Chapter 7

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Thanksgiving break was officially over. Monday morning I woke up super excited. Not for school of course, but my boys’ new album ‘Take Me Home’ had literally just come out a few hours ago. The little buggers wouldn’t sing any of it for me, so I had to wait just like everyone else. I had it downloaded already so that I could take it to school and basically listen to it all day long. I jammed out while I was getting things out of my locker. I slammed it shut only to find Liz and Darcy waiting behind it.

“Bahhhh!!!!” I screamed. They tackled me to the ground in a hug.

“We missed you!!” Liz screamed before planting a giant kiss onto my cheek.

“Eep! Are you listening to it?!?” Darcy squealed.

“Of course I am!!” I smiled happily. Suddenly my phone began to ring. I looked to see who it was. Curly. Oh great…Harry. I had to give all of the boys code names in my phone.

Harry - Curly

Liam - D.D. (for Daddy D)

Louis - Thomas

Zayn - D.J.

Niall – Leprechaun

Great right?? I’m awesome at code names. Not. I couldn’t just leave the phone ringing…Liz and Darcy would ask questions.


“Barry? Who the heck is Barry??” Haz asked confused.

“Yeh!! I miss you too! Well I’m at school, I know it is difficult to remember with the time difference and all…my friends are waiting for me.” My voice was a little higher than usual.

“Whaa?? Ohhh…uh ha. Call ya later Aiden! Love you!”

“Love you too Har…uhm…Hairy Barry!!”

“Hey!! I am NOT that hair…”


I ended the call and smiled at my confused friends. “Sorry…friend from Cheshire.”

“You are so weird.” Darcy said before walking away. I sighed in relief and shot Harry a quick text.

*You dork! I’m at school!! You can’t just call! What did you want anyways??.Xx

He replied back instantly.

*Nothing…just forget I can’t talk to you whenever anymore. Sorry! Love you! Louis says hi ;) .xx

I smiled, said hi back to Lou, and sat down next to Liz. I began scrolling through pictures of the boys waiting for class to start. I was gazing at a particularly attractive picture of Louis when I heard a voice close to me begin to speak.

“That your boyfriend?” I swung around to my right where the voice was coming from, only to be face to face with an extremely fit boy. His dark brown hair swept across his forehead right above a pair of gorgeous brown eyes. He brilliant smile lit up his entire face.

“Uhhh….no! not exactly…I don’t have a boyfriend.” His face lit up the moment I began to speak.

“Cute accent…where ya from?”

“Cheshire.” I grinned thinking of my home.

“Nice…are you an exchange student or…” He let the question dangle.

“No…me and my mum actually just moved here. What about you?” I asked the beautiful boy.

“Me, my dad, and my sister just moved here from New York City for his job.”

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