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Zuko started laughing. "You won't kill me!" Aang earth bended a huge Boulder over Zuko and Katara. "Oh please you won't do it I'm holding Katara!" Aang earth bended the Boulder into knives. "Oh I see." Zuko gulped. Azula handed Tylee to Mai and started to create lighting. "If you try to stop us from escaping I will kill Katara!" Aang's eyes widened. "Fine fine! Just give me Katara and you can leave!" Azula laughed. "Your such an idiot obviously we are taking her with us!" "Why?! Why do you want her?!" "Why we want her is none of your concern!" Aang thought for a moment. "Okay I can trick them. I'm going to have to go get the others fast." Aang sighed. "Fine." Azula, Mai and Tylee and Zuko holding Katara all sprinted back to the inn they were staying in. Aang used his air bending to quickly go back to the house. "GUYS HURRY UP WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THEM!" Aang yelled. Everyone sprinted out of the house and were following the group of fire nation teenagers back to the inn. "W-why d-do they w-want k-Katara?" Sokka Asked out of breath. "I tired to ask them the same question and they wouldn't tell me!" Once Azula and the others stopped running the Gaang jumped behind a bush. "Okay we need to find out what room they are in." Aang whispered to Toph who nodded. "You all stay here I'm going to get Katara." Aang and Toph silently sprinted to the side of the building. Toph earth bended up the building making sure to stop at every window so Aang could check if Katara was inside.


Zuko dramatically kicked the door to their room open. "There was absolutely no need for that but okay." Mai said. Katara had fallen asleep while Zuko was running home and was now waking up. The cactus juice had now worn off and she had a head ache. "Ow can someone please get me some water?" Zuko ran to go get Katara water. "Are you ready to hear the story of what you did while you were on cactus juice?" Azula asked while smirking. "Oh no what did I do?" Zuko came back and handed Katara her water and she immediately started gulping it down. "You danced and made out with Mr. Avatar." Katara choked on her water. "WHAT?!" Azula Laughed. "Yeah his whole squad was at the party. They were looking for you. And getting you away from them was such a hard job you owe us. I mean he almost killed Zuko!" Katara smiled.


"WHAT?!" Aang spun his head around and stared at one of the windows for a second. "That was definitely Katara's voice." "Toph Katara is in the room over there." Toph nodded and earth bended them right in front of the rooms window. Aang pressed his ear to the glass. "I mean he almost killed Zuko!" Aang growled hearing Azula's voice. "It's true, he was all like 'you better hand her over or I swear to the spirits I will kill you with my own two hands!" Zuko mimicked Aang in a very deep not accurate at all voice. Katara laughed. "Why is she laughing?" "Oh come on guys! You all know Aang doesn't kill. He's an Air Nomad! Remember the reason why you all opened my eyes to why he would never ever accept me!" Katara explained getting sad at the last part. "And I kissed him?" Azula nodded. "And your sure he didn't follow you?" Zuko nodded. "He ran back to the house where the party was." "Is what Toph said true? Does she not want me to find her?" Aang thought to himself. "We should get some sleep, we have to leave tomorrow now that we know Aang is here." Zuko said. Everyone nodded except for Katara. "I'm going outside for some air."

Katara walked out of the inn. She walked to the beach and layed in the sand. Katara sat up and let some tear fall from her eyes. "Azula, Mai, Tylee, Zuko, they are all great. But if I'm being honest with myself, if Aang accepted me being a blood bender and he was okay that I love blood bending, and oh my gosh now I have killed a person! But if he was accepted me the way I am, I would go back to the Gaang without a second thought. I hate and love blood bending, it makes me feel confident in myself, but it's also the reason why I can no longer be around the most important people in my life." Aang noticed Katara crying on the breach and decided that now was the perfect time to talk to her, he figured the cactus juice had worn off now. Aang used his air bending to walk up behind Katara without her noticing. He slowly sat down and leaned his back on hers. She flinched but somehow she knew it was Aang. Katara took a deep breath. "I'm not drunk anymore." Aang chuckled. "Yeah." Aang's smile faded. "You weren't captured were you? You left." Katara started to cry again. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't want to leave trust me I wanted to stay with you guys! I wanted to help you defeat the fire lord." Aang stood up. "Katara do you hear yourself?! You join me to help me defeat the fire lord, then you leave and join the fire lord, and now you say you want to defeat him again?! Make up your mind!" Katara stood up. "Aang I never wanted to join the fire lord! I-I left because I had no where else to go. You and everyone else will leave me! I can't go home, t-they will see me as a disgrace and a monster! And I can't go back to Hama because I went against everything she taught me! She taught me to fight the fire nation not help them!" Aang calmed down. "Katara are you pregnant?" Katara gasped. "WHAT NO WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT?!" Katara yelled while blushing. "W-well I mean you said that you were a disgrace and usually when a girl under the age of 16 gets pregnant in the water tribes they are a disgrace." Katara sighed. "No im not pregnant." Aang walked to Katara and grabbed both of her shoulder making her look him in the eyes. "Tell me Katara, no matter what it is I will never hate you." Katara looked down and took a deep breath. "It's now or never." Katara looked back up at Aang. "When we were hiding in the fire nation I was sneaking out to meet Hama, she taught me some very advanced water bending techniques." Aang nodded. "I know that why would I leave you for that?" Aang asked. "No no no you don't understand I learned a forbidden move, something that is evil and should never be used. But I use it. A-and I love it. And that's so wrong! I-I g-go into this-this daze!" Katara started to cry and Aang was stil confused and a bit worried. "What did you learn Katara?"

"Blood bending. I can control the blood in another body make them do things against their will." Aang sadly smiled. "Hey Katara that's not so bad we can just practice on making sure you don't blood bend so you don't go into that daze." Katara pulled away from Aang. "NO see this is what doesn't work! You want to change me! Blood bending is part of me! I feel confident and strong! Don't try to take that away from me!" Katara was crying again. She was angry for loving blood bending when she should hate it, and at the same time she did. Being a blood bender took almost everything away from her. "B-but I hate it at the same time! I-I'm confused!" Katara was sobbing in her hands. Aang stood there not know what to say. Katara looked up at him and assumed he was angry. "I knew this was going to happen! I knew you were going to hate me! Your an Air nomad. I mean I-I-I-I killed someone!!" Aang's eyes widened. "You killed someone?" "Wow this is a lot tot take in. But it's still Katara, but now I'm seeing ALL of Katara. And I still love her." Aang thought to himself. Katara hugged herself feeling alone. Aang walked up to Katara and brought her hands down, he leaned in and kissed her. Katara kissed back, once they broke apart Katara was confused. "W-why did you kiss me?" Katara asked while blushing. "Because your still Katara. I don't care that your a blood bender, or that you killed a person, I mean I would advise you not to kill again but if blood bending makes you feel strong and happy I want you to be happy." Katara felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "But Katara..." Aang played with her fingers nervously. "What is it Aang?" Aang built up the courage to look into her eyes. "I love you, I always have. And that is why I'm begging you please do not leave again. When you were away I was a mess. I was just full of all these emotions, but everyone seemed to point out that I had a very short temper. And sometimes I would just want to crawl into a corner and cry. I would lash out on anyone who told me I needed to relax because I spent day and night searching for you." Katara felt guilty knowing that everything Aang had gone through was fully, entirely her fault and no one else's. "Every minute I spent without you was like hell. Not knowing where you were or if you were alive or dead. I can't live without you. Without you Katara, my life has no Color. When I finally saw you I held onto you like my life depended on it, because it did. When I had to let go of you so Sokka could give you a hug it was physically painful. And then seeing you get Taken by Zuko made me go insane. I was actually planning on killing him. The moment he touched you I thought without a doubt I was going to kill him, at that very moment me being and air nomad meant nothing." Katara was taken back by Aang's strong words. "Aang im so sorry I put you through all that. I know this probably doesnt mean a thing and won't heal any of the emotional scars I caused but...
I love you too." Aang laughed and ran to Katara and spun her around causing her to giggle.

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