Chapter 29

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This chapter is not right after the last chapter, as in the events of this section did not immediately take action after the last entry. Added a paragraph in chapter 28 at the very end on Italy. Btw I've forgotten what weapons I gave everyone when they went into the mansion and since I don't feel like going back and rereading all that stuff I'm just gonna make up weapons so

Germany: grenades

Italy: none

America: bat

China: sword

Francis: dagger

Vash: sword

Russia: pipe

Roderich: bow (just for irony) and arrow


Alfred's footsteps pounded loudly down the stairs, but not as loud as his heart beats. Thousands of questions screamed and shook in his head. Did something happen to Feliciano? Was Ludwig there? Was Iggy ok? Did the others hear the scream? Had the queen been found? Were they ok? What was happening? China followed closely behind, trying not to overrun him. They sped through the flights of stairs and finally made it into the last and final level of the mansion where everyone else was.

Alfred saw Feliciano, who was visibly scared out of his mind. "Feliciano?! Why are you-" "Calm down, Feliciano! What's wrong?" Ludwig was holding Feliciano firmly by his shoulders, preventing him from running away. Feliciano struggled madly. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO! RUN! IT'S GOING TO KILL US! THE CYCLE WILL START OVER AGAIN!" Feliciano screamed. "What? What is?!" Francis yelled back, looking around. All of the jacks, excluding Feliciano, were in fighting position as the kings were trying to free their queens. Alfred also looked around. He spotted a familiar blue clothed figure behind bars and his face brightened up.

"Arthur!" He ran to the cell where his queen was. "Alfred!" Arthur happily cried. "How do you get out?" Alfred looked around the room for keys or a lock. "You can't. There's a magical ba-" "Found it!" Alfred smashed a lock located next to the cell and the cell door flung open. "Ho- SFDALJ," Arthur started, but was inturrupted by Alfred tackling his lover in a tight chest breaking hug. "I missed you so much, Iggy!"  Alfred planted a kiss on Arthur's lips. "Arthur!" Francis ran towards Arthur and pushed Alfred away before pulling Arthur into a soft, gentle embrace and laced his fingers through his hair. "I'm so glad your alright." He leaned in for a kiss on the lips. "AGH NO YOU BLOODY PERVERT!" Arthur blushed and shoved the king of Diamonds off.

Just then, the screeching sound of metal bending and twisting made everyone in the room stop to cover their ears. A man in black was standing in thin air. A dark aura surrounded him and his skin was glowing gray. His white hair and red eyes seemed to be neon lights on his dark skin. "wHy DiD yOu CoMe NoW, oF aLl TiMeS..." Fear heavily mixed in with the air. 'He seems genuinely pissed...' Alfred thought. He glanced at Feliciano. The little Italian was trembling, paralized by fear. 'Aw shit.' 

His arm suddenly moved to his bat. "?!" Alfred couldn't decide if his body felt like it was on fire or was being frozen. His eyes rolled up.

Alfred blacked out.

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