Chapter 4

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Francis sat in his carriage. The pale yellow leaves slowly turned blue, signaling that they were crossing the border between Diamonds and Spades. He normally didnt come to this place, so he decided to have a short look around. "Excuse me, driver?" he called out to the front. "Yes my lord?" He replied. "Can you stop the carraige? I'd like to have a short stroll. I'll be back soon though." The driver nodded and the carriage slowly came to a stop.

He changed from his king's outfit into the average villager's cloths and stepped out. "Thank you." He smiled to the driver and the driver smiled back as he started walking into the slightly blue trees. It had an aroma of something Francis didn't recognize, but it smelled good. He walked into a blue flower field. His face lit up and he smiled. "Wow! These flowers are so beautiful! Someone must've planted them or something. Or mother nature could be working miracles again." 

He strolled across the field, careful not to step onto any of the flowers. When he'd reached the other side, he was met by tall trimmed bushes. "Ohonhon. What do we have here?" He felt adventurous  and even though it was basically trespassing, he decided to go through the bushes.

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Arthur sat in the backyard on a chair and a small table drinking tea with biscuits. He sipped his tea and sighed. "Alfred's always away. It's like we're not even married! I barely see him. It's terrible." He shook his head. "He has to work! He's the king! He just doesn't have time to be with you! Be happy with what time he gives you and treasure it. Quit being so selfish Arthur! Alfred is wonderful and hard working and you should be happy!"

"Ohonhonhon, you sound like your lonely." A voice whispered behind him. "GAH!" He jumped up and looked behind him. A blonde man's face was in the bushes. "What the? INTRUDER!" He hit the guy on the head. "Ow! Shhh!" the stranger grabbed him into the bushes with him and covered his mouth as Yao came. After a couple seconds he said "I could've sworn...Oh well, aru." and left. Francis whispered "Merde your loud!" Arthur grabbed the intruder's hand that were suffocating him.

"Oh, whoops!" He let go of Arthurs mouth. Arthur breathed in heavily. "WHO THE-" the stranger shoved his hand on his mouth again. "Mon dieu! Do you want me to get taken to the dungeons?!" He whisper yelled. Arthur nodded a yes. "What?! That's so mean!" He fake pouted and took his hands off of Arthur's mouth. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?! A thief??" Arthur whispered.

"What? No! Im F..." He couldn't reveal that he was the king of Diamonds. It would cause problems. "Flynn Ferris! A cloths maker of Spades!" He smiled. "I was just strolling across this beautiful flower field and stumbled to these bushes and heard you talking. I thought you could you some company. I'm also a love expert." He winked.

Arthur seemed to accept his lie and said, "Oh, sorry. I'm Arthur Jones, Queen of Spades." he held out a hand to shake, which Francis took happily. 'A perfect fit...' Francis thought and smiled. "Hey, do you think you could get off of me?" Arthur asked. "Huh?" Francis hadn't realized he was on top of Arthur. He quickly scrambled off. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" He apologized.

Arthur chuckled and sat up. "It's alright. Do you want to join me for tea time?" He pointed over to the table he was sitting at before. "Oh yes! That would be nice! Thank you!" Francis followed Arthur through the bushes and pulled out a chair for him. "Ladies first." He said seductively and chuckled. "What?! Shut up!" Arthur blushed and sat in the other chair. Francis smiled and sat down. They talked for quite some time before Francis remembered he had a carriage waiting for him. "Oh dear me. I'm keeping my friends waiting!" He stuffed the biscuit he was eating into his mouth and stood up. "Oh wait! Are you going to come back?" Arthur asked. Francis looked at him before smiling warmly. "Yes, of course!" "O-ok. I'll be waiting then. Bye Flynn!" He waved and Francis waved back. "Au revior Arthur!" And he left into the bushes.

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"What took you so long, my lord?" His driver asked as Francis changed into his proper king's cloths in the moving carriage. He smiled. "Oh, I met a wonderful person." "Really? What was he like." "Short temper, cute, and just perfect." "Sounds like you really like him, my lord." "Yes, I do."



Even though usuk is my OTP (USUK 4EVER YEAH!) I decided to make frukus, since my friend likes fruk and doesn't ship usuk but respects it :D. But just because I ship usuk doesn't mean America'll get England. France could get him. But America could also get him too. Fufufufufu. 

Happy reading!


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