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Kagome found herself unable to move, even after Sesshomaru let her go. She blinked a few times before she looked back at the demon standing several feet in front of her. "What was that f-for?" she asked.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and looked slightly down, a tiny smile dancing across his lips. "For saving me," he said. He looked back up at her. "Don't go getting yourself killed." Then he was gone.

Sango and Miroku came out of the hut. "I didn't know he was so sentimental," Sango commented.

"Wah! Y-You heard that?!" Kagome near shrieked, spinning toward her friends.

"We were just inside the hut," Miroku said. "There isn't much of a door to it."

Kagome didn't calm for a moment. She let out a breath. "Just don't go telling Inuyasha. He's already upset enough as it is."

"You two fighting again?" Sango asked.

"Do you even need to ask?" Kagome muttered to herself. "With things the way they are, I'm surprised we don't fight every day now."

"That's a good thing, though," Mikroku said. "Isn't it?"

"I guess," Kagome said, looking between her friends.

"Speaking of which," Shippo spoke up. "Where is Inuyasha?"

Kagome looked up in thought. "I... don't know, really."

"Should we go looking for him?" Sango asked.

"Knowing Inuyasha, he should be able to find his way back," Miroku replied. "But it wouldn't hurt to take a look."

Sango went to get her Hiraikotsu from inside. She never went anywhere without it.

A look of realization appeared on Kagome's face. "I don't have my bow," she said. "I must have left it back where I saved Sesshomaru."

Shippo stood in front of her. "I'll go with you to get it," he told her.

"Thanks, Shippo," Kagome replied.

"We'll see you back here soon?" Sango asked.

Kagome nodded.

Sango turned to Kirara. She jumped up and transformed. Sango and Miroku got on her back and rode away. Kagome and Shippo went toward where Kagome had saved Inuyasha's demon brother.

"Keep an eye open for other demons here, Shippo," Kagome advised.

"Right." He wandered a little away.

Kagome kept going into the trees, out of sight of Shippo. Rustling bushes caught her attention for a second. She kept going. She stopped a moment later when she felt like someone had just zipped behind her. Whatever it was gave off a far more demonic aura than Sesshomaru. By instinct, she covered her mouth and nose before she turned around to see a thick purple mist weaving through the trees.

"Miasthma?" she asked out loud. I thought Naraku was dead.

She backed away from it. She stepped on something and fell backwards. She kept her nose and mouth covered. She looked at what she had tripped on. Her bow. She took a hold of it with her free hand. Her arrows were scattered around her. She held her breath to grab one and aimed toward the miasthma. I have to do this fast, she thought. I can't hold my breath forever.

She was about to release the bow when she felt something push her over. She lost her breath and quickly covered her mouth before looking up and spotting him.

"N-Naraku...?" she said quietly.

The only response she got was a dark smile. Then everything went black....

An Unlikely PairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora