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It took approximately three days for Sango to recover enough that she could speak. Kagome and Shippo sat by her, either one only getting up to fetch water or food. Every now and then, Miroku would step in so the two of them could rest before taking up their duties again.

At one point, while resting, Kagome was awoken. She looked toward the door.

"What's wrong, Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"It's faint, but I think I sense a jewel shard..." her voice trailed off as if she was uncertain. She sat up. She paused when she thought she could sense more. She looked at her necklace. The jewel was all there. How could she possibly sense shards if the jewel was complete?

"That's... not possible," Miroku said.

Kagome kept her fingers on the jewel. She sat up straighter. "It's... different," she said. Her arm fell to her side. When it hit the edge of the rise in the floor, Shippo woke up.

"Kagome?" Miroku asked, looking at her face.

She didn't respond. She stood up and slowly made her way toward the door. Miroku got up and pulled on her hand. She didn't look at him. "I have to... go..." she said quietly.

"Kagome, what's going on?" Miroku asked.

"You're acting strange," Shippo added.

At that moment, Kagome pulled herself free. She kept going for the door. Miroku reached out again, but something caught his shoulder, making him stop.

A chill ran through his body as if someone had run ice down his back. The touch on his shoulder was from an ice-cold hand. His arm fell as if it went numb. He turned to look at who was behind him.

Sango stood there, a blank stare on her face. She pushed the monk aside, following Kagome.

Shippo jumped up on Miroku's shoulder. "What's going on with them?"

"I don't know," Miroku replied. "But I don't like it." He started following the girls.

A few feet outside, he could sense what Kagome must have. Shippo even noticed it. "What is that?" the little fox asked.

"Futago no tamashī," Miroku replied. "It's a false jewel from prehistoric times. The name means 'twin souls'."

"'Twin souls'?" Shippo asked. "Why that name?"

"There are two souls in this jewel, unlike the four souls of the Shikon jewel. It's almost like a copy, but with half the amount enclosed. It's power is twice as strong though."

"Twice as strong as the Shikon jewel?" Shippo asked in horror. "That doesn't sound good."

"You sensed it too?"

Miroku turned. Kaede stood behind them, looking in the direction if the jewel the girls were probably being drawn to.

"Yes," Miroku replied. "It's the-"

"Futago no tamashī," Kaede interrupted. "The jewel of good and evil."

"The twin souls," Miroku added.

"Aye, that it is. It can be lenient to either side. Though, of my knowledge, it has yet to be used for good."

"It came from twin sisters, didn't it? Yoi and Waru of the Aikeda clan."

"Aye," Kaede replied. "The jewel got its name from theirs. Their names meant good and evil, and because the jewel was born of them, it is called the jewel of twin souls."

"By the looks of things," Miroku said as he turned back around. "I wouldn't be surprised if we came across Yoi and Waru."

"Be more wary of Waru," a small voice sounded to the left. Everyone looked toward a girl in a light blue summer kimono. Her hair was tied back just below her shoulders. Her eyes were almost a piercing blue color. "She will try to destroy anyone who gets in her way."

"Are you Yoi?" Miroku asked.

The girl nodded. "Waru is dangerous. You mustn't try to fight her."

"Is she using the jewel to lure people to her?"

"Only those who have a power she desires." Yoi took a few steps toward them. "Like spiritual or combat-related."

"That's why Kagome and Sango were following the direction of the jewel then," Shippo said.

"Are they your friends?" Yoi asked.

Miroku nodded.

Yoi sighed and looked down. She looked up a moment later. "We have to stop them before they reach Waru's castle. Once they enter her barrier, we cannot rescue them."

"Then we should go now," Miroku said. "We don't know how far they've gotten."


Sorry this went off track, but I wanted to introduce new OC's to the plot. They will play major roles later on, so just wait. I will have a picture of them in the next chapter so stay tuned!

Oh, yeah, because I didn't update as quickly as I had hoped, I'm giving you all a second chapter tonight as a New Year's gift.

Thanks for reading~~!

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