick eyebrows sat curled up in a ball with a stuffed teddy bear in a dark corner on his bed, quietly crying. 'So Allistor was right. I am a bastard child.' He thought to himself. He hugged his stuffed animal closer and slowly cried himself off to sleep. 


Half of a week passed by, and the boy's mother still hadn't come home. He was beginning to wonder if she'd abandoned them. He hoped not. His father despised him. His brothers didn't give a shit about him. Even if his mother barely paid him any attention, he still loved her. He looked up out of his window, wondering where she could be. 

Looking down at the ground outside, he saw two boys. That was a bit of a rare sight, as his house was barely at the edge of town, for the most part being in the woods. Any visitor would have to walk around a mile to get from the nearest public road to their house. One boy had white hair and seemed to be showing off physically (and failing) to the other boy, who had dark blonde hair and a curl in front of his face. 

Somehow, the blonde boy seemed to escape his mind so quickly that the thick eyebrowed was surprised that he actually noticed him. How did the white haired boy remember him? 'How strange.' He thought to himself. Suddenly, the slamming of a door caused him to jump."So you finally realized that you can't stand to live without me, huh? That's my bitch." The boy heard his father smirk. The boy sighed in relief that his mother had finally come home. Then he heard his mother laugh. It wasn't a good laugh.

"I'm not your bitch anymore, husband. I filed a divorce." "Why you-" "And I'm pregnant." "WHAT?!" "AHH!" He heard his mother scream his and his brother's names. "ARTHUR! ALLISTOR! DYLAN (Wales)! (*There is no canon name for Ireland so*) [Insert Ireland's name here]! HELP ME!" Arthur jumped off of his bed and ran down the stairs behind his brothers feeling fear starting to make a home in his heart. 

His father was on the floor strangling his mother. Blood rushed to his mother's face as she tried to retrieve air and claw at the hands that were cutting off her oxygen. "Father! Stop!" Allistor ran to his dad to try to pull him off if his mother. "She's our mother!" The other two boys ran to help their brother. "Don't kill her!" Arthur squeaked.

"WHO?!" The adult male screamed. The female, under the impression that if she told him, he'd release her, mouthed, "Your brother." That only made him even angrier. "MY BROTHER?! YOU FUCKED MY BROTHER?! YOU REALLY ARE A SEX TOY!" His large hands tightened around his wife's throat, and her body went limp with no further struggle.

Time seemed to slow down so much that it felt as if it had stopped working. Arthur stared at his mothers corpse, not hearing his brothers screams and forgetting about the immediate threat. He forgot about everything and started to walk towards his mother. No, she wasn't dead. She was just pretending. She was sleeping. Her eyes were open. Oh, look. She twitched.

His mother's husband smirked and rose a hand at Arthur. "Avada Kedavra!" He screamed. Arthur's mother's eyes flung open. Arthur knew she wasn't dead. He heard her croak a "Nooo!" before running in front of Arthur, in between him and her husband. What did that word mean again? Just as the white streak of light reached his mother, time sped up again. Oh, much too fast, and Arthur's eyes widened in realization of what was happening. "MOTHER!" He screamed in unison with his brothers. His father screamed in agony. Arthur suddenly felt a sharp pain on his stomach, but ignored it. He needed to save his mother. Too late! Ding dong dang dong! A dead body was found.

Thousands of thoughts ran across Arthur's mind as if trying to confuse him. Where did his 'father' go? His mother used her last bit of strength for him. Why would she use her small amount of remaining strength on her bastard child? Arthur suddenly gasped. "The baby!" He ran to his mother as his brothers sobbed. Arthur felt as if his powers had drastically grown right then. Was it because of the sorrow he felt? The anger? The worry? The fear?

Arthur gently opened his mothers stomach with his magic, trying not to throw up. The acids wouldn't be good for the baby. He softly removed any guts in the way and found the infant covered in blood, barely bigger than a mouse. "He won't make it." Allistor's voice broke through the silence. "Yes he will. I-I can-" "You can what? Perform medical care for it? Your powers have barely been mastered. Just because you now have some of out father's power doesn't mean you know how to use it, dumb ass."

"He's right, Arthur." Dylan agreed. "You-" "Shut up." "Now look here, bastard child. We don't-" Allistor growled, interrupted by, "Shut up." [Insert Ireland's name here] spoke this time. "Hey-" "Shut UP!" A large wave of magic shot out of Arthur. Allistor hurriedly levitated a couch in front of him and his brothers, barely shielding them from Arthur's magic. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed.

Arthur looked down at his own hands. Did he really just do that? How the bloody hell did he do it? Arthur looked outside. "MATTHEW! MATTHEW, WHERE DID YOU GO!? MATTHEW!!" A panicked voice called out. Arthur looked at the baby. If only it wouldn't start to die so fast, he could help it and maybe nurse it and raise it. "... Time..." An idea flew into Arthur's head. His brothers watched as he performed an age slowing spell on the child. When the spell was done being chanted, Arthur smiled and said loud enough so his brothers could hear, "Since mother is no longer here, ill be naming him..." He thought for a bit. "Peter."

Then he stood up. "I'm leaving." "Huh? And where are you gonna go?" Allistor asked. Arthur thought for a moment. "Mother nature will welcome me." The brothers stifled laughs. "Ok. Bye bye. Let mother nature be your guide." Allistor mocked. Arthur walked outside. He looked at the bushes and walked over to it. Arthur smiled at the sight of his green hood for his pretend adventures. His hand started towards it, then he hesitated, feeling a presence. He decided to shrug it off, assuming that it was his brothers watching him. He picked up his hooded green cape along with his wooden bow and arrows and started walking into the woods.

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