MTMTE Magnus x Rodimus part 2

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Six months, Rodimus has been locked in his room for six months, Magnus,well Magnus hasn't been doing so well either, he'd spend most of his days at the bar drinking high grade while ignoring everyone else, the lost light couldn't keep up with this forever, Magnus was always drunk and refused to work(witch shocked everyone) while rodimus didn't even answer the door, drift was getting really stressed with all the work he had to do on his own and he didn't know how much longer he could take it, he had to do something, he had to get rodimus and Magnus to talk and settle thing's out. But nothing works, everyone on the ship is depressed and stressed out on trying to get them back together, but nothing works, nothing, Magnus would be wasting his time at the bar getting drunk every time then pass out then it would start all over again. everyone on bord the lost light did there best to get them back together again i mean they were together for 2000 years! And Drift had has enough of it! "Magnus! I have fragg'n had it! You are going to go talk to rodimus right now or I'm going to throw both! Of you off this ship!!!" Magnus was jolted out of he's sleep(he passed out at the bar from drinking) still dizzy from the high grade "sigh* what do you want.. Drift?" Magnus started rubbing his head tiredly(idk if that's a word) he was dreaming about when rodimus and Magnus bonded for the first time, how mich love and devotion was out into there Bond how much they promised that they'd love each other and never lie to one another... Magnus broke one of those promises... "Go talk to him. NOW!!" Drift was not having anything from Magnus today, he had his servos full with reports and bots complaining being the captain and second in command at the same time was a curse to him "I told you.. He doesn't want to tal-" He was interrupted by a very angry drift "I don't want to hear it you little fragger!I don't care if you're fragg'n head exploded! Your going to talk to rodimus and that's final!!!" Grabbing Magnusss(😅) arm tightly drift pulled him out of his seat and dragged him down the hallway towa9the sulking prime, once they reached the door drift punched(litterly) the code in, roughly pushed Magnus in then locked the door behind him, with no regrets drift sighed and made sure no one went near there brethroom. Inside Magnus stood there frozen looking at rodimus who was at up on the breth staring at Magnus with puffy eyes from crying "what are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone!" Magnus looked to the ground avoiding rodimuss hard gaze "i-... Drift.. Made me come in" It was silent between the two, magnificent stood staring at the ground, while rodimus watched him intensely "why didn't you tell me?-" His voice cracked as he spoke his eyes filling with tears "I didn't know how, I wanted to tell you so badly... But... I didn't know what you'd say.. " Rodimus had his arms crossed while trying to keep the tears away "of course you did.. I told you everyday that I would love you no matter what you looked like.... We're you just using me!? Why we're you wearing a suit!?!?" (Idk the real reason so I'm just gonna make one up) Magnus stood there contemplating on weather or not he should say "I was ridiculed for my looks everyday, bye everyone, even my family... When I tried to sign up to the elite gurd they laughed at me and told me to go home, so I got a suit... I tried to sign up again and they excepted me, because of my skill I meet Optimus, he was the only one I told about my secret, and he promised to keep it that way, but he did try to convince me to tell the truth to everyone.... I just couldn't... Not  during a war at least... Then you came along, and I was so happy, you made me happy, I wanted to tell you for so long, I wanted to be honest with you but... I felt that I would lose you if I did, another mech would take you from me or the decipticons.... I-.. I love you.. I wanted to protect you... Please forgive me... Hotrod... I love you so much and I'm so, so sorry..." Rodimus was silent he didn't speak he didn't move he just stood there watching, Magnus sighed figuring that this was his cue to leave, he turned around to the door but before he could open it he was pulled back and turn around, his dremas(?) Smashed onto another's, his eyes widened but when he was rodimus he happily kissed back, the kiss deepnd as Magnus out his hand on the back of rodimus head to deepen it, rodimus  snuck his arms around his neck pulling the both down on top of the berth, there make out session continued until rodimus slowly pulled away, staring into his lovers optics, the words he spoke are words he would never regret "I forgive you Maggie" Magnus smiled before kissing him again, and that night was filled with lots of aggressive love making and I love yous, but that night was a night the ship and the crew would never forget.


Rodimus sat in the captain's chair smiling down at his swollen belly, yep! Rodimus was sparked and anyone could guess who the father is, rodimus continued rubbing his tummy while humming a tune, as the crew silently listed while doing there job enjoying the peace and love come from rodimus, none of them have ever seen rodimus so happy before, not even ratchet who new him before he became a prime, rodimus recalls the day he found out he was sparked it was a few days after he and Magnus sorted everything out ratchet was the one that delivered the news to him, he jumped for joy then run out of the med-bay running straight towards Magnus where he was talking to whirl, cyclonus and tailgate, rodimus started shouting his name as he run straight at him jumping on him making them both fall, he started shouting that he was sparked and the hole crew congratulated them Magnus was both equally excited, and now his sparkling was to be born any day now... Or right now, rodimus felt a volt of pain go through him as he stood from his chair, the crew was alerted hearing rodimus pained gasp, cyclonus  quickly but carefully picked up rodimus and ran off towards the med-bay, everyone was panicking as he entered the room, ratchet was quick to action, pulling all of his tools over getting ready to deliver, Magnus rushed in grabbing a hold of rodimus servo and whispering comforting things witch weren't really helping, but after several hours of screams of pain a loud cry erupted though the room, ratchet cleaned the sparkling up checking to see if it was healthy while rodimus Catch him breath with Magnus rubbing his forhelm affectionately, once ratchet was done he happily handed there new son over to them, it was a little mech that looked just like Magnus except he had rodimus colour scheme with black "his beautiful" Magnus whisper strocking his son's head "Yea... He looks a lot like you" Magnus smiled crawling onto the medical berth with his mate and sparkling "what should we call him?" Rodimus hummed in thought, he looked up at Magnus before smiling "Ultra Magnus junior?" He laughed while Magnus gave him a 'really?' Look "seriously?" Rodimus nodded eagerly, Magnus sighed "very well" Magnus.J sterd in his sleep snuggling up to his carrier, now thing's were perfect for the family, the ship was filled with life with little junior running around he was a bit shy but loved attention from his creaters, be was a healthy and happy sparkling, but we'll he find love? Find out soon😉

Sorry if you we're waiting for so long
I feel like the ending was a bit to much😂😅

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