Chapter 31

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Since I can't decide which thingy should be the one thingy for chapter 30, I'm just going to choose the first one. It would only make a pretty minor difference anyway.


Alfred held the lifeless corpse in his arms. It seemed like time had stopped. Nothing moved. Everything was so quiet that it was as if someone had pushed the mute button on the machine that said Alfred's Life

He's gone. Thoughts ran through his head and messed it up. He's gone. Dead. He's never coming back. He's dead. I couldn't save him. He's passed. History. He's an object of the past. He never even got to rule in his rightful place as king. We could've lived so happily. It could've been such a fairy tale (A/N dammit admin keeps spelling fairy tale as fairy tail FAQ).

Alfred stared at the body he held. His life was taken just as his curse ended. He felt so sad, so empty, as if some part of him had just been ripped away. Tears welled up in his eyes. "H... he's dead...." He choked out. "My brother.... He's..." Alfred placed Matthew on the ground tenderly, as if he was made out of glass so thin that if you even blew on it, it would shatter. Alfred stood up. A moment passed.


"My brother's gone." Alfred slowly turned around, turning towards Gilbert, who stared at him with wide, glazed eyes. His grip on his bat strengthened. "He's gone, and its all. Your. FAULT!!!" Alfred ran towards Gilbert, who didn't move. Alfred screamed. "BRING HIM BACK! YOU BASTARD, YOU KILLED HIM! YOU-"

"Alfred!" Arthur ran towards Alfred, trying to hold him back.

"SHUT UP ARTHUR!" Alfred's arm whipped behind him, knocking Arthur onto the ground.

"Mon Amour!" Francis helped Arthur back up onto his feet

Alfred, in a fit of absolute rage was beating Gilbert. He showed no mercy while the other showed no sign of resistance. Blood painted the Albino's body. Just as Alfred lifted his bat to deliver another bone crushing blow, Elizaveta intervened. "ALFRED STOP!" She screamed. Her pose showed that she was ready to take the hit if Alfred didn't listen. Alfred froze.


"NO! You've already hurt him enough! He didn't even do that much! All he did was break a few carriages and keep us in cages. How could he have known Matthew would be here after he disappeared years ago?! Even Arthur couldn't sense him!"

Alfred growled. "I'll give you a full sixty seconds to move the fuck out of the way or I'm swinging this bat on your head too."

"No, you won't, Alfred."

Alfred's head whipped behind him where Ivan stared down on him.

"Get your damn hand off of my damn bat."

"What if I said no?"

"Do you think I need a bat to fight?"

"Alfred..." Ludwig spoke. "Enough is enough."

Alfred gave everyone a death glare. "How can you all be so fucking CASUAL about Mattie's death?! My brother just DIED because of this BASTARD, and you're all saying that taking HIS life as well is WRONG?!"

"Two wrongs don't make a right, aru." Yao said. Everyone was quiet until Alfred dropped his bat. The sound of wood against wood was heard.

Everyone in the room relaxed a bit, relieved. Elizaveta kneeled down and hugged Gilbert, unconcerned about her clothing getting dirty. "It's all right now, Gilbert. He stopped. We're going to take you to my place, and we'll help you there. It's going to be ok." She assured him. Gilbert breathed slowly, unmoving.

"I'm sorry." He croaked.

"Unforgiven." Alfred replied quietly.



Wow. Is it just me or does this seem like a short chapter?

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