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Hey everyone I am so sorry for the spelling errors on the last chapter when I was re-reading it I was already half asleep😅😅 anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Katara woke up in a room decorated with fire nation carpets and cloths. She groaned and rubbed her head. "I must have fell down and hit my head during all the commotion. There's no one here so maybe no one noticed I'm gone yet and I can catch up to them." Katara got up and started walking towards the big metal door slightly limping. "Great so I hit my head AND somehow hurt my left leg. This is just amazing." Katara tried to get out but noticed the door was locked. "Fine you don't wanna open I will break you down. I'm not in the mood for this crap." Katara pulled water out of the air and made a huge icicle spear. She got ready to shoot it at the door, but before she could someone pushed her. She fell the the ground hard on her leg and groaned in pain. "Wow you have learned a few new magic tricks, I'm impressed." Katara recognized this voice, Katara tilted her head up and glared at the person standing in front of her with disgust. "Where the hell did you come from Azula? Last time I looked around the room I was alone in here." Azula laughed. "Is there something wrong with your eyes? I was standing on the other side of the room. Maybe you were in too much pain with that leg of yours to realize." Katara then got an idea. She pulled some water out of the air and began healing her leg. "That's some power you got there." Azula said sitting cris cross on the floor right in front of Katara. "Why aren't you beating me up? Trying to kill me? At least telling me I'm a loser or peasant?" Katara asked genuinely confused. Azula laughed. Katara continued healing her leg. "Listen, I've noticed that all of my attempts and my brothers attempts to capture the avatar have not worked. So instead of being stupid like him and trying to do it the same way every single time, I'm going to try to capture him in a different way. Well I shouldn't say capture per say, more like... get him out of the way." Katara's eyes widened. "No, your going to try to kill him again aren't you?" Azula sweetly smiled and nodded. Katara finished healing her leg and got stood up. "You WILL NOT hurt Aang again. And you will definitely NOT kill him. I will do whatever I have to do to keep him safe... with any means necessary." Katara said in a stern voice. It actually slightly scared Azula, but of course she didn't show it, and no one would ever know. "Oh but I will. He's going to come here to save his little water bender." Azula said while standing up and smirking. "And that is when I will kill him. You are his weakness Katara. And you will be the reason he will perish, and you will have to live with that for the rest of your miserable life. Your mind blaming itself, you will be fighting your own mind, you will be battling your own thoughts, and you can never escape that. And that is much more painful than death." Azula explained while smirking. "Why are you telling me your plan? Why are you telling all this information?" Azula laughed. "Because there is nothing you can do to stop it. He will come when he hears the beautiful screams of his water bender." Katara was about to ask what would make her scream when Azula grabbed Katara's hair and slammed her head into the metal door. Katara held her screams in while tears rolled down her cheeks. "Ah I see you are trying to hold it in? Don't worry a couple more hits and you will be begging for him to come save you." Azula said while evilly laughing. "And then you will watch him die." That was it. That's what snapped Katara, she spun around and pushed Azula off her. Azula stumbled back but held her ground. She was getting ready to attack... but she couldn't. Azula turned her head slightly to see Katara smirking. "What the hell are you doing to me you psychopath?!" Katara laughed. "Oh nothing I'm just blood bending you ever herd of it? It's amazing, I absolutely love it. Now you are my puppet, my toy. You do what I say, weather you like it or not because guess what love? You don't have a choice. And if you try to scream or yell... I will break you until you are begging me to kill you. And I don't think a little fire nation princess like you wants to die yet right?" Katara asked in a innocent voice. Azula said nothing. Katara bent one of Azula's arms backwards, just enough not to break it. "ANSWER ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!" Azula looked into Katara's eyes. Azula started to laugh. "You are crazy! You've gone insane!" Katara was confused why Azula was laughing when it was obvious she was also in pain. "Your crazy. Just like me, you a monster!" Katara was taken back and hurt being called a monster. Any other insult you throw at Katara she wouldn't care. But she always thought that Aang would call her a monster. She released her grip on Azula. "I-I'm n-not a-a monster." Katara said. Azula rubber her arm and walked over to Katara. "You are a monster. It's better to accept it then lie to yourself. My mother called me a monster, and it hurt, but I later embraced it, I am a monster. But that's not necessarily bad thing. I can get people to do what I want and get them to do it when I want it done. I'm in control and no one tells me what to do or what to say. I'm my own boss and I do what I want." Katara looked at Azula. "Listen I'm sorry your mom called you a monster and I'm glad you embraced it and whatever other crap you just said. But that's not me, I work with the Avatar, and I never turn my back on people who need me. I'm a good person, I don't like to hurt people. I would rather heal." Katara said not sounding confident at all. "Is that really who you are Katara? Or is that who you want to be? Are you trying to be someone your brother wants you to be? Are you being someone you thing the Avatar wants you to be? Stop being a wimp and face it Katara you and me are the same! What you have just done to me right now what you just said to me proves it. We are the same! Accept that you are a monster just like me!" Katara held her head in her hands. "No. No. No. NO IM NOT A MONSTER! IM NOTHING LIKE YOU Y-YOU KILLED AANG!" "Just like how you were going to kill me. Or anyone that would have threatened to kill or hurt the Avatar." Katara looked at the floor. "I think you should join me." Katara looked up. "What?! There is no way I'm going to join you." Katara said. "Joining me would be better for you. Let's talk about something I don't really like to talk about but for some strange reason I feel like I trust you even though you tried to kill me." Katara was taken back. But oddly happy that Azula trusted her. "E-emotionally, we all know you are in love with Mr. Avatar and we all know he is an air nomad. You Katara are a blood bender that craves blood and you love to blood bend. You want to fight you want action. Do you think The Avatar will accept any of that? And we all know how much he loves his damn culture." Katara thought for a second. "She's so right. Air nomad culture would never accept someone like me. I like taking advantage of people. I blood bended animals! An air nomad would never hurt an animal! And he's very serious on preserving air nomad culture. He's going to hate me." Azula walked to Katara. "I know your connecting the dots, your not stupid, your a powerful master, and you would be an amazing partner if you join me and Mai, and Tylee. With us you wont feel out of place, you can be yourself. And to be completely honest old you was stupid and annoying anyways." Katara rolled her eyes. "Wow thanks Azula." Katara said sarcastically. "So are you in?" Katara thoght for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm in. They would probably just leave me in the middle of the forest if they found out anyways."

It's been 2 hours and Katara and Azula have just been talking. "So you don't like the fire nation because they killed your mother?" Katara nodded. "Well I mean I get you don't want there to only be fire benders in the world, so how about this... we just get rid of the earth benders and leave the northern and southern water tribe alone as long as they don't bother us." Katara happily nodded. "Yes that's amazing! And don't worry they hate you guys they want nothing to do with you as long as you don't touch their home." Azula stood up from the ground and helped Katara up. "Well Katara now that your all caught up, are you ready to meet mai and Tylee when we are not trying to kill each other?" Azula asked while laughing. Katara chuckled. "Yeah... yeah I am ready." Katara and Azula walked out of the room side by side. "I feel free, I feel like I can finally be myself. Maybe I was never meant to help Aang, I mean I will always love him. But maybe we just weren't meant to be. Maybe this is where I'm meant to be."

It's been two days since the invasion. The gaang minus Katara decided not to leave the fire nation without Katara. They tried to put on disguises but would often get caught and have to run for their lives. Aang had gone insane, Sokka became a nervous wreak, leaving Toph to be the responsible one, which isn't her strongest suit. The three of them are in a cave right now. "SOKKA WILL YOU SHUT UP FOR A SECOND I NEED TO THINK WHERE THEY COULD BE KEEPING KATARA.!!" Aang shouted. "Aang she's my sister you can't tell me not to be worried!" Sokka shouted back, but not as aggressive as Aang. "Listen Aang I think you should take a break, you have been looking for Katara for two days and you haven't slept. And your getting super cranky and I'm super close to just beating you up for how rude you are." Aang turned around and stomped to Toph. "WELL HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE YOU LOVE WAS TAKEN FROM YOU AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE?!" Toph sighed and tried to think what Katara would say. "You know Katara will always be in your heart." Toph said feeling proud of her response. "ARE YOU SAYING SHE DIED?!" Toph rolled her eyes and walked away.

It's been four days and now Aang REALLY went insane. "Everyone wake up! I can't take this crap anymore we are walking right into the fire nation palace and demanding Katara!" Sokka and Toph flung up. "I hope your not being serious, we will just be laughed at and thrown in jail." Aang laughed. "Well if your not going to take this seriously than I'm going alone." Aang grabbed his glider and was about to take off before Toph grabbed his shoulder. "If you really won't take no for answer than me and Sokka are coming with you."

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