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Mayu pulled herself free and looked directly at her captor. They turned around and a white and red fan was visible in her hand. Her eyes were closed, but she reached a hand to where her hair was tied back and removed a feather. It was held out to Mayu.

Images flashed through her mind. Demons, her creator hidden in darkness as he healed from a battle that left him helpless, her beating heart in his hand. Fresher images also flashed in her mind. Finding the priestess and half-demon in the cave with the pit, running away from an evil woman, helping a girl who was dressed in pure white, and then finally her last moment before all her memories were gone.

"You... You were that demon that attacked me," she said. "You tried to kill me with the... Dance of the Dragon..."

The woman in front of her lifted her head and opened her red eyes. She stared forward with a blank look in her eyes, but spoke like she was fully awake. "I may have done that, but you know that it was coming," she said, folding her fist around the feather. "You should rather think of it as a self-attack. I am you and you are me."

Mayu took a step back. She remembered her real name. She remembered both names she had used before she was found by the wolf-demon tribe.

One was Kit.

The other was Kagura.


Kagome and the others stood outside the walls of Waru's castle. Dark storm clouds were overhead and they started spiraling. Several pairs of feet could be heard walking on the other side of the wall. Kagome looked through a crack in the wall. She nearly gasped out loud when she saw who was over there.

Waru stood in front of a line of people which included familiar faces like Kohaku, Yoi, Kikyo, and Sesshomaru. The rest were villagers, or so it looked like.

"We aren't going to be able to take all of them on at once," Kagome commented quietly to Sango.

Sango nodded, gripping the handle of her Hiraikotsu tighter. They all ducked under cover when they heard several demons start to fly overhead carrying some of the people Waru had under a spell. By the number that left, there could only have been a few left in the castle walls.

Kagome drew an arrow and aimed over the wall. She was going to try to distract everyone on the other side with this arrow as wells s try to purify some of the air around them. It was so thick with dark auras that it was almost impossible to breathe. She fired her arrow and could literally see it cutting the air.

They went around and entered the walls, immediately met by the ones who stayed behind as guards: Kikyo, Yoi, Waru herself, and Sesshomaru.

"Measly mortals?" Waru laughed. "Do you honestly think you possess the power to defeat the Twin Soul?"

"No, actually," Kagome responded. "But you and Yoi do."

Waru laughed again. "What makes you think I'll abandon my plans and shoot down the Twin Soul?"

"If you don't, you will most likely be destroyed by it," Sango said. "You and everyone here."

Waru gave her a look. "Like I will believe that crap," she said. She turned around and flipped her hand, signaling her so-called "minions" to attack.

Sango blocked Yoi from attacking her with her Hiraikotsu. Miroku dodged the arrows from Kikyo almost with ease. He was just fast enough to keep ahead of her. Kagome threw her bow up just in time to block the poison whip from Sesshomaru's claws. He stopped attacking long enough for Kagome to draw an arrow and aim it.

She didn't want to, but she knew she had to do something to keep him from transforming into his dog-demon form. The arrow snagged his shoulder under the fluff on his right. His eyes flashed bright red for a second then set back to the clouded yellow they were. The impact of the arrow also slowed him down quite a bit.

Sesshomaru managed to swing at Kagome but her bow blocked his attack for the most part. She was knocked off her balance a little but quickly caught it. He doesn't see me, she thought. I have to make him see me. She swung her bow to block Sesshomaru again and stepped forward until, if it were possible, Sesshomaru could hug her. "This worked before," she said to herself.

Kagome got Sesshomaru to turn away, and when he turned back to her she got up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips.

An Unlikely PairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora