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Katara, Azula, Tylee, even Mai were laughing while they ordered Azula's servants around telling them to do difficult things in only a short amount of time. They all laughed harder as the servents stumbled and fell on top of each other trying to get their own task done in time. All the girls laughter finally settled down. Katara thought for a moment. "Hey guys I just remembered the lady that taught me blood bending would be very disappointed in me." Tylee put a hand on Katara's shoulder. "I know she might but you are doing what's best for you. And what's best for you is to live life and have fun! I mean you aura around us is way more happy than when you are with the Avatar." Katara smiled at Tylee. "Yeah I guess your right. Gotta do what's best for me." Azula and Mai walked up to the two girls. "Okay girls it's been fun but Me and Katara have to go talk to my father now." They all nodded and Katara and Azula started to make their way to Ozai's throne room. On their way there they passed prince Zuko, a person Katara had not seen in quite a while, but she was still uncomfortable around him. Zuko saw Katara and immediately went into a fighting stance. "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!" Zuko yelled. Azula Slapped her hands on Zuko's mouth to shut him up. "Relax Zuzu she's with us now. The Avatar and his friends didn't treat a master  water bender like her right. And she belongs here I can tell. So will you shut the hell up." Zuko nodded and Azula took her hands down. Zuko looked at Katara and took this time to really look at her. He was so focused on capturing the Avatar and his friends, he never really payed attention to them. Like really payed attention. As he was looking at the water bender in front of him he couldn't help but notice her natural beauty. He now understood why the Avatar was head over heels for her. He would be too if he got to spent everyday with her. "Okay come on Azula." Katara said as she dragged Azula down the hall. Zuko blushed of embarrassment realizing how long he was staring at her. "Damnit she probably thinks I'm creepy now. This is just great." Zuko decided to follow the two girls all the way to Ozai's throne room. He hid behind a pillar and listened in to what they were saying. "I don't like your brother. Never have never will." Katara said coldly. Azula laughed. "Don't worry I don't like him either, but I think he's got a bit of a crush on you." Katara rolled her eyes. "Princess Azula would you please do me the honor of burning me to death so I do not have to deal with the banished prince?" Azula and Katara then busted out laughing. "Ouch" Zuko whispered to himself. The two girls calmed down. "Okay are you ready to meet the Man that you have been planning to kill for I don't even know how long?" Azula asked while smiling. "I'm ready."


Aang, Sokka and Toph walked directly through the fire nation city. Sokka and Toph were extremely nervous but Toph didn't show it. And it was painfully obvious that Sokka was terrified. Aang had an emotionless look on his face. People screamed and yelled for the guards but every time the guards would try to get them, Aang would just earth bend a huge Boulder and squash them. Not even caring that he could have killed them. "Nothing and no one matters right now except for Katara." Is what Aang thought to himself as they made their way to the Fire Nation palace.


"Father I have a very special surprise for you. But before she comes in I just want to let you know that I completely trust her and I think you should too." Ozai nodded and motioned for Azula to show him. Then the huge door opened as a master water bender confidently walked into the throne room. Ozai's eyes widened. "This is Katara. You may know her as one of the Avatar's little buddies, but she's on our side now. Katara is a master water bender with amazing power. And she can do something called blood bending, she can control the blood in another's body against their will." Ozai smirked. He stood up and walked over to the girls stopping right in front of Katara. "Well it's an honor to have you join us Katara. With you by my side we will be unstoppable." Katara smiled but then remembered something. "I want you to leave the northern and southern water tribes alone. They won't bother you. I will help you take over everything else, but leave the water tribes out of it. They won't fight against you as long as you don't touch their homes I know that for sure." Ozai thought for a moment. "Okay as long as they don't get in my way." Katara smiled. The two shook hands while smiling.

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