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Katara and Zuko found Azula, Mai and Tylee and where getting ready to leave when Chan ran up to them. "Hey where are you guys going? Katara you never came back I was really looking forward to spending a fun night with you!" Katara rolled her eyes. "Before you ladies go let me at least get you one more drink!?" Tylee happily accepted for everyone, while Katara, Mai and Azula all face palmed. They all knew why they had to get out of there fast, the Avatar was looking for his love. They all followed Tylee back to the bar. Katara and Tylee sat next to eachother while Azula, Mai and Zuko stood right behind Katara making sure she was completely covered by their bodies. "You guys are actually the best." Katara whispered to her friends. "Haha you mean girls." Azula added. "No Zuko's doing pretty good too." Katara added while smiling at Zuko. Azula rolled her eyes when she saw Zuko blushing. Chan handed everyone their drinks and gave Katara and Tylee's drinks last. Katara was already having pretty bad anxiety knowing that she could get caught at any moment so she downed her drink without even asking what it was. They all started to walk towards the exit when Katara and Tylee started to wobble, they swayed from side to side as they walked bumping into people. Tylee and Katara both almost fell the the floor if it wasn't for Azula catching Tylee and Zuko catching Katara. "Guuuyyyyssss why are we leeeeaaaavvviiinnngg? We jussssst got to thisss parrrrrrrttttyyy leeetttssssss dannnnnncccceee!" Katara yelled. Tylee sprung out of Azula's arms hearing Katara saying the words 'let's dance.' Katara stood up and Zuko made the mistake of letting her go for a second because she took off into the cows to find a dancing partner. "What the hell did that bastard give them?!" Azula yelled to Zuko. "I gave them cactus juice, and a lot of it. Now you guys can actually have fun!" Chan yelled from behind them. Azula was getting ready to attack him before Mai jumped in front of her. "He's not important right now. We need to find Katara and Tylee. Zuko you go find Katara I need to help Azula look for Tylee for all we know she could be on the ceiling." Zuko nodded and ran to the direction he last saw Katara.


Aang and the others had been walking around the dance floor and had not seen her so far. Aang sighed. Just as he was about to lose hope he saw the most beautiful long chocolate born hair, and herd the most amazing laugh. "Katara. I finally found her." Aang ran to Katara and hugged her from behind. Katara laughed. "Finally I found a dancing parrtttnerrrr!" Aang loosened his grip on her when he herd her talking weird. She spun around and out her arms on his shoulders. "Oooohhh myyyy gosh!!! It's Aang! You know since you are here nooowww, you know what we should do aaannnnngggg?" Katara asked. Aang couldn't speak. Even though she was drunk he was over the moon to see her. "Okay I willll takkke yourrrr silence assss a yessss!" Aang shook his head. "Wait I'm sorry Katara I was so happy to see you I didn't hear what you sa-" Aang was cut off by Katara kissing him. Aang was surprised at first until he melted into the kiss. "Now this is a nice reunion. Even if she's drunk, this is still really nice." Aang thought to himself. Once they finally broke apart Katara spoke. "Okay enough of that let's dance!" Aang decided to not think about anything else but Katara. Nothing else really mattered to him right now anyways. He was with Katara and that is all he needed. They started dancing and laughing. Zuko finally caught up to Katara and saw her dancing with Aang and gasped. "What should I do? What would normal Katara want me to do?" Mai and Azula had somehow gotten Tylee in a short amount of time and were now next to Zuko. "How are we supposed to get her now? He looks like he's holding onto her waist for dear life." Mai said. "He's going to have to let go of her some time, he can't hold onto her for the entire party, when he turns his back we have to get her, it doesn't matter if he sees us we just have to get her out of here." Zuko turned his head from Mai to see Aang and Katara making out. His heart sank. "Shes drunk, all the cactus juice is just going to her head." Zuko thought to himself. "Wow Katara being with you and especially kissing you has made me the happiest I've been in a long time." Katara smiled and hugged him tight. She was drunk but she definitely knew she missed him a LOT. "I'msosorryileavedyoubutyouwouldhatemeifblood." Katara tried to explain why she left but her words all just mumbled together. Aang understood part of it. "What do you mean hate you if blood?" Aang asked getting worried. Katara started to laugh. "Ppppsssshhh neva mind! Ugh I'm tirrred food." Aang laughed at her speaking. "Okay come let's get food." Aang was going to pull Katara with him when she stopped him. "No you get food I dance and u bring food." Katara said while laughing. "No Katara your super drunk your staying with me the whole time I can't lose you again." Katara didn't really listen to what he said she was just to tired to stay dancing so she let him lead her to the food. "Oh my gosh! He's really just not letting her go! He been holding onto her for 2 hours! He basically attached to her!" Azula yelled. "Like I said he can't hold onto her forever! She's drunk and we can use that to our advantage, in a little while she will have to go to the bathroom a lot. That's when we get her." Zuko explained and everyone agreed. After Aang and Katara ate (Aang had been holding her hand under the table) Sokka and Suki spotted her and hugged her. "Oh my gosh little sis I'm so happy to see you! What are you doing at a fire nation party?!" Sokka asked. Katara started to laugh. "To have fun of course that's what you do at parties!" Katara started to laugh harder. While pointing at sokka with her thumb. "Haha my brother doesn't know what a party is!" Aang laughed a little. "Is she drunk Aang?" Suki asked, Aang nodded. "It's not like Katara to get drunk. Someone here must have given her the wrong drink to get her to stay." Sokka explained. "Okay guys I'm leaving I wuv you!" Aang jumped up with Katara. "Where are you going?!" Aang asked. "I'm going to da bathwoom. I be right baaack." Aang squeezed her hand. "I'm coming with you." Katara laughed. "To the bathwoom? You wanna see me Pee?" Aang blushed. "No I will face the wall, I'm just not leaving you again. Especially not after Sokka said someone here is trying to get you to stay by giving you bad drinks." Zuko watched as Katara got up from the table. "Look she must be going to the bathroom." Zuko looked and noticed Aang was still with her. "No she's not he's still with her. Come on let's follow to see if we can get her alone." Zuko, and Mai ran after her while Azula tried to run with them but couldn't run as fast because she was dragging Tylee. Once Azula and Tylee caught up with them they hid behind a corner to where the two stopped walking. "No... I swear to the spirits." Azula said while watching them. Katara opened the bathroom door and Aang went inside and closed the door behind them. "HE FOLLOWED HER TO THE DAMN BATHROOM?!" Azula yelled. "How the hell are we supposed to get her when he literally follows her everywhere?" Mai asked Zuko. Zuko was getting frustrated. "If he's going to stay attached to her we just need to take her from him." Zuko said. "How are we going to take her from him? For all we know he could go into god mode the second we touch her finger." Mai asked trying to think of a good back up plan. Zuko sighed. "Well how else are we supposed to get her? If she wakes up tomorrow morning with her old friends group she's going to go crazy!" Everyone thought for a moment then agreed with Zuko's plan. They were just going to have to take her.


There are only a couple people in the house the party is ending. Which is making it more and more difficult for Zuko, Mai, Azula and Tylee to stay hidden from the Gaang. Toph finally found her friends and hugged Katara. "Oh wow she hugged her." Sokka whispers to Suki who just giggled. Katara got a little better, she can walk on her own, but her current situation hasn't really clicked yet. "Where have you been sweetness?" Toph asked as she lets go of Katara. "Oh you know places." Katara said while laughing. "Oh and Aang would you mind letting go of Katara just for one second so I could at least give my sister a real hug?" Sokka asked. Aang pulled Katara to his chest and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "No you can hug her tomorrow." Aang said I a serious tone. "Just for like 3 seconds?" Aang sighed. "Fine." Aang slowly let go of Katara, he swore it was physically painful to him. Sokka hugged his sister. "It's really good to have you back Katara." Sokka said while Suki joined the hug. Katara giggled. "Today I get all the hugs." She said making everyone laugh. "Okay listen up the second Sokka let's go of Katara we take a run for it, I will grab Katara and Mai and Azula you hold them off. Azula take Tylee outside and lay her on the ground you have to be ready to grab her fast." Tylee and fallen into a deep sleep while they were waiting for the second Aang would FINALLY let go of Katara. Azula quickly takes Tylee outside and rushed back in. They waited for the perfect moment when Sokka let go of Katara. Once no one was holding onto her at the moment Zuko shouted "NOW!" Mai and Azula jumped out and nocked everyone to the ground. Zuko picked Katara up bridal style and sprinted for the Exit. "Hey look everyone Zuko's giving me a piggy back ride! Or wait no I have to go on you back for it to be a piggy back ride!" Zuko couldn't help but chuckle at Katara talking nonsense. Aang flung up from the ground. "NO!" Aang earth bended and blocked the exits. "AZULA LIGHTING!!" Azula shot lighting to create a while in the rock.  Zuko jumped out while Aang used his air bending to catch up. Mai and Azula ran out of the house, Mai hell Azula place Tylee on her shoulders quickly and they ran. Mai and Azula followed close behind everyone trying to slow the Avatar down. Mai was throwing knives at him while Azula was trying to hit him with her fire blasts but he dodged every attack. Aang finally caught up to Zuko and hit him with a strong gust of wind making him slid across the dirt still holding onto Katara. "HAND HER OVER OR I SWEAR TO THE SPIRITS I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!"

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