Chapter 25

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"It's really here." Alfred mused. "I thought it would take longer to find." Germany commented. "It has such a desolate feel... Just like last time." Francis remembered. "It seems abandoned, aru." Yao murmured. "That makes it scarier!" Ivan smiled. "Please don't add unnecessary terror to the situation." Roderich requested. "Let's just get in and do what we're supposed to do. I doubt Lily's survive long in this terror." Vash said. "Oh~ How caring of you, Vash." Francis chuckled. "Shut up, frog." Alfred glanced at Feliciano.

"Hey, dude, are you ok? You look really pale and jumpy." "N-n-n-n-" Feliciano stuttered, shaking in Ludwig's arms. "I don't think bringing Feliciano would be a good idea. He'd only slow us down, aru." Yao said. "But ve can't leave him here. He'd faint as soon as ve valked in." Ludwig argued. "You could stay with him here." Ivan suggested. "But-" "Don't worry, mon cherie. There's plenty of us. We'll get your queen back. Rest assured!" Francis winked. Alfred, Francis, Ivan, Roderich, Vash, and Yao nodded. Ludwig reluctantly agreed. "Ok, but if I hear a scream, I'm coming in. Or if anyone comes to get me." "Fair enough. Keep your jack from having a panic attack, ok? I feel like he needs some affection, ohonhon." Ludwig nodded as he watched the rest step into the dark, old mansion. 

There was silence for a while. Feliciano seemed to relax only a very miniscule amount that he wasn't going to be forced to go into the mansion. 'I should says something to calm him down.' Ludwig thought. "Vhy are you so scared of this place, Feliciano?" Feliciano jumped a bit. Then there was more silence worth years. Ludwig was about to say nevermind and ask something else when Feliciano finally spoke. 

"I.. I knew this boy. We were really close friends.. I... He was really cute... with blonde hair.. We played fun games and had a great time together..." Tears fell out of his eyes and splashed on his lap. "He looked a lot like you... One day, I overheard some kids talking about an abandoned mansion..." (If you don't know this reference, then you should find out about it. Otherwise, you won't have many feels. (Ask people in the fandom about a haunted mansion with an oni as the antagonist. There's a good chance they'll know.) For HRE's human name, I've chosen Gabriel.)


"Feli! I've found it! Over here!" "Oh! Really?! That's so great!" Two small toddlers stood in front of a huge abandoned mansion. "You're one hundred percent sure this is the place, Feli?" The blonde blue- eyed boy asked. "Yes! I heard those kids say 'There's an abandoned mansion just north of here. They it's haunted!'" The brown haired child with closed eyes and a peculiar curl attatched to his hair named Feli answered. "Ok then! Let's go!" The blonde boy smiled at Feli. "Yes, Gabriel!" Feli grinned back. The two children stepped into the house together. 

Crash! "What was that?!"  Feli jumped. Gabriel looked towards the direction of the sound. "Stay here, Feli. I'll go look." Feli nodded and waited for Gabriel to hurry back. 


Gabriel walked down an empty hall, all senses on alert, ready to be set off. To his left, he saw a door. "Maybe it came from here...." He walked to the door and jiggled the doorknob. "..Locked." He sighed and continued down the hall. 'Oh, it looks like there's an open room.' Gabriel walked into a room that seemed like a kitchen. "This place is surprisingly clean for an abandoned mansion." He spotted a shiny object on the floor and walked over to it before picking it up. "A broken plate? How strange." 

Gabriel decided to carry the plate with him and quickly walked back to Feli. "?!"  Feli was nowhere to be seen near the entrance! "Feli? Feli?!" He started to run around the house in search of his friend. 'I told her to stay near the entrance!' He made a turn in the hall that was to the left of the entrance and when he made another turn, he froze. "!!!"

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