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~le beautiful time skip performed by Menomaru and his army of moths to a few days later (because why not?)~

Kagome knew time had been skipped but she still felt weird about what happened. She was even more confused that Menomaru gave in to her request so easily. Even Yura was surprised.

"I wasn't expecting something like that to come from a demon like him," Yura told her that night. "But you do know that another time loop started."

"Yeah, I know," Kagome said. "Does that affect what happened?"

"It shouldn't," Yura replied. "You won't have to do it again."

Kagome sighed in relief. "Was it because I waited until the last minute?"

"No, it's just a new time loop starts every sixth day. That just happened to be the sixth day." She sat back on her net of hair.

"Shouldn't the time loops stop then?"

"That should have been the last one," Yura said. "Now all that's left is the Twin Soul."

"I thought I wouldn't have to get that." Kagome looked a bit confused.

"I may have not explained everything to you clearly enough." Yura crossed her legs and looked down at Kagome. "The thing you did was to stop the time loops so that everything can go back to normal. At least here in the... what do you call this time?"

"The feudal era?"

Yura nodded, taking the name to mind. "I can't guarantee that your time hasn't changed."

"But it's the same place," Kagome said. "Even if its five hundred years in the future from these times, they are connected. right?"

"In some ways, yes. The fact that you went between times interrupted something, though."

Kagome gave Yura a look. "I'm only just now being told this?"

"I thought you knew that your being here affected the future. Nothing changed there?"

"The Sacred Tree bloomed once," Kagome said after taking a moment to think about her own time. "That's about it."

Yura looked to be thinking about something. "Maybe it doesn't affect it at all then..."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.

Yura shook her head. "It's nothing."

Kagome pouted. "It's gotta be something. You can't just say something and then say its nothing when I ask about it."

"I, as a spirit, can keep any secret I want. I don't have to tell you everything."

"Aren't you supposed to help me though?"

"It's nothing that will help you. Is that any better?"

"No, it's not." Kagome crossed her arms. "By the way, she added. "Why did I have to... You know, do that?"

"Oh, that... You see, there have been some prying eyes on you recently. That was to make sure they keep their distance."

"What do you mean by 'prying eyes'?"

"There have been demons watching you," Yura explained, sitting on her feet on the stings of hair going every which way. "They're the kind who... lets just say, once they get a child, they destroy the mother."

"Whoa, whoa!" Kagome said. "There are those kinds of demons?"

"Yes," Yura said, straightening up a little. "I wish I could explain more to you, but the day is near. I'll talk to you next night."

Everything morphed together then apart as the hut in the woods came into Kagome's view instead of the grassy field.


So... yeah. A basic filler for now because I don't have time to write anymore *A*

I'll have a new chapter up when I can <3

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