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"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked Sokka. "Before we split up my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited and the harbor surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place." Sokka explained proudly. "Nice choice Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule." Katara said while brushing her hair. "WAIT FOUR DAYS?! THE INVASIONS IN FOUR DAYS?!" Aang yelled jumping 20 feet into the air. Sokka yawns. "Whatever that's like... four days from now, let's just calm down an-" Sokka fell into a deep sleep in the middle of his sentence. Katara giggled. "Sokka's got the right idea Aang. We're here, we're ready, the best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest." Aang looked around before sighing in defeat. "I guess."

Aang flung up, after checking multiple times he sighed. "It was just a dream Momo. I still have my pants... well better keep training."

It's been four days, "sounds like you slept well." Katara said standing up. "Like a baby moose lion! I'm ready to face the fire lord." Aang said confidently. "So what's you strategy for taking him down? Gonna get your glow on and hit 'em with a little avatar state action?" Aang looked down. "I can't. When Azula shot me with lighting, my 7th chakra was locked. Cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe." Aang said with a sad expression. "You know what I just herd? Bla bla spiritual mumbo-jumbo bla bla something about space." Toph said slunking into her rock. "Oh no, Sokka do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Sokka stood up and smiled. "No... That is the invasion!!!" Once the ships stopped moving Katara and Sokka ran to their father. "You made it dad!" Katara said while hugging her father. "We're you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asked. "I did. But I'm a little worried Sokka, some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type." The two swamp men walked out of the boat. "WOOOWEEE LOOKIE HERE ITS A ROCK!" Hakoda rolled his eyes. "Is it just me or are those two fellas a little loose in the leaf hat?" Everyone laughed.

"Hey Katara I wanted to tell you something just in case anything happens today." Aang said while slightly blushing and scratching the back of his neck. "Okay what do you want to tell me?" Aang was about to continue but was cut off by someone calling Katara's name. "Hey Katara!" Everyone looked behind them to see Haru walk out of the ship. Katara smiled and ran over to Haru. "Haru! It's so good to see you!" Katara ran over and gave Haru a hug. But I didn't last long, Aang pulled them apart. "Okay okay that's enough hugging for you too for the next 7 years." Aang said in a serious tone. Katara and Haru started laughing thinking he was joking. They Went to go give each other another hug because they didn't get to last time, but they where again separated by Aang. "Okay make that 14 years." Katara looked over at Aang to see that he was being completely serious. Katara smirked. "Oh well then it must be longer until I can hug you then?" Aang blushed. "Oh no well you see you can hug me, just not him." Katara got closer to Aang. "And why is that~?" Aang blushed more. "U-ummm because he has a mustache and I don't." Katara giggled and hugged Aang. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged back giving Haru a death glare at the same time. Katara let go of Aang and Toph walked over. Katara signaled for Aang to tell her who Haru is. Aang rolled his eyes. "Toph this is Haru, when we met him is town was controlled by the fire nation. So we had to hide his earth bending." Aang said not very enthusiastic. "Katara inspired me and my father to take back out village." Katara places a hand on Haru's shoulder only to be swatted away by Aang. He lightly pulled her over to him and put his arm around her waist. Katara blushed and decided to not say anything and enjoy the moment. "You helped us find our courage Katara, now we're here to help you." Katara smiled. "Thanks guys."

The invasion has begun, Aang has already left to fight to fire lord and Katara just finished healing her father. Hakoda, Toph, Sokka and Katara were all together talking about how the invasion is going so far. "Everything's going smoothly, and the eclipse haven't even kicked in yet." Hakoda rested his arm on his knee. "Let's hope our luck holds out. Katara you seem distracted. Is something wrong?" Katara looked at the sky. "Yeah is that, is that Aang?!" Sokka lifted his head. "What?! Please tell me your here because the fire lord turned out to be a big wimp and you didn't even need to eclipse to take him down." Aang kneeled down. "He wasn't home. No one was, the entire palace city is abandoned." Sokka's eyes widened. "They knew!" "It's over the fire lord is probably long gone. Far away on some remote island where he will be safe during the eclipse." Aang explained. "No... my instincts tell me he wouldn't go to far. He would have a secret bunker, somewhere he could go and be safe during a siege but still be close enough to lead his nation." Sokka said while tapping his chin. "If it's an underground secret bunker we're looking for I'm just the girl to find it." Toph said while pointing to herself and smiling. "It looks like we've got about 10 minutes until the full eclipse, 10 minutes to find the fire lord." Aang smiled. "We can still do this! We can still win the day!" "Wait, if they knew we were coming it could all be a trap. Maybe we should use the time we have left to make sure we all get out of here safely." "Everyone who's here today came prepared to risk everything for this mission. They know what's a stake, if there's still a chance, and there's still hope, I think they would want Aang to go for it." Sokka turned to Aang. "What do you think? Your the one that has to face tot fire lord. Whatever you decide I'm with you." Aang stood up. "I've gotta try." Katara put her hand on sokka's shoulder. "You stay here and lead everyone and take care of dad. I'm going with Aang and Toph." Sokka agreed and Toph earth bended herself onto Appa and Aang air bended him and Katara onto Appa.

"Feel anything down there?" Toph bent down and touched the ground. "Yup there are natural tunnels crossing the through the insides of the volcano." "Anything else? Is there a structure somewhere?" Katara asked. Toph smashed her fists into the ground. "There's something big, dense and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano." "Do you think it's the secret bunker?" Katara asked. "Only one way to find out." Aang said. Toph earth bended a door way into the tunnels. "This way, that ways a dead end!" Aang and Katar follow behind her.

They found the secret bunker and Toph metal bended the door open. They where now running down the halls of the secret underground tunnels. "Sokka gave me his watch, only 30 seconds until the total eclipse!" They stopped in front of two big doors with the fire nation symbol on them. Aang took a deep breath. "I'm ready. I'm ready to face the fire lord." Aang then sent a big gust of wind knocking down the doors. "Well you are alive after all." Everyones jaw dropped. "I had a hunch that you survived. But I doesn't matter, I've known about the invasion for months." Azula explained while smirking. "Where is he where's the fire lord?!" Aang shouted. "Mm you mean I'm not good enough for you? Your hurting my feelings." Azula said sarcastically. "Just tell us where your damn daddy is!" Katara shouted at Azula. She noticed something different about Katara. She was more aggressive. She was definitely different from the last time she had seen her. Azula liked the new Katara. Toph trapped Azula with her earth bending. "Tell us where he is!" Azula smiled as the rocks trapping her broke into pieces. Everyone was confused until Azula spoke again. "When I was in Ba Sing Se I brought back some souvenirs, Di Le agents!" She pulled one of the Di Le agents aside and wispered something in their ear they nodded and started attacking Aang Toph and Katara. In the middle of the fight one of the Di Le agents grabbed Katara from behind and knocked her out dragging her away from the fight without Aang or Toph noticing. Azula ran out and down the halls. Aang and Toph followed her until Toph suddenly stopped running. "Toph what are you waiting for come on!" Aang yelled. "No wait something is wrong." Aang calmed down. "What?" Toph stomped her foot on the ground feeling the vibrations. "Where is sweetness?" Aangs heart dropped. "What do you mean where's Katara she was just with us don't you feel her?!" Aang asked while frantically looking up and down the hallway. "No you idiot that's why I'm saying something is wrong she disappeared I don't feel her at all."

Betrayed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora