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Miroku, Shippo, and Yoi all followed the path that Kagome and Sango likely took. It wound through the forest.

"So what exactly is Waru like?" Miroku asked Yoi.

"She's..." Yoi hesitated. "She's half demon. Not in literal speaking, but her heart is not right."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Her heart is black. There is no good thing about it. All she wants is power. That's why she is using the Twin Soul to call forth the people with the natural power she needs to control everyone else."

"So she needs Kagome's spiritual powers and Sango's ability to slay demons?" Miroku slowed to walk next to Yoi.

"Yes. It's likely that, if she gains enough power, Waru will destroy anyone that tries to stop her by using the people she's got under control of the Twin Soul. That means she could end up destroying us." Yoi had a sad look on her face. "She won't even think twice about it. She didn't when..." her voice trailed off.

Miroku and Shippo weren't going to push. They continued on through the forest until a large castle was visible.

"That's her castle," Yoi said.

Miroku turned when the bushes beside him rustled. Kagome and Sango walked out. He was surprised for a moment and paused before calling out. "Sango!"

The demon-slayer didn't stop or turn to him. She kept walking, as if she didn't hear him.

Miroku stood up and grabbed Sango's arm. He tried reaching for Kagome as well, but she was just out of reach. Yoi saw this and went for Kagome. She put her hand over Kagome's mouth and tipped her head back. When she got Kagome to close her eyes, she made sure she had a grip on her wrist.

Kagome tried pulling away. She turned her head sharply before looking at Yoi. Yoi sighed and released Kagome.

"What's going on?" Kagome asked. She turned and let her gaze follow Yoi over to Miroku and Sango. Yoi did the same thing to Sango and the demon-slayer had the same reaction.

"Where are we?" Sango asked.

"Waru's castle," Yoi replied. "You two were under the spell she cast from the Twin Soul."

"'The Twin Soul'?" Kagome asked.

"It's like the Shikon jewel, but with half the souls and twice the power," Miroku explained quickly.

"Is that what I sensed earlier then?" Kagome asked. "Back in Kaede's village?"

"It must have been," Yoi replied. "I'm Yoi," she introduced herself when the two girls gave slightly wary looks. "Waru is... my twin."

"But they aren't like each other," Miroku said quickly.

"Twins but not alike?" Kagome asked.

Yoi nodded. "You can say we're polar-opposites." She looked past Kagome and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Who defies my calling?" a voice, filled with hatred, came from nearby. Everyone looked at her.

In a red kimono over a dark dress stood Yoi's twin. "Waru," Yoi said calmly.

"You broke my spell on them." There was no hint of anything nice about her.

"I did what I had to," Yoi defended. "This time you won't be getting your way."

"Oh? I won't?" Waru raised her eyebrows. She laughed once. "Is this your way of avenging mother? By trying to awaken your friends?"

Yoi clenched her fist. "You had no reason to do that. She was nothing but kind to you!"

"She was in my way. You know well enough that I get rid of anyone that gets in my way." Waru raised her hand in the air. She held something in it. She pointed at Kagome and a purple beam shot from her finger.

Yoi reached forward to pull Kagome out of the way. Someone got to her first. Yoi covered her face, as did the others, as the beam hit the ground where Kagome was a second ago.

"You are fast on your feet, demon," Waru said. "You are also quite good at concealing your presence."

When the smoke cleared, everyone could see who stood there. Kagome was looking up at his face, her eyes wide with surprise and gratitude. She didn't realize she had been shaking until Sesshomaru put her down on her feet. He looked at her for a moment before turning to face Waru.

Waru was looking at him through narrow eyes, a smile present on her face as well. "I want you as a part of my collection," she said. She snapped her fingers and watched him, as if she waited for him to do something.

Sesshomaru raised his right hand across in front of his left shoulder. His hand began to glow green as he formed his poison whip. Kagome blinked as she took a step back. She paused in confusion when she saw his hand was trembling, as if he was fighting Waru's spell.

Kagome reached out and turned Sesshomaru. His poison whip ended up going straight for Waru. She leapt out of the way. In that time, Sesshomaru broke the spell on his own. He let his arm fall back to his side. Kagome released his sleeve and sighed quietly in relief.

"You broke it?" Waru's voice sounded, even closer than before. "How is that possible?"

"I cannot be contained by those less powerful than I," Sesshomaru said. "That spell was too easily broken."

"But at least I know I can control you, even for just a second," Waru said. She wasn't visible.

Everyone was trying to locate her. Kagome turned slowly and gasped as a hand went over her mouth. She was lifted into the air and held there. Waru cast a dark smile down at the small group. The smile vanished when she noticed someone wasn't there. She turned around at the last second, at which point Yoi had cast a beam of light from her hand. It cut across Waru's collarbone and shoulder. Her arm fell numb and Kagome was released from her grip. She fell back into Sesshomaru's arms.

The twins stayed in the air, both prepared to fight the other. Yoi did not loll at them, but she spoke to the group. "Get out of here. I'll hold her off as long as I can."

Waru laughed. "You will hold me off?" A dark look spread across her face. "It seems you are inviting me to kill you, Yoi."

Sesshomaru put Kagome down again. He led her toward the trees, though she followed a little slower than she wanted to. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo waited.

Waru narrowed her eyes at her twin. A storm cloud covered the sky overhead. Yoi sensed the power it had. "Miroku! Get out of here!" she almost ordered.

Sango sensed the power as well. She took the monk's hand and pulled him behind her quickly. They went after Kagome and Sesshimaru.

Yoi stared her twin down. I can't let them get hurt, she thought. I'll take the hit for them. I don't care if Waru kills me, so long as they are safe.

I never had such good friends...

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