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SPOILER WARNING! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THROUGH TO THE LAST EPISODE OF THE FINAL ACT, YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ THIS YET! Unless, of course, you want to spoil it for yourself... It's your call here, 'kay?


Kit stayed crouched in the corner, covering her head in fear. Shippo stood next to her. "Are you going to be okay, Kit?" he asked.

"Y-Yes, s-so long as h-he doesn't f-find me..." She stuttered so much it was barely audible what she had said.

"You mean Naraku?"

Kit nodded. "H-He killed my family... I know he's going to come after me next!" Tears streamed down her face.

Kirara, whom had been standing by the door, mewed at Shippo. "What's the matter, Kirara?" the little fox demon asked.

The twin-tail turned toward the doorway and turned her ears forward. She scanned the clearing, at least what she could see of it under the mat. She growled a moment later before running outside, transforming into the larger cat-demon she was.

Shippo stepped outside and jumped up on the twin-tail's back. He looked over her head at what she had seen. A small girl, dressed in white, stood across the clearing right in front of the tree line. She was looking right at Kirara and Shippo.

Her appearance wasn't threatening, but her aura was. It was a familiar aura. A moment later, she fell forward, blacking out. Kirara crept cautiously toward her.

When they got closer, Shippo could see that this girl's face was familiar. He jumped off Kirara's back and got a closer look at the girl in white. A scar that was nearly healed ran diagonally across her face, from above one eye to below the other. Several smaller scars were also on her face resembling a cracked mirror.

"It's Kanna," Shippo said. Kirara lowered her head next to Shippo. She managed to slide Kanna over her nose and on to her back. "Good idea, Kirara," Shippo said. "We can't just leave her out here."

Kirara pointed with her nose toward the hut, telling Shippo to go back quickly. Shippo scampered off. When he got back to the hut, Kit was sitting upright. She looked to be calming herself down. She opened her eyes when Shippo started moving things around.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Making room for someone else," Shippo replied, tugging on one of the mats they used for bedding. He managed to lay it out a few seconds before Kirara stopped outside. She poked her nose through the door. "Do you think you can help bring her in?"

Kit stood up and went outside to help Kirara. She picked up the small girl and carried her inside, Kirara following after she turned small again. "Is she a friend of yours?" Kit asked, laying the girl in white on the mat Shippo had just laid out.

"Well, she used to be an ally of Naraku's before..." he stopped. "He turned on her." He couldn't bring himself to tell Kit the truth. At this point, he wasn't even sure Kanna had actually died. Her face had remained broken like the mirror she used to have, which was her life source. Speaking of which, where is her mirror?

"Wait, she's Kanna of the void," Kit said slowly. "Right?"

Shippo nodded. "She also had a sister named Kagura."

"The wind sorceress," Kit said. "Both were... born of Naraku..."

Shippo looked up at her. "You know more than you let others think," he said.


Kagome was thrown to the floor of Waru's castle. Waru stood over her, anger radiating off her. "I want an answer: where is Kit?"

Kagome tried sitting up, but it was no use. The dust Waru had thrown on her made it difficult to move, even with her spiritual powers throwing some of the effect off. "I told you..." Kagome started. "She doesn't want to work for you anymore. Why go through the trouble of getting her back?"

Waru turned swiftly around. She walked a few steps before stopping and looking at Kagome. "You don't understand, do you?"

"Understand what?" Kagome asked, trying to lift her head to look at Waru.

Waru turned away again. "Kit is dangerous. She will be, at least, if she remembers who she is. I kept her here because I didn't want that to happen."

"How dangerous can she get?" Kagome was straining to push herself up.

Waru was silent for a moment. She snapped her fingers which removed the full effect off Kagome. "If she comes in contact with Kanna, or Naraku finds her, you better hope you aren't near her."

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