Optimus meeting his future son(old)

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"Ahhhh Optimus?"

"Yes Smokescreen?"

"Th-the groundbridge is purple???"

Optimus turns, seeing that Smokescreen was correct, the groundbridge was indeed purple, but it was just green a second ago?

*Ummm what's coming out of the bridge?"

And Bumblebee was as well correct. God dammit.

"Hiiiiii DAD!!!"








.OoHHH boy! Does OPtimus have some explaining to do.

.The entire base just exploded into chaos, Everyone (especially Ratchet) was just screaming at him, wanting an explanation on why there was a 18 year old boy claiming to be Optimus half human son

.While everyone was screaming at the poor confused Optimus who was baked into a corner and one the verge of crying, Raf, Jack and Mrs Darby went up to the kid asking him a few simple questions, like who he was, where he came from, why is the groundbridge purple and how is he Optimus son?

.And surprisingly the kid was not reluctant at all to tell them everything

Apparently, Ratchet and Wheeljack were getting a little too excited in the med-bay, which lead to a machine going off, which lead to heating (s/n) who was just walking in, which lead to him being transported here.

.To be fair the kid did have Optimus holoforms fetchers, his blue hair with (h/c) and of course the signature blue eyes.

.Lucky (s/n) was able to sneak Optimus away from the flock of angry geese which was Team Prime, to head out into town and bond

They drove through town, stopping at K.O Burger, then heading out to the park, getting Ice cream, you know normal father son stuff, until.

.While walking down the street, exploring the town, Optimus ended up accidentally bumping to someone

. "Oh I'm terrible sorry"

. "No it's quite alright, I wasn't looking where I was going, have a nice day"

. Optimus watched as the lady with (h/c) walked swiftly down the way they came, his son noticed this and smirked

. "You know, You bumped into mom when you first meet~

.Optimus stood there for a few second processing what his future son had said before chasing after him

. "Was that her!?"

. (s/n) merely laughed refusing to answer his fathers question on his human mother.

.When (s/n) finally returned to his world, Optimus was saddened but also determined to find that woman again.

.A week after the encounter, Optimus and the team had decided to take Raf to a fancy restaurant for his birthday, Optimus of course being the gentleman he is decided to pay for everyone, but when the waiter walked over ohoh boyyy!

. "hello, are you ready to order?"

. Prime was stunned to find out the waiter for their table was the woman he had bumped into last week.

. "It's you! I-i ah want to apologize for bumping into you before, I'm truly sorry"

. "Oh know it's quite alright really, I was in a rush and wasn't paying attention!"

. "C-..Could I make it up to you at dinner tomorrow night?.."

. "hmmm.."

.The (h/c) gave Optimus a piece of paper with some numbers on it

. "I get off at six, see you then~"

.To say Optimus was flustered was an understatement.  

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