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"Well Jin it was gray meeting you!" Zuko yelled while he began to walk away but was held back by Jin grabbing his arm. Katara and the others noticed the two. "W-we should see each other again! W-well I mean we should hang out? No let me just say it... would you be up to go on a date with me? I know we just met but we don't have to rush things I just want to get to know you." "Aw man I mean she's beautiful but I'm pretty sure I like Katara more." Zuko thought to himself. Katara and Azula saw Zuko about to reject her so they decided to step in. "He would love to go on a date with you! Sorry when he sees pretty girls he freezes and gets nervous!" Katara said while laughing. "Yeah he's been alone for like his whole life! It's actually pretty sad! Are you sure you wanna-" Katara smacked her hand over Azula's mouth. "He would love to go out with you and that's all the matters. Actually why don't you guys go right now?! There's a restaurant right down the street Zuko has money! Zuko be a gentleman and pay for everything and anything she wants! Anyways let me get out of you guys way have fun!" Katara yelled while dragging Azula away. Zuko stood there shocked. "Well I guess I have a date with Jin then. Katara just made it Crystal Clear she wants nothing to do with me romantically so I guess I should start moving on." Zuko smiled at Jin. "Well you herd her let's go to that restaurant!" They both started walking to the restaurant.


"Aang im concerned for you." Suki said as softly as possible. "I'm concerned for myself too." Aang responded. Suki climbed onto Appa's head with Aang. "Want to talk about it?" Aang nodded. "Well everyone knows I'm in love with Katara already right?" Suki nodded. "Well when I say I love her I mean I love her. Like I would kill thousands of people if I have to for her. Which is so messed up, because that's not what I want to do. But love for such a wonderful and horrible thing. Especially when it's as strong as my love for Katara is. When I am apart from her I don't feel like myself, everyone has a dark side to them, and obviously people don't like other people seeing that side of them. But when she's not around it just comes out. I've always been one to be positive and try to see the positive side of things, but when she's not here, there is no sunlight in my world. It pitch black darkness. But I'm also mad at her, what Sokka said is true, the part about how I should be mad that she joined the people who killed my entire culture. I mean the killed her mother! How could she join them?! I know she's confused about her blood bending and 'where she belongs' but I know she belongs with me! And I belong with her! I can feel it! I don't know what to do anymore Suki. At this point, I could care less that there had been a war going on for 100 years, all that I care about is seeing Katara. And making sure she stays this time. DAMN IT SUKI I JUST LET HER LEAVE! I stayed next to Sokka and I watched her run away! Imagine how she felt?! But then again she didn't give 2 craps about how I felt! Leaving me and then going to join the fire nation! Is it that hard to send a letter saying that your alive?!" Aang started to cry while Suki patted his back trying to comfort him, but she knew what she was doing wasn't working. She knew the only person that could make Aang feel better was Katara herself. "I understand that this whole situation is hard for her but doesn't she know that it's hard for me too? How could she me- I mean us like that?" Aang cried. "It's okay Aang I know your hurt that she left you specifically. It's okay to fell like that." Aang cried more. "She's so selfish I hate her!" Suki patted Aang's back. "You don't mean that Aang don't let your anger control you." Suki said calmly. "Your right. Not even I believed that and I'm the one that said it." Aang and Suki sadly laughed.


The Gaang (minus Katara) landed in the fire nation. Just like last time Aang walked through the fire nation straight to the palace crushing guards in the process. But this time he was also mad at Katara. "LET ME SEE KATARA RIGHT NOW!" Aang shouted. One of Ozai's guards walked to the Avatar and his friends. "The Fire Lord would like to speak with the Avatar. He can only bring 2 people with him." Aang looked at Sokka. "Suki, Toph let's go. The warrior can handle himself." Suki and Toph reluctantly left Sokka behind and followed Aang the the Fire Lords throne room. Once the guard left them alone Aang spoke. "Let me see Katara." Ozai stood up. "I would like to speak to the Avatar alone, guards take these two and just stand outside I will signal when they make re-enter." The guards nodded and pulled Suki and Toph away. "Aang we can't just leave you!" Suki yelled. Aang turned to face Suki. "It's alright Suki I will be okay. You just worry about you and Toph." Aang smiled at Suki before the door were shut leaving Aang and Ozai alone. He sat back down on his throne. "I herd you are quite fond of Miss Katara." Aang nodded. "Yes and I want to speak to her." "Well I have an idea that I think you might like." Aang raised an eye brow. "I'm listening." Ozai smirked. "Well as you know Katara is working with me. And as Of right now she is no where in this palace. And don't worry I do not treat Katara as a prisoner, she so treated like a friend. What if I told you I know a way you can be with Katara every single day without having to be tracking her down. You will simply be with her." Aang thought for a moment. "How would that even be possible." Aang asked. "Simple. You join me. Like Katara did. You unlike Katara will be treated like royalty. And you will be with her always. Isn't that what you want? To be with Katara?" Aang thought for a moment. "No I will not join you. My job is to keep the work in balance and who knows which culture you are planning to destroy next. The world is already way out of balance with no air benders!" Ozai smiled. "Okay then I will make I deal with you as I did Katara. I will not wipe out any more cultures I will let them live and continue to grow, but I will have full control over all of them." Aang thought about Ozai's offer. "I mean as long as he doesn't wipe out water benders or earth benders... and then I will later be able to bring back air benders and then the world will be balanced again. It doesn't really matter which side I'm on fire nation or not as long as all benders exist the world is balanced." "I accept your offer. I will join you. But I want you to take my friends to a nice place to stay for as long as they like. And I want them to be treated well. I also want to to tell me where Katara is. And when I leave I want you to tell them that I have joined you." Ozai smirked. "Of course Avatar. Katara is in Ba Sing Se I will get an Air ship ready for you and have someone escort you straight to her." Aang smiled. "I never thought I would say this but, thank you fire lord." Aang then walked out of the room and boarded and air ship. He was extremely happy. But also sad he had to leave Suki and Toph. He only hopes that they would one day understand  that every thing he is doing is for love. And it's totally worth it.


Zuko laughed. "Really that's crazy how many siblings do you have again?" Jin laughed. "I have 7 but they are all adults." Zuko sighed. "Wow 7 I only have 1" Jin smiled. "Oh I meant to ask you about the people you where with before we left." "Oh well those were all my friends. The girl with the long braid is Tylee the girl that looks like she's dying or boredom is Mia, the one that looks insane is my sister Azula, and the one with gorgeous blue eyes is Katara." Jin laughed. "You got a thing for eyes?" Zuko blushed. "N-no I just- I don't know. Forget that last one. The only with beautiful long chocolate hair is Katara." Jin smiled. "Your pretty fond of Katara arent ya? You got a little crush on her?" Zuko laughed. "Well I thought I did, but I think I was just blinded by her physical beauty, but she made it clear she wants nothing to do with me romantically, which made me open my eyes and see that we wouldn't really fit together in a relationship. But I could already picture a person I would be happy to be in a relationship with." Jin smiled. "Who?" Zuko took jin's hand. "You." Jin blushed. They Left the restaurant and decided to walk around. Jin took both of Zuko's hands and looked into his eyes. "Can I do something?" "Sure." Jin blushed. "I want you to close your eyes." Zuko listened and closed his eyes. Then Jin kissed him.

Zuko made it back to the inn where he saw all the girls in their bindings. They looked like they were dancing around, even Mai looked like she wasn't dying, like she was actually having fun. Everyone froze and no one talked. It was completely silent until everyone bursted out laughing. "What the hell are you girls doing!!" Zuko laughed. "Oh my gosh poor Zuko looked terrified!" Katara and Mai both said at the same time. They both looked at each other and stared at each other for 20 seconds not showing any emotions, until they bursted out laughing too. "Alright I'm tired let's all go to bed now." Zuko said trying to walk to his room but was tackled by Tylee and Katara. "No not until you give us all the details on your date with that girl!" Tylee yelled. Zuko noticed Katara was on top of him with nothing but her bindings and started to get a little.... excited.
"Okay! Okay! Did you guys forget that you guys are only in your bindings?! Go put clothes on!" Zuko yelled covering his face. "Zuko you just saw us for like 10 minutes and it didn't seem to bother you just deal with it and tell us about your date!" Tylee yelled. "Yeah Zuko what's the big deal?" Mai asked. "It's because Katara tackled him and she's showing skin." Azula said making Everyone start laughing except Zuko. "Come on Zuko tell us about your date." Katara said while smiling at Zuko. A smile that made Zuko's heart flutter. "This isn't fair! I was just on a date with an awesome girl! She must be doing this on purpose she did say she hated me not to long ago. This must her her revenge! Make me fall for her and never be able to get over her beautiful self!" Zuko thought to himself. "It was really fun. Jin is super sweet and pretty. She's great to talk to. I really like her!" Everyone cheered. "WOOHOO Zuko finally got a girlfriend now It won't physical hurt me when I have to tell people I'm related to him!" All the girls basically died laughing while Zuko was upset. "Ha ha very funny I'm going to bed." Zuko walked past the girls went to his room and closed the door behind him.

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