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The dark haired man turned around slowly. He held Kagome, passed out, in his arms.

"Put her down." Sesshomaru stood a few meters away. He was prepared to strike if the half-demon tried anything.

Naraku smirked. "Lord Sesshomaru, caring for a human?"

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. He knew he could use his speed to his advantage, but Naraku would most likely have a barrier that he couldn't break through around him. He didn't want to risk putting Kagome in anymore danger. Leaving her in Naraku's arms was doing just that.

Sesshomaru took the chance and ran up, around Naraku. He pulled Kagome away and ran off through the trees, fully aware of the demons Naraku had already sent after him. Getting Kagome to safety is my first priority, he thought. Then I will take care of those demons.

He stopped when he saw Sango and Miroku. He set Kagome on Kirara's back. Sango looked in between the two. Then a shocked look appeared on her face as Sesshomaru took off to fight the many summoned demons. She pulled out her mask and put it on.

Miroku looked at her for a second. "Why did you get out your mask?" he asked.

"Don't you sense it?" Sango asked. "The miasthma?"

"But Naraku is dead; there is no one else capable of creating it." Miroku covered his mouth and nose.

Sango focused her hearing. "Sainyosho," she warned. She turned to Kirara. "Get Kagome to safety, girl. Keep out of the miasthma as best as you can."

Kirara nodded her head before taking off back toward the shelter. She was careful not to drop Kagome.

Sango grabbed her hiraikotsu and prepared to throw it. She was thrown off her balance when a blast of thick miasthma came out of nowhere and surrounded them. She fell backward, landing on her weapon. She thought she felt it crack. She turned to look at it. "Damn," she said, seeing the dent in it.

Someone pulled her ponytail back. She was thrown from her weapon. When she looked up, the half-demon stood in front of her, his body nearly half gone. She reached for her sword but something cut the band on her mask. She instead chose to cover her nose and mouth.

Sango looked around. Naraku was gone. So was Miroku. "Miroku?" she called out as best as she could. The rattle of a chain sent a chill down her spine. She turned around slowly. Kohaku stood there, an uncut mask in his hands. His head was lowered, but he held the mask out to Sango.

Sango stood up. The air all around them was thick with the miasthma. She reached out and took the mask from Kohaku. She held her breath while putting it on. It was almost too small for her. She looked back at her brother and almost took a breath. She saw the strings. She ripped the mask off and covered her face again.

"There's no point, Sango," Kohaku's voice said. "It was drowned in miasthma."

"Ko-Kohaku..." her voice trailed off. She fell to her knees then on her side. She reached out toward him before everything went black.

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