Part Four

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Every fox kept their eyes silver at all times. Reminding everyone who entered that this was a place only a fox could survive.

Denis Foxwothy refused to allow any other creatures in his presence. Even for slaves, he wanted only the 'best'.

That would explain why he was so keen on owning my brother. From what I had heard, the kid was good. I hadn't stayed in touch after my banishment, but I had always listened to the rumours that surrounded my family. Especially Reykjavik.

It would also explain why Denis Foxworthy would be so excited to use my brother the first chance he had. If he had my brother's skills doing his dirty work, Foxworthy wouldn't have to worry about being a bank account for the Fox Council. He could become the Fox Council.

And so I continued to feed the guests drink after drink. Feeling their hands rave about my body. While all I wanted to do was bash their heads into the wall and steal everything they had ever touched. But I didn't. I stayed in control and waited for my brother to come home.

It wasn't long until a light chime sounded throughout the house, signalling dinner was being served.

I stood to the side of the room along with the other waitresses in black dresses. Hired guards watched from every exit, keeping their eyes peeled for any threats that might have snuck in this far.

Their eyes didn't even bother glancing at me.

It didn't take long for each fox to make their way to the dining room and take a seat at the table. Every chair was taken except for the head.

When everyone was seated, the king of the table arrived. He was grinning widely, walking with swagger and pride as he looked over his disciples.

But I didn't pay any attention to Denis Foxworthy. My sight was set on my little brother that followed behind him. He had his head lowered but his shoulders were back, loose, ready for something.

It had been six years since the last time I saw Rey up close. Back then, he was far better without me. Now with a black collar wrapped around his neck, things had changed. And it was time for my brother to come home. Or with me anyway.

Rey had a calmer heart than the rest of my family, a better heart. And seeing him now, I knew that had not changed. My father wouldn't have sold him if he hadn't.

My family saw that heart as a weakness but something about it made me love him more.

Foxworthy was starting some type of speech as he stood at the front of the room, but I wasn't paying attention.

Rey's eyes scanned the area. Looking at all the foxes that watched Mr. Foxworthy. Only one creature didn't pay attention to the words coming out of Mr. Foxworthy's mouth. As if sensing, Rey's silver eyes met mine.

I couldn't help but smirk.

His eyes widened, only a fraction before he was neutral once again. Anyone who didn't know him would have thought nothing different, but I saw the tips of his lips quirking into a smirk.

And I knew what my brother was waiting for. Me.

And now that I found my brother, I was ready. So I made my move.

"This past year has been thrilling, but I promise you," Foxworthy glanced at Rey, the thought of what he could get him to do at his fingertips. "our next will be even better." He smiled with greed in his eyes.

They all raised their glasses and cheered.

"Well, I wouldn't say that." I drawled loudly, bringing the attention of everyone in the room. "I mean, I wouldn't want to speak too soon in fear of looking like a fool."

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