Chapter 26

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Sorry everyone! This week was my first week of midterms, so mom confiscated my phone so I would study. (She was actually just looking for an excuse to limit my paths of communication even farther than she already has. I barely studied and still got a high B+ on my algebra exam. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GUYS SHOULDN'T STUDY OK HETA IS A BAD BAD MODEL DO NOT LOOK UP TO HER XD) That is why I haven't updated in a century. *abruptly shuts up* (Oh and the song for this was kinda randomly chosen cuz I wasn't in the mood to listen to another round of hundred classics and piano music cuz this song had to be from Japan. I was deciding between Angel Beats and School Days, cuz I've never watched School Days. I still don't understand why Angel Beats was so sad tho. (LOL YEAH I DON'T REALLY HAVE A HEART OR A SOUL SOO) #solangelo) ADMIN I THOUGHT YOU WOULD SHUT UP. I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'LL GO STAPLE MY MOUTH SHUT AGAIN


 Alfred stepped into the large house first. "This is so cool! It reminds me of this one horror play I saw. Man, that was scary! There was this weird reincarnated guy with all these stitches and these screws on the sides of his head and his skin was like pale and green and-" "Alfred." Francis hissed. "Stop that. We're here to find our queens, not listen to your entire life story, imbécile." Alfred scoffed. "Oh please. 'Our queens'. The only queen you want to find is Arthur." Francis's eyebrows lowered. "No, I want to find all four queens for your information. I love my queen, Lily." "Wow. Nice story bro. Tell it again!" Alfred said with mock excitement. "Why you fu-" "Aiya! Quit it you two! All of your constant babbling is making my head hurt, aru." Yao snapped. The two silenced themselves, but continued to glare daggers at each other in a silent war.

The group looked around, searching for a starting point to search at. "Why don't we spread out?" Roderich suggested. "Good idea. We should stick in groups, though. In case something happens." Vash agreed. Everyone nodded their heads. Alfred and Francis were more than happy with the idea. Yao looked around and caught Ivan staring at him. Ivan smiled, and Yao couldn't help but feel like he knew him from somewhere. The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity as Yao tried to figure out what was so familiar with Ivan. Yao was the first to blush faintly from the eye contact and look away. He still felt the king of Clubs eyes on him. The jacks paired up with their masters. Roderich and Ivan stayed on the first floor, Vash and Francis went searching around the fourth floor, and Alfred and Yao looked around the third floor. Alfred and Yao looked around in the library first.

"Books... Books.... More books.. Oh look!" Alfred held up an object and looked at Yao. "What is it, aru?" Yao asked. "Another book!" Yao made the 'if-you-weren't-my-superior-you-would-be-dead-a-thousand-times-over/seriously-aru? face, rolled his eyes, and continued searching. "Hm.." Yao noticed a gap in between a couple of books about an inch wide. "Looks like someone took out a book, aru. And by the looks of it..." He wiped his finger on the bottom of the gap and held up a dust covered finger. "They never returned it." Alfred walked over. "Wow! That's so cool how you can tell all of that by just wiping some dust off!" "Thank you, your highness, aru." Yao nodded, when in reality he was thinking, "Anyone could tell.." The two finished searching in the library and walked around to find another large room.

"So empty and bright! What's up with this floor and pale colors?" Alfred exclaimed. "What a nice piano..." Yao breathed. Then he started walking towards the grand white instrument, as if drawn to it like a moth to light. "Uh, yeah." Alfred didn't have much of a taste for the musical, fancy types of stuff. So he searched around in the bookshelves, since there wasn't much to search in. Yao traced his fingers around the black keys on the keyboard of the piano. "Beautiful, aru..." He suddenly vaguely remembered a song, and started to play. "Hey, Yao, we should make any n..." Alfred's words trailed off and faded as he heard Yao play his song. He felt his stance sway a bit as he heard the beautiful, nostalgic, and lonely melody drift through the air. Powerful emotions flooded the piece. Alfred felt a sense of disappointment when the last note was hit.

"Wow, Yao.. I didn't know you could play like that. That's so great!" Alfred wondered why a person with such talent would choose to slave away as his jack. Yao didn't reply for a moment. His head seemed to be in the clouds. "Yao?" "Eh? Oh. Xei xei, your highness." He smiled at the praise. "I remember a..." Yao's voice faltered for a brief moment, as if remembering something as he missed deeply, before finding the right word to continue his sentence on. " ...Family member teaching it to me." Alfred nodded, oblivious to the other's emotions. "Well, that was a really nice song! You should play it again some time at home!" Stars shined in Alfred's eyes. "Maybe, aru. We should get back to the others." "M!" Alfred nodded with a grin. The air was suddenly sliced in half with a deafening scream, causing them to jump. Yao and Alfred whipped out their swords and stood back to back, ready to attack. When nothing happened, it dawned on the two who had screamed. They recognized his scream and cries from just before they entered the mansion. Yao and Alfred looked at each other with mutual understanding and ran down the stairs as a voice abnormally full of fear and worry and confusion yelled.


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