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Katara woke up before the rest of her fire nation friends and started to pack everyone's things. It was so early in the morning it was still dark out. (Basically 3 in the morning sorry I didn't know how to explain it.) Once she was done packing everyone's things she woke everyone up and they all left the inn. They found a pretty big boat and knocked out all the men working to get the boat ready to catch fish the next morning. Zuko quickly figured out how to work the boat and they started to head back to the fire nation. "Hey guys I forgot to thank you all for helping me when I was drunk! I can't believe that guy did that to me and Katara! But hey he's knows how to throw a party!" Tylee yelled. Mai rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah getting you drunk without you knowing is super cool."


"SOKKA WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! IF ANYONE IS A MONSTER ITS YOU! YOU-YOU DISGUST ME!" Aang was aggressively yelling at Sokka. "I just said what was true she betrayed the water tribe especially dad. You should be mad at her too the fire nation wiped out your whole culture and she joined those people and started having beach parties while you were cracking your head open trying to find her." Sokka replied. Aang's avatar state started to flicker as he grabbed Sokka by the neck. "AANG PLEASE YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!" Suki screamed. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT KATARA OR THE AIR NOMADS WITH SUCH DISRESPECT EVER AGAIN!" Aang yelled. Everyone was terrified his voice was full of anger, they had never seen Aang so out of control. "Okay I'm sorry!" Sokka screamed. Aang released Sokka from his grip. "Let's go, Katara is probably on her way to the fire nation." Sokka sat up. "EXCUSE ME?! AFTER ALL I JUST SAID YOU WANT TO GO GET HER AGAIN?!" Aang turned around and marched over to sokka anger practically radiating from him. The closer Aang got to him the more scared Sokka become for his life. "Get your lazy ass up we are finding Katara and I don't care if you don't want to come, because I will make you. And if you do not cooperate will throw you to fire lord Ozai myself and have him deal with you. You choose what you want to do." Aang wispered in Sokka's ear sending shivers down his spine. "Look at what Katara is doing to you! You two are obviously horrible for each other! I mean when your not together you turn into a psychopath!" Aang slowly tuned away from Sokka. "That is right Sokka without her I'm crazy. So if you better find Katara fast because I've had just about enough of you. If I hear one more complaint out of your annoying ass... I will kill you." Suki and Toph gasped. "Woaw there twinkle toes! Your an air nomad! Remember 'all life is sacred' that would be against your culture." Aang turned to Toph. "All life is sacred,

Except for his."

Everyone's eyes widened at Aang's words as he walked away. He hopped on Appa. "HURRY UP!" Suki and Toph snapped out of their daze and helped Sokka into Appa. "Oh guys next time don't help Sokka. He's a warrior isn't he? He's more than capable of getting on a flying bison by himself." Aang said coldly.


2 days have passed and Katara, Zuko, Mai, Azula and Tylee all arrived at the fire nation.
"Father I know you send us to Ember island so you could have your meetings and so we could relax but we ran into the Avatar and his friends and had to come back." Ozai walked up to Azula and stopped in front of her. "I still have meetings for another week, so I'm sending you all off again. But this time I'm sending you all to the Ba Sing Se, The guards will get you disguises." Azula nodded and walked back to her friends who were waiting outside Ozai's throne room. "Well what's happening now?" Katara asked. "Well we are getting sent off again. Father still has a week of meetings so we are going undercover to the earth kingdom." Everyone nodded. "THIS US GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!" Everyone laughed at Tylee's sudden outburst of energy. "Oh Tylee your such a ball of sunshine." Katara laughed.

Katara and the rest of her friends were on a stolen Earth Kingdom air ship heading to Ba Sing Se. Ozai was able to contact some of his secret Spies in the earth kingdom to make sure they made it into Ba Sing Se no problem. "Okay everyone who wants to play a game?" Azula asked while smirking. Everyone nodded and sat in a circle while Mai just groaned and dramatically fell to the ground and slowly crawled into the he circle. Zuko laughed. "Mai that was so unnecessary." Mai blushed but hid it before anyone could notice. "What are we playing?" Katara asked. "I herd of a game called truth or dare. It's a game where one person asked another person 'truth or dare' and if the other person picks truth they have to answer any question the other person asks truthfully. And if they pick dare then they have to do anything the other person says." Everyone nodded. "I will start." Zuko said. "Katara truth or dare?" Azula laughed. "I knew he was going to pick her first!" Katara looked at Azula confused. "How did you know?" Azula and Tylee burst out laughing while Katara stayed confused, Zuko stayed embarrassed, and Mai stayed not giving a fuck. "Okay okay can we just play?! Katara truth or dare?" Azula and Tylee stopped laughing while Katara tapped her chin and hummed. "I wil piiiiiccckkk DARE!" Zuko smirked. "I want you to sit on my lap for the rest of the game."

"Zuko that's hella weird I'm not doing that."
Zuko pouted. "But why? It's a dare you can't not do it!" Azula and Tylee started to burst out laughing again. Katara got up and awkwardly walked over to Zuko. Mai didn't like the idea of Katara sitting on Zuko but she laughed at how uncomfortable and awkward Katara looked. Katara finally sat down on Zuko. "This is hella weird why would you pick this dare?" Katara asked slightly annoyed. "Hey it's just a game." Zuko said. "Azula truth or dare?" Azula smirked. "Dare obviously!" Katara thought for a moment once she thought of something and smirked. "I dare you to walk up to the pilot and make out with him for 10 seconds then say that he tastes gross then walk away." Everyone was shocked that KATARA out of all people came up with a dare like that. They thought Azula would be the one to come up with someone like that, but they are all running off on her. Azula confidently stood up and started walking to the pilot's room. "Easy Katara gotta do better than that." Katara smirked. "Why do you look so confident she's obviously gonna do it no problem." Zuko whispered to Katara. "Well Zuko you see miss Azula didn't pay attention when we were being introduced to the pilot." Katara said while smirking. "Oh my spirits she is beyond perfect. I love this side of her." Zuko thought to himself. Azula flung the door open but her jaw dropped when she sat the pilot. "KATARA THERE IS NO WAY IM MAKING OUT WITH A 170 YEAR OLD MAN!" Azula whisper-yelled. Katara laughed. "Oh Azula don't exaggerate, he's only 84." Azula gagged. She slowly turned around and walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Everyone ran and put their ear to the door. "Listen grandpa this is for a dare and you never speak of this again." Azula said rudely. "Huh? What did you say? Your such a pretty young lady I feel like I had seen you befo-" the old man was cut off by Azula kissing him. Zuko, Katara, Mai and Tylee all gagged when they herd kissing sounds. Then they herd something fall on the ground, sounded like a rock. Then they herd Azula scream. "oh don't worry sweet my these are some new things called dentures! I will just put them back in and we can continue pretty lady!" The old man said wiggling his eye brows. And that is what did it for Azula, everyone herd the sound of Azula throwing up and her running towards the door. Everyone quickly ran back to their places and tried to hold on their laughs. Azula stomped out of the room fuming. "Katara. I. Will. Kill. You." Azula said charging and Katara who ran behind Zuko and used his body as a shield. Azula then punched Zuko in the stomach. "OW OKAY ENOUGH OF THIS GAME!" Everyone laughed. Katara felt guilty about being the reason Zuko got a bruise on his stomach so she offered to heal him and he gratefully accepted. After Katara healed Zuko they had arrived in Ba Sing Se! They all hopped off the air ship and were escorted by 'earth kingdom guards' to the inns the fire lord picked for them. They all got comfortable and decided to go out and wonder around the huge city. They were wondering around for a while before Zuko bumped into someone causing to fall on the floor. "OW hey watch where your going!" Zuko yelled before he looked up and saw a girl with brown hair and big green eyes. "I'm so sorry are you okay?!" The girl asked while she helped him up. Zuko was fozen, he found the girls eyes beautiful. "Oh wow." Zuko thought to himself as he looked at her face. "She's really pretty." Zuko snapped out of his daze when he noticed she was waving her hand in front of his face. "Hey are you there?" Zuko blushed. "Yeah sorry." The girl smiled. "It's okay. Hey your pretty cute what's your name?" The girl asked. Zuko blushed again. "Zuko. Your very pretty I love your eyes, what's your name?" Zuko asked. The girl giggled and blushed.

"My names Jin."

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