Chapter 22

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There is an edit in the last chapter towards the end where England was trying to save the baby. It's pretty important I guess. *Has a strong erge or however you spell it to make Italy call Ludwig Doitsu cuz its so cute* *has been sitting here for 28 minutes thinking of gerita fluff and failing* Pasta? Pasta *Is still sitting here trying to think of gerita fluff one week later* Warning: Admin is not great at Germany. *Is crying cuz to get Homestuck papercrafts that I like cost money and doesn't have the skills to make the templates even though I've made tons* Admin needs to learn how to shut u- vEeEeE' *hISSSssS*


"Ludwig! Ludwig!" A jolly Italian bounced up and down the halls, searching for his master. "Ludwig! Ve~" A blonde German walked into the Italian's vision sighing. "Vhat is it now(v?), Feliciano?" The Italian named Feliziano skipped towards the German. "It's boring here~ Let's go to the kitchen and make pasta!" Feliciano said. "But we just ate lunch." Ludwig reminded him. "Then we can give the pasta to the poor in town!" Feliciano suggested. Ludwig sighed. "Alright."

'Does he alvays thinking about pasta?' Ludwig wondered as he followed his bouncy and bubbly jack to the kitchen. He shrugged it off as Feliciano slipped his homemade pink "Make Pasta Not War" apron that was covered in pasta sauce and other food stains that were still a bit visable though faded even after being washed. "Mr. Ludwig~ You need to wear an apron too! Otherwise, you'll get covered in pasta sauce~" (I wanted to say "you'll get messy" ohOnhonhon. But this sounds more like Italy~ hOnK :0D) "Oh. Yeah." Ludwig took one of the chef's aprons, as he didn't frequently come to the kitchen unlike Feliciano, and put it on.

"Ve~" Feliciano breathed. Ludwig wondered why he always said that as he looked for dry pasta in the cupboards and drawers. "Hey Feliciano, vhere's the pasta?" "Eh?" Feliciano looked at him, about to cut some tomatoes, and tilted his head a bit in confusion. "It should be right where you are." "Is that so.." Ludwig muttered and continued searching where he was. There were tomatoes, flour, potatoes (mmm), tea leaves, bread, and lasagna noodlish top thingies (I'm sorry I'm not thinking XD), but no pasta.

"They're not here, Feliciano." Ludwig said. "What?!" Feliciano ran over to where the pasta was supposed to be. "THE PASTA'S GONE! NOO." "SHH SH SH CALM DOWN FELICIANO VE'LL FIND IT OK VE JUST NEED TO SEARCH." Feliciano calmed down after a bit and Ludwig told him to look over near the entrance to the kitchen while he looked in the other half near the windows. "Yes sir!" Feliciano saluted with his happy face back on and started to search up in the cupboards near the door. Ludwig also started his search and looked through the cooler. 

About ten minutes later, Ludwig spotted a box that said "PASTA" in the storage room where there were even more potatoes stored up. 'How'd it get here?' He grabbed the box and yelled,"Feliciano! I've found the pasta!" He looked up at Feliciano who released a happy gasp from across the room. "Really? Tha- wa!" Ludwig saw the tall wooden ladder that Feliciano was standing on start to move forward. "Feliciano!" Ludwig yelled as he dashed towards him. Feliciano's small body was engulfed into Ludwig's big build as Ludwig's arms wrapped around him and the ladder hit the ground. 

The two both stared at the stool for a couple moments. "It's legs are uneven..." Ludwig noticed, staring at the tall object. "O-oh.. I didn't notice." Ludwig sighed. "You really scared me. That was dangerous. You could've gotten injured badly." "I-I'm sorry..." Feliciano looked down. "..Don't be. It's vasn't your fault. You didn't knov that that ladder  was damaged." Feliciano looked up at him, looking like he was gonna say something, then suddenly froze, eyes widening in fear, which momentarily frightened Ludwig. It wasn't Feliciano's usual crying- scared face.

"F-Fel-" "N-no.. This, this... Can't.. I..." Feliciano dropped to the floor and his hands became tangled in his hair as sudden tears fell into his lap. "Felici-" "It's back. It's coming for me. How did I mess up-" Feliciano started hypervenelating, and Ludwig took a hold of his shoulders. "FELI! WH-" "NOOO! DON'T KILL ME! DID HE DIE AGAIN?! WH-WHERE'S THE CL-" "FELICIANO!" Ludwig yelled as Feliciano collapsed into his arms with his eyes still wide open in fear.


A small Japanese man in a dark pink kimono stood on the balcony, watching the pink cherry blossom trees shed their petals and litter the yard with small pink dots. The man smiled. 'The birds are coming back, now that cold winter season's over.' "Mr. Kiku, do you desire anything as of now?" A voice behind him asked. "Ah, no thank you. Arigato." He spoke with some of his language at times, not fully grasping the English/ [insert any language here] language. The maid left, and he suddenly felt nostalgic. He reached inside his kimono and pulled out a small panda charm. Kiku silently stared at the charm. "Onii-san..." He whispered, clutching his treasure to his heart. 'Where are you? What are you doing now?' He felt gloom at knowing that there was a very small chance that he'd ever see his family again. 

Kiku looked out into the sky, and suddenly felt an enormous pressure on him. "!!" It wasn't only pressure that made the small male drop to his knees. There was a dark aura that made his sadness several times worse. It was as if he could sense someone else's depression. He barely had time to register the human figure in front of him on the balcony before he blacked out on the cold floor of the balcony.


Arthur and Alfred walked down the hall, holding hands. "...Wow... I had no idea you had such a terrible childhood." Alfred said. Arthur sighed. "It's alright, love. I don't need your pity, though." He said, anticipating what Alfred was gonna say as soon as he opened his mouth again before shutting it. Niether really knew what to say. "Well... you know, that boy in your story that you barely remember reminds me of someone I think I knew long ago. I don't think he's important though." "Oh? Is that so? Perhaps he's an old friend that moved away." Arthur suggested. "Ha, maybe. I have this feeling though..." "Instincts are guides, Alfred. You should follow them carefully." "I do!" "No, you git. You follow your stomach."

Alfred started to say a comeback when Arthur gasped. "What?" Alfred asked. "Th-this aura...." "The heck? What aura? I don't fe-" Arthur blinked, then widened his eyes in realization. "It's as powerful as mine! B-bu-" Arthur suddenly froze. "There's another. I-" Arthur abruptly fell backwards but Alfred swiftly caught him before Arthur hit the ground. "Arthur?! Arthur?!? Dude, answer me! Arthur!!!" Arthur's body became blurry before he vanished.


"That's so horrible! Why would a person do such a thing?!" Elizaveta exclaimed. "I haven't the slightest clue, but I don't really want to find out." Roderich said. A spark lit inside Elizaveta's eyes. "We should go on a journey to find out what happened! It'll be so fun!" "Absolutely not, my queen. Your duty is to the crown and kingdom." Elizaveta stuck out her bottom lip in a pout and crossed her legs on the bench they were sitting in. "Ughh. Its so boring being trapped in this castle. Eh? I..." Elizaveta's hand shot up to her head as if to check for a fever as her eyes started to close. "Roderich... I feel..." She flopped onto Roderich's lap. "My lady? Your highness??" Roderich started panicking as Elizaveta's eyes closed and she disappeared.



I accidentally put Liechtenstien's sudden event thing that's happening in each kingdom in her and Switerland's chapter. Oh well~ *story starts to get intense* kEsEsEsEsEsE

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