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"You know we are going to a party tonight..." Tylee said while walking to Katara. Katara raised an eye brow in suspicion. "Yes and?" Tylee innocently smiled. "Well I mean I think you should look for someone. You know more than a friend.." Tylee said while cheesing. Katara sighed. "I told you Tylee I love Aang, and I think he's the only guy I will ever love. Maybe one day he will understand. Why I left."Tylee sighed in defeat while Azula walked in. She had herd the conversation. "Oh come one Katara! Aang is an Air Nomad! I know this might hurt but I'm saying this because you are my friend now but he's not going to except you. It's time to move on, or at least try!" Azula said. Katara sighed and looked down. "I mean I guess I could try... I don't want to stay alone thinking about him forever..." Tylee smiled. "Well?" Katara smiled at the two girls. "Let's do it!" The girls cheered. "Okay master Katara its time to go!" The girls ran out of the room. They Mai was chilling by the table drinking tea. "What are you three idiots laughing about?" Azula stomped over to Mai. "Call me and idiot one more time I dare you." Mai smirked. "Idiot." For the next five minutes Tylee and Katara were dodging flying knives and lighting blasts. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Zuko yelled while running out of the room he was in. Azula stood up and catching her breath while brushing her hair out of her face. "Oh Zuzu your no fun!" Zuko looked at Katara who was facing away from him while frowning. "Katara can I speak with you outside?" Zuko asked. Katara was about to decline when Tylee put her hand on Katara's shoulder. Katara sighed and nodded and the two walked outside. "What did you want to talk about? And make it quick we have to go to the party soon and honestly I just don't want to talk to you." Zuko sighed. "But why?" Katara raised a an eye brow in confusion. "Why what?" "Why don't you want to talk to me? Why don't you want to be around me? Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to make you hate me more than you hate Azula?! Why don't you trust me?!" Zuko asked. Katara sarcastically laughed. "Why don't I trust you?! I WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO TRUST YOU BACK IN BA SING SE! Why do I trust Azula more than you?! Because yes she did kill Aang she did hurt me! But she made it up to me! She showed me that there is good in her and she will always be there for me! The real me! I trusted you, which only made your betrayal hurt more! I'm so happy I didn't use the spirit oasis water on your scar! If I did Aang wouldn't be here today!" Zuko sighed. "What can I do? What can I do to make it up to you?" Katara sighed. "I don't know." "Well you can't hate me forever!" Katara laughed. "Oh yes I can! Why does this bother you so much?!" "Because believe it or not I care about you! And I care what you think about me!" Katara laughed again. "Well that's your problem not mine!" Katara started to walk back to the house but stopped at the door way. "If I were you I would get over that whole caring about me crap, because I don't give two shits about what happens to you." Zuko grabbed Katara's wrist before she could leave, he spun her around and pulled her into his chest hugging her. "What the hell let me go!" Zuko hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry okay? I'm really really sorry. I don't care if you don't care about me, but I care about you. Can you please try to not hate me?" Katara laughed. "You sound pathetic! Why are you going through all this just for my opinion on you?!" "Because your different Katara! I don't know what it is or what you do to me exactly, but I want to be around you, even though you look like you are going to kill me, being around you makes me happy, seeing you happy makes me happy, seeing you smile and laugh makes me happy! Seeing other guys gawk at you makes me mad, to see you sad makes me mad, for you to hate me makes me mad! And I do regret betraying you that day! I hate myself for that!" Katara was taken back by Zuko's words. She stopped trying to fight his grip and relaxed into him. She knew what he was getting at, but decided to play dumb for now. She didn't want to deal with the drama. She loved Aang and only Aang and deep down she knew that was never going to change. Katara awkwardly patted Zuko's back. "Okay Zuko, I don't hate you. But can you please let me go now. I forgive you, you seem like you meant that." Katara did mean that. Zuko really did seem sorry. "But we actually do have to get going or we will be late to the party." Zuko sadly let go of Katara. "Who knew it felt so amazing to hug a person." Zuko thought to himself feeling sad as she removed herself from his grip. Katara walked back into the house. Zuko stayed outside thinking about the events that had just occurred. "She hugged me back, we'll sort of but it's a start." Zuko thought to himself while smiling.

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