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OMG you guys... More than a thousand reads on this story? Thank you so much~! <3

(Lol I'm updating while watching SubZeroExtabyte stream, BE HAPPY K?!)


Kit led Kikyo and Inuyasha right up to Waru's castle. She turned to look at them. "Wait here, 'kay?" She skipped inside to where she found Waru overlooking her "prisoners".

Waru looked at Kit the moment she stepped foot in the room. "Well? What did you find me this time?"

"A priestess and a half-demon," Kit replied happily. "The latter was harder to get though. He wouldn't cooperate with me."

"Did you use the dust I gave you?"

"Mhm~ but he has a kimono made with cloth of the fire rat."

Waru paused. "Cloth of the fire rat?"

Kit looked shyly away, clasping her hands behind her back. "Is that not what you wanted?" She looked up at Waru.

"No, that's a good thing," Waru said. "It will give us an advantage."

Kit perked up. "It will?"

Waru nodded. "Bring them here."

Kit turned around and skipped back to where she had left Inuyasha and Kikyo. Her pigtails swung back and forth. When she got outside, she saw they weren't there. She glanced nervously over her shoulder.

"If I don't get back with them," she said to herself, "Waru will kill me..."

"Kit! Where are the two you said you brought?"

Kit flinched. She hesitated before taking off for the trees. I won't go back to her, she thought. She's too power hungry. I won't help her anymore!

Kit didn't stop running until she thought she saw someone ahead of her. She slowed down until she stopped and hid quickly behind a tree.

"...it looks like this," a voice was saying. "Can you go find more?"

"Sure," another voice replied. "How much do you need?"

"Hmm... I think three or four should do it."

"Okay, I'll go find them."

"Thanks, Miroku."

Kit heard footsteps getting closer to her and she tensed up. She closed her eyes tightly. Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me...

The footsteps stopped, still a little distance between them. Kit slowly peeked around the tree. A little ways beyond the tree line, a small hut stood. When she knew that the monk wasn't looking in her direction, she darted from one tree to another until she was almost right next to the hut. She looked around carefully.


Kagome was boiling water beside the hut. She looked up when she felt someone was nearby. The girl hiding in the trees jumped when she called out. "Who's there?"

Kit slowly walked out from her hiding place. "H-Hi," she said.

"Are you lost?" Kagome asked, standing up.

"Um... A little." Kit clasped her hands behind her back and kicked at the dirt.

"Where are you trying to go?"

Kit hesitated. She stopped kicking the dirt. "Away from Waru."

"Waru?" Kagome sounded surprised.

"You know who she is?" Kit stood up straighter.

"She nearly got me and one of my friends earlier today."

Kit tipped her head. "You're that priestess from the cave," she said, almost too quiet for Kagome to hear.


Kit nodded. "I found you and that half-demon hiding in a cave. I was to bring you to Waru but the two of you escaped."

"It wasn't me you found," Kagome said. "That must have been Kikyo."

"Oh, sorry." Kit looked down at her feet. "But, you are a priestess, right?"

Kagome nodded. "You could say that. Oh, my name's Kagome. What's yours?"

"You can call me Kit."

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