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GUYS! I found a picture of baby Jet in the episode Jet is last seen (the picture has nothing to do with the chapter I was just excited I found it and wanted to share it with you guys) , he has a flashback remembering his past when he was fighting long feng! I feel bad he looks so scared🥺😭

Jet tried to stand up but Katara froze him to the floor. "DONT even think of getting up." Jet sighed. "Really? I can't even stand up?! Come on Katara you used to trust me, why can't we go back to that? And you used to like me maybe we could actually be together now." Jet winked at Katara making her gag. "Yeah that's a no. I don't like you and I was stupid for liking you in the first place. Besides I'm dating Aang." Jet laughed. "The Avatar? You like him? Katara don't make me laugh. He can't even hurt a fly." Katara rolled her eyes. "Come on Zuko let's go." Katara grabbed Zuko's hand. "HEY! At least unfreeze me!" Katara sighed and unfroze the ice holding Jet the the ground. Katara and Zuko started walking away but they didn't know that Jet started following them.

Katara pulled Zuko down the street. "Who was that guy?" Zuko asked. "His name is Jet. We met him a while ago, he was the leader of a team called the freedom fighters. He convinced me he was a good person but I later I found out he was trying to kill innocent people in a small fire nation village. And I had a crush on him I think that's why his betrayal made me over react." Katara sadly sighed. Zuko pulled her into a hug. "Sorry Katara." Katara hugged him back. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

Katara and Zuko just got back to the Inn. Aang jumped up and ran to Katara and pulled her in for a hug. He looked at Zuko then grabbed Katara's face and kissed her. Zuko rolled his eyes. After a while of Aang and Katara just making out there was a knock on the door. "I will get it!" Katara shouted. She ran and opened the door and saw Jet. Katara sweetly smiled at Jet then slammed the door. "Who was that sweetie?" Aang asked. "Oh just a person who is supposed to be dead." Katara said casually. There was another knock on the door and this time Aang opened it. "Jet?! Katara it's Jet! He's not dead!" Aang yelled. Katara nodded. "You knew?! Since when?!" Aang asked. "Since me and Zuko left to get groceries." Katara responded. "Oh did you ever get the food?" Aang asked completely going off topic. "Well I tried to but the walking dead over here popped out of no where." Katara said while crossing her arms. "Well I didn't pop out you did what ever thing you did with your fingers and made me come out." Jet said. "Oh you blood bended him?" Aang asked. "Yeah." Jet decided he was tired of standing and just let himself in. He looked around the Inn while Aang and Katara where yelling for him to leave. Jet found Katara's room and laid in her bed. "Jet get the hell out of my bed!" Katara yelled. Jet sat up. "Come sit here Katara." Jet patted his lap. Aang angrily stomped in front of Katara. "MY GIRLFRIEND will NOT sit on your lap you pervert!" Aang yelled while grabbing Katara's waist. "Oh wait you were serious when you said you were dating him? Damn Katara why? You could do so much better. I mean I'm right here Katara." Jet said. Katara gagged and kissed her boyfriend. "I don't like you anymore Jet. Me and Aang are together now and I love him. Now care to explain how you are here, talking, walking, living, breathing?!" Katara asked Aang still holding onto Katara's waist. "Well when you left smellerbee and Longshot took care of me. And after All my injuries healed I felt empty. Like something in my life was wrong. And I came here to see you Katara and I felt full again. So I'm thinking I felt empty because you weren't in my life." Jet explained. "But I'm also here to tell you something." Katara raised an eye brow. "I'm listening." Katara said. "I think you joining the fire nation is the biggest mistake of your life. I mean they took your mom away from you!" Jet whisper yelled. "No It's not the Fire nations fault that my mom was taken away from me. There is one person out there that is responsible, not the whole nation. And one day I will find them and make them pay." Katara said going into daze. Her eyes flashed red but went back to normal in a second. Jet saw and smirked a bit. "You have to trust me Katara staying with the fire nation is a horrible mistake!" Jet yelled. "Why should I trust you?! You betrayed me, and tricked me into thinking you were a good person!" Katara shouted. Jet thought for a moment. "What if I help you find him? Will you trust me then?" Jet asked standing up. "How would you know anything about the person who killed my mother?" Katara asked pushing Aang's hands away from her. "Well I know quite a bit about the fire nation and my long process of healing has only given me time to learn more. So do remember what the fine nations uniforms looked like when they raided your tribe? Or maybe the ships flags?" Katara's eyes widened. "Sea Ravens." Katara said looking Jet in the eyes. "The symbol of the Southern Raiders. Their leader must have been the one who killed your mother." Jet explained. Katara felt indescribable anger within herself. Her eyes flashes red but this time stayed that way. "We are leaving now. Get your things." Katara said in a stern voice. Instead of smirking Jet was a little scared of her this time.  Aang became worried. He didn't want her going off on a mission to go kill a man, his plan was to get her back to her old self, he knew there were a few new things about Katara that were there to stay, but his overall plan was to get her back to her old caring, gentle, compassionate self. Aang ran over to Katara. "Katara hold on let's think about what your suggesting for a second! Do you think going after this man is good for you health mentally? And what good will it do if you hurt him?" Aang asked. "What are you suggesting?!" Katara asked/yelled. You could hear the anger in her voice but Aang knew the anger wasn't towards him. "I'm suggesting that you sit down and think before you go doing something you will later regret. Hurting him won't won't help you." Aang said. "I'm not going to hurt him." Katara said calmly. Aang sighed in relief.

"I'm going to kill him."

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