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HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! Btw one of these characters is mine

Starscream. many knew him as Megatron's annoying, coward, loud, selfish, femme like Second In Command and like many bots/cons, know one liked him (well except for one Vehicon) but no one really knew his story, why he was so selfish, why he acted so spoiled and why does he push away anyone who trys to help him? Will there's an answer for that, but it's a sad one. 

Megatron had sent Starscream off on a 'mission', to investigate a small energon signal they had gotten from one of there abandoned mines and Starscream knew that this was just away of getting him off the ship for a while, but didn't object to getting out of Megatron's shooting range while he was having his afternoon tantrum. Starscream had gotten bored of the war and what it had become, fight Autobots, mine energon, get fraged hard in the aft by Megatron recharge and repeat, every. Single. Day. And nothing changed not the fragging, not the battles or the struggle for survival, it was all the same as every other day and he had grown tiered of it. Starscream had been wondering the catacombs of the mine for a cycle and was about to give up and return to his berth, but just as he was turning to leave he heard something, someone "Starscream.... Starscream~" That voice. It was so familiar to him, but where had he heard it before, turning back to where the low husky whisper of the voice came from, he saw a faint glow at the end of the dimly lit tunnel, slowly walking towards it, Starscream could feel his fear start to grow, was it the Autobots? M.E.C.H? Perhaps some Insecticons playing a stupid joke one him, but what he found he didn't except, it was... And Orb? But not just any Orb, it was the Orb of Galva, this artifact was extremely valuable, it had been lost to the stars for eons any Autobot or Decepticon would kill for it, the Orb is said to give whomever touched it their depends desire. Starscream smirked, finally he could have the upper hand to Megatron and the rest of his loyal soliders, he could even destroy the Autobots and that reached Arcee once and for all, this could finally be he- As he reached out to touch it Starscream was blasted back by a ray of white and blue light sending him flying into the wall dimming him unconscious. He awoke in finding himself in... Vos? It couldn't be. But it was. It was Vos his home on Cybertron, how did he get here? Vos had been destroyed during the war, hence the reason why he was one of the only seekers left, they were all nearly killed in its destruction. Turning around and observing the room, yes everything was the same, the portraits the decorations the polished tiles and.. The throne.. There at the end of the room sat a large golden throne with a red carpet leading up towards it from where he stood, slowly but surely Starscream walked towards it with slow steps, moving his servo up the armrest lightly not wishing to smudge it, he felt the carvings in its oar and how the cool touch of the gold flooded so many emotions of home that he had missed to dearly. Walking around it slowly recognizing ever curve every dent and placement of its design, he soon felt the urge to set in it once again, like the many times he had done once before even if it didn't belong to him just yet, it has been eons since he last felt the familiar rims of the sealed gold of the Seeker throne, he never truly got to seat in it as a king, since the kingdom was destroyed before he could take his rightful place as the king of the Vos "You always liked that throne" It was that voice again, wiping his head around, Starscream's wings and intake dropped. There standing at the bottom of the steps, his arms held behind his back and his wings held high, he stood proudly just they way he remembered him, it truly was him.. His father. Starcry, king of the seekers and ruler of Vos, his mentor, his king, his father was standing right in front of him, his dark red ruby optics stared back into his almost identical ones with a stern gaze, the same gaze that he always had. His black and dark grey armor stood out the most, it almost looked as if he was glowing, actually I believe he is, there were shining particles flouting around him, he looked as if someone poured a large amount of glow paint on top of him. But this couldn't be his father, he was killed when Vos feel, but if he was in the well of the allspark, then who was the mech standing in front of him "y-you can't be.. N-no! Your died! Your not real! I'm just dreaming!! This isn't real!!!" Starscream cried out as if he were in pain but at this point he might as well be, Starscream had blamed himself for his father's death, it was his fault he was gone, if he didn't make that deal with Megatron he would have still been on Cybertron, in Vos with his family, with his father. "Starscream." The impostor walked closer towards him, reaching his hand out to lay it gently on his shoulderplate, but was pushed violently way before he was close enough "don't touch me! Your not real! This is just a dream! Yea that's it, just a dream, your not real, your just a figment of my own stupidity and guilt!" He continued to shout, living up to his name, screaming begging to wake up from this dream, or in his opinion a nightmare "STARSCREAM!!!" he was grabbed roughly by the shoulderplates forcing him to face the bot who looked exactly like the mech who he disappointed so many eons ago "Y-your-" Swallowing the energon that had formed in his intake he continued "yo-your not real... You can't be.." Another drop of lubricant feel down his faceplate, as the impostor wiped it away with his long talon like digits as quickly as it came "perhaps.. But that doesn't make me any less alive" Confusion flooded him like a wave, until realization hit, that was the last thing his father said to him before he left, but no one was there but himself his father and his twin older brothers, but they had perished as well, so than that means.. "Father?.." The mech stared at him, before nodding slowly "f-father!" Jumping on to his peds Starscream did two things he has never done in his life, he pulled his father into the biggest hug he could give and he cried, he hugged and cried in front of his father, something he vowed to himself never to do, Starcry was stern and proud and pretty much emotionless, especially in front of his children, he had always giving Starscream and his trine a tough time, knowing it would be better for all of them, he showed what others called tough love, so none of his children even dared think about letting any sort of tear leave their optics in front of him. Starcry stumbled back a bit, not expecting the sudden contact, but hesitantly returned the gesture, there was a long silence between the two besides Starscream's sobbing, it was not awakened, it was nice and comforting, something Starscream had not felt in a long time. "I'm sorry Sire.. I'm so sorry.." Starcry shushed his youngest son, rubbing his helm gently, telling him that it was all okay "I do not blame you son.. You were just following your spark... Like your Carrier.." Starscream's sobs slowed down, only making him hiccup a little "This isn't really real is it? This is just a dream, isn't it?" Starcry nodded "yes.. This is a dream of sorts, but I am real" Pulling away from the hug Starscream looked his father in the optics "i-... This was what I desired most... To see you again.. And the Orb granted it" Starcry nodded again "... How much longer will this last?" He was silent for a moment before turning and walking to wards the balcony, with Starscream right on his heels "Not very long" Starscream looked up at his father once more, he didn't want this to end, not yet, he had so much he wanted to say to him "Starscream.." Starcry grabbed his sons clawed servo holding it tight, while his other hand went up to crease his cheek "I an so proud of you.. Your Carrier is too and so are Thundercraker and Skywarp, we are all so proud of you and were watching over you. we always have been... We love you, I love you Starscream... So, so much" Another tear ran down his face as he was about to say something he wished he had said to his sire a long time ago, but everything started turning black "Father! Father wait!!" seeing the sad smile on his sire's faceplate confirmed that this was the end of what the orb would give. Then nothing.

"Wait!" Jumping up Starscream checked his surroundings, looking left and right, finding himself back in the med-bay of the Nemesis.

(1479 words) My fingers are so sorry and it's like 12:25pm right now so yea I'm going other bed hope your enjoyed and tell your dad how much you love him! Bye

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