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We've been with the main group for eight chapters and haven't seen Inuyasha or others come in much contact with them... I say we let them get a chapter or two in this story :3


The night of the new moon, a dreaded time for a certain hanyou...

"Damn, this night always seems to be the longest," he muttered under his breath. He gripped the handle of his sword. He wouldn't be able to use it this night, but the thought of it being there was a bit comforting.

"Why don't you go looking for Kagome and the others?" a certain flea asked.

"Because if an enemy saw me like this, they would have an advantage and they would know when I was weak, Miyoga."

"You'd at least have more protection than just this cave, Lord Inuyasha." Miyoga sat himself down on a stone. "Who even knows what's in this place?" His eyes darted left and right.

"I can tell you there are no demons," a female voice sounded behind them.

They turned around. Inuyasha widened his eyes when he recognized who it was.

The priestess stood over them, her bow in hand. It didn't appear that she had any arrows. "Sitting that close to the entrance is an invite to any roaming at night." Her hair was not pulled back. She turned and walked farther into the cave.

Inuyasha stood up and followed her. "I had no idea you were here."

The priestess did not respond to him. She continued walking until she came to a large open space that had a massive hole in the ground. Five steps from the tunnel they were at was the edge of the hole. It dropped straight down into a shallow pool of water. Rocks hung from the ceiling like daggers, each one dripping water at its own pace.

"How did you find this place?" Inuyasha asked, looking around the cavern.

"I've known about it for a long time," the priestess replied. She walked left around the hole to where there was a place to climb upward. "I discovered it when I was young. No one ever found it."

Inuyasha looked upward. A smaller hole was in the ceiling revealing the night sky. The water below reflected the stars.

"And you? How did you find this place?" the priestess reached behind a rock.

"I had to find a place to keep hidden tonight," Inuyasha said as he turned to face her. He paused when he noticed that the dead priestess was aiming her bow at him, an arrow drawn back.

"You should already know," she said when she saw his hesitation. "My soul cannot move on until I see you dead." Her words became more spiteful.

"Ki... Kikyo," Inuyasha started. He took a step back. He had no protection. There was nothing between him and her arrow. She wouldn't when I'm only human, would she? he thought.

Kikyo drew her bowstring back a little more. The sound of a demon overhead drew her attention away. She aimed her bow up and fired the arrow.

"Ooh, there's another priestess walking this land~"

They turned their attention to the source of the voice. A smaller girl wearing black clothes and had cat-like ears on her head was perched on a rock not too far from them. Her black hair was pulled up in pigtails on either side of her head. Her eyes were yellow-green and the way she smiled resembled that of a cat's mouth.

"Who are you?" Kikyo asked.

The cat-girl giggled and jumped to her feet. She stood on top of a pointed rock jutting out from the floor. "Call me Kit, if you like~"

Kit spun on her toes on top of the rock. She hummed a happy little tune before she suddenly leapt toward Kikyo. The priestess took a step back but Kit was faster. Kit threw a purple powder at Kikyo before she back-flipped away and landed on her feet just above where Kikyo had her arrows hidden.

"Master Waru will be very pleased with me if I bring you to her," she said in a child-like voice.

Kikyo wiped her eye. "Waru?" she asked quietly.

Kit tipped her head with a smile and a child's laugh.

"Who the hell is Waru?" Inuyasha asked.

Kit turned her attention to him. She gasped as she looked him over. "A half-demon too? Who knew I'd be so lucky tonight?" She spun around and threw some more of the powder she had at him. He covered his face with his sleeve. "Oh? Cloth of the fire rat? It's basically indestructible..." A kind of sad look appeared on Kit's face.

"What of it? Is it of use to you?" Inuyasha put his hand on his sword. He could see the walls lighting up with the new sunlight breaking over the horizon.

Kit tapped her chin. "I got it!" She jumped down in front of him. "Fight with us."

"With you?"

Kit nodded. "You have a choice though."

"What's my other option?"

As soon as his question ended, Kit had a small knife at his throat. "I'll kill you here." She also managed to get behind him in that split second. "Before you have the chance to regain your demon power." Kit backed away. "Decide now because if you refuse, I will kill you just before you get your power back." She stayed behind him.

Kit pulled a leaf from her hair and blew on the tip of it, sending purple sparks toward Inuyasha. They surrounded him, making it impossible for him to move from the edge of the hole. He looked at Kit. A few of the sparks landed on his head. Any sign of aggression disappeared. "I'll fight with you," he said.

Kit turned to the entrance. "I knew you'd give in~" She walked toward the entrance. "Now, lets go. Master Waru hates to wait and I don't want her upset."

An Unlikely PairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora