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I'm sorry I haven't updated within the two or three day span I said I was going to... been busy and shtuff... well here ya go~!


The next night, Kagome met Yura again. "I led you toward him for a reason," Yura said with a sigh. "Why didn't you go to him?"

Kagome didn't answer right away. "Because I didn't see your reasoning."

Yura sighed again. "I guess some things can't be helped."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

"How should I explain this without you thinking I lost my mind?" Yura thought out loud. She was quiet for a moment.

Am I losing mine? Kagome thought. I'm talking to a dead demon in my dreams, she's helping me try to get rid of the Twin Soul after the fact she tried to kill me and Inuyasha however long ago that was, and I've been told that I've gone through two thousand dream loops. If I told anyone, they'd think I was crazy.

Yura turned to face Kagome. "The reason I sent you to him was because," she paused. "The only other way to stop your dream loops is to... quote unquote, 'mate' him."

Kagome looked at her with a blank stare. "You're joking, right?" she asked.

Yura didn't say or do anything. Kagome took a step back when it registered in her head. "He's a demon," she said. "He doesn't care for humans, let alone would mate one!" And I'm human so I wouldn't be able to carry demons anyway, she added in thought.

"It's either that or you get the Twin Soul straight from Waru," Yura said.

"You're a demon," Kagome said after a minute of thinking. "Can't you skip time? At least, until after the... mating thing?" She nearly whispered the last words. She felt awkward about saying things like that.

"If I could, I would have skipped you through a lot of incidents by now," Yura said. "You wouldn't have noticed at all, though."

"Is there some demon that can?"

Yura tapped her chin. "I don't know if he would do it," she said. "You would have to talk to Menomaru."

Kagome's shoulders dropped. She didn't want to talk to anymore past demons that they had defeated. Yura was enough for her. But in this case, she would if she had to. "You can't? I mean, you're both dead so you can talk to each other, right?"

Yura shook her head. "Once we've been assigned to a living human or demon, we can only talk to them through dreams. The living ones, though, can communicate whenever. If you find the one who Menomaru visits, you can talk to them."

"How do you expect me to find them? I can't just ask 'do you see a demon in your dreams?' They'd think I went crazy."

"I can give a hint," Yura said. "He visits someone close to you." Her voice began fading.

Kagome soon enough found herself staring upward from where she had slept. She heard someone murmuring something nearby. She was still confused and lost about what Yura told her. She sat up and looked toward whoever was murmuring in their sleep. It was Sango.

Does she meet a demon in her dreams too? Kagome thought. As if that were a cue, Sango opened her eyes and she was staring at the doorway. She sat up slowly and looked at Kagome. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Sango asked.

Kagome shook her head. She hesitated before asking what she wanted to. "Do you... see a demon in your dreams?"

A look of surprise appeared on Sango's face. "Y-yeah," she said. "You too?"

Kagome nodded. "I see Yura," she said before realizing Sango may not know who Yura was. "She was the second demon I came across with Inuyasha. Who do you see?"

Sango looked down before replying. She said the name so quietly Kagome almost didn't hear it. "Menomaru."

Kagome adopted a look of surprise on her face. "Yura said something about him to me," she said. When Sango looked up she continued. "She said he could skip through time or something like that."

"He's not said anything like that to me," Sango said. "Then again, Menomaru doesn't really talk to me as much as he shows me things." She swung her legs around so she could sit up straighter. "He did tell me that I was in a dream loop, though."

"That's what Yura told me," Kagome said. "I think she said I've been through two thousand but didn't notice."

"Maybe if we go through another one we'll be aware?" Sango suggested. "Since we now know?"

"Maybe," Kagome said. She was trying to prepare how to ask her next question. "Do you think you could ask Menomaru to... skip time? Yura did tell me he could."

"He isn't one who really listens," Sango said. "He rather shows me stuff to help me." She put her hands in her lap. "Is there a reason why?"

"Um..." Kagome scratched the back of her head. "Lets just say there's something I'd rather not see."

Sango nodded, understanding. "I can't talk to him during the day, so I'll ask him tonight."

She has to, Yura's voice said to Kagome. Or you will have to... her voice trailed off and her presence left Kagome. "Thanks," Kagome said to Sango.



AGH I'VE GONE WAYYYY OFF TRACK OF MY ORIGINAL PLOT LINE IT'S LIKE WHAT THE FREAK!!!! I seriously don't even understand my own writing style; I mean, I write something and keep on a good plot line for several chapters and then BAM!!!! plot twist happens and then everything just goes haywire and I can't get back on track..... WHY DO I DO DIS?! X.X

I even add new characters to something that wasn't supposed to have any new people in it *le sigh* this is why Kit, Waru, and Yoi were introduced because I can't just go with the people already involved...

Ok, done with my authors' note/rant now. ( ̄▽ ̄)

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