3. Bumblebee x reader

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Y/n means your name

*Means Bumblebee talking/Beeping*



Jack's sister returns from the military bringing along a new friend of hers. She seems to take an interest in a cretin yellow and black scout.

Jack's POV:

Arcee had just arrived after school to pick me up, taking me to the base. I was super excited because I got news from my mom that Y/n was coming home! I haven't seen her since she left for the army almost two years ago.
I was super nervous too, I can never keep a secret from her, she'll probably find out about Arcee and the other Autobots the minute she steps into the house, she can smell the disloyalty and secrets.
"What's up with you Jack? You've been quiet the whole ride here" I was taken out of my thoughts by Arcee.
"Oh no I'm fine, it's Just that.." How was I going to explain to her and the others that I can't be around them for a whole two mouths!?
"Just what?" I shock my head a little sad thinking that I won't be able to see the others for two months. "I'll tell you when we get to the base."

Arcee transformers, stretching her limps after I hopped off, making my way(down town, walking fast-Sorry) towards the hangout area where Miko and Raph were watching TV, Arcee came up towards me.
"Okay what is it Jack? What are you not telling me?" She's almost as bad as my sister, always able to tell when somethings going on.
"What's going on?" I turned to see Miko and Raph walking towards me, also curious. "Okay, since everyone is here, I might as well tell all of you" I took a deep breath.
"Iwontbebaletohangoutwithoyuguysfortwomonths!" The silence was almost deafening.
"I'm sorry, what?" Bulkhead was confused, which made me realize no one understood what the hell I just said. I sighed.
"My sister is coming into town for two months and is going to be staying with us" I scratched the back of my neck nervously.
"I didn't know you had a sister?" Miko asked leaning over the railing
"Yeah well she's in the army and I haven't seen her in two years." Optimus walked over raising an eyebrow? At us.
"I do not see the problem Jack? Shouldn't you be happy that your sister is coming home?" I looked down, not really looking forward to this conversation.
"Yeah I am, but that's not the problem.." Wheeljack leaned on the wall next to the railing, throwing his grenade up in the air before catching it again.
"So what is the problem?" I signed "The problem is that I won't be able to see you all for two months..." "What!?" Everyone (Except for Ratchet because he doesn't care) shouted "Yeah.." Arcee seemed the most surprised and a little sad "Wait but why?" I looked back towards her.
"Because my sister is like a ninja, if see's you she'll get suspicious, ask where I got you, how I got the money and then she'll follow us and she can tell when I'm lying or hiding something from her, she is basically a wizard." They all seemed to be slightly surprised by how I talked about my sister. Miko seemed excited to meet her while Raph was nervous.
"Well I guess you will have to stay away from the base and us until your sister leaves." Optimus replied walking back over to the monitors to finish some work or something.
"Wait how long is your sister staying for?" I looked over at Miko before looking away.
"Uhh...Two mouths..." "Seriously!?" I nodded "Yep, and she's probably going to be picking me up from school so she can take us out to the diner, that's what she always did when she graduated" Arcee gave a small smile at how Jack spoke about his big sister so fondly
"When will she be here?" I looked up at Arcee who was smiling a little with her hands on her hips

"Tonight, maybe tomorrow I'm not sure, she never tells us, she likes to make a big surprise about it" As I finished explaining my phone vibrated in my pocket, pulling it out seeing it was a text from my mom, saying that Y/n had arrived and was waiting at home, I jumped excitedly. "Yes!" The others all stared at me confused, Miko snickered, I cleared my throat in embarrassment.
"My sisters here! Arcee, can give me a ride home Y/n is probably wanting to see me and brag about how she met the president... Again" She laughed "Sure, I'll head straight back to base once I've dropped you off." She transformed, letting me hop on before driving, saying goodbye to everyone before racing through the entrance.
Arcee parked a few feet away from my house so Y/n wouldn't get suspicious. I waved goodbye to Arcee and started walking towards my house, seeing Y/n red, orange and yellow Ferrari. "Showoff" I mumbled to myself, Y/n got that Ferrari from a friend of hers when she joined the army, 'he works for the government' was her response. I opened the front door hearing voices in the living room, walking into the living room seeing Y/n and mom talking on the couch, I shouted "Hey Y/n!"

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