Chapter 8

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We arrived at the boys’ flat we would be staying at, and immediately Harry showed the girls where they would be staying. There were 2 individual beds. “Window!” I immediately called winking at Liz.

“Fine…I’ll be by the bathroom.” She grumbled.

“I’m kidding dork…I have my own room!” I said back to her.

“ Of course you would.” Darcy replied.

I hugged Haz before he left. “Remember, my room is always open for my best friend if you need me.” He quietly whispered into my ear. I watched him walk out.

“So…I hope you both aren’t too upset I didn’t tell you sooner.” I said cheerfully before turning around to see them giving me death glares.

“Explain. Now. Before we kill you!” Liz yelled. I quickly explained that I had known Harry my entire life and why I didn’t tell them right away.

“So…you aren’t angry?” I asked carefully. Liz slung an arm around my shoulders. “Nahh…not really…we will be perfectly fine right after we…” She glanced over to Darcy, “Get her!!” She yelled. They tackled me to the ground (this seems to happen a lot…) and dangled their feet above my face. “Nooo!! Don’t do it!!” I pleaded with them. I absolutely HATE feet! Not only did they rub their feet all over me, but they TOUCHED my feet! That was NOT okay! It was just as bad!! “Bahhh!!!! I hate you both!!” I shrieked. They had finally stopped and were now laughing at me.

“Aiden, are you ever going to get over hating feet, and hating people when they touch your feet?” Darcy laughed.

“No! Only my husband or…or…someone like that will ever be able to get away with it!! And Haz…sometimes. He IS my best friend after all.” Liz began to laugh. “Shut up! So…you wanna see me room?” I grinned at them. They nodded and I excitedly led them down the hallway. I absolutely loved my bedroom here. It was wide and open. There was a huge window seat, and light flooded into the room from it. My queen sized bed had a comforter with multiple shades of small blue stripes on it. Go figure…bet ya can’t guess who helped me pick that out. Three of the walls were a pale cream color, and the other wall was a light shade of blue. The light fluffy carpet was soft underneath my toes. Oh…I had really missed coming here. I showed the girls around my room and the rest of the flat before letting the go unpack all of their things. I began to unpack my own suitcase also. I was hanging up my clothes when a pair of long arms circled around my waist. “Hey there munchkin.” Haz said casually kissing the top of my head. “I didn’t know you could be such a fangirl.” He joked. I smacked his arm lightly.

“Oh shut up…”

“I thought it was quite attractive myself.” Another voice put in. I looked over to see Lou laying on my bed cuddling MY teddy bear. “Louis! That is my bear!!” I squealed at him.

“Actually, that would be me…I AM your Loubear after all.” He teased me.

“Lou! Give it back you little carrot-eating pigeon-lover!!” I yelled at him. That only made him laugh.

“Oh come on Aid…I know you can do better than that! If you want it back…you’ll have to come get it from me.” He said with an evil glint in his eye. So before he had a chance to see what I would do, I jumped onto the bed like a ninja, leapt over him, and grabbed my teddy bear before landing on my back next to him. I tried to roll over and off the other side of the bed, but I wasn’t quick enough. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him, and wouldn’t let go.

“Louis William Tomlinson! Stop spooning me you freaking weirdy!!” I shrieked.

“Nope. I’m going to cuddle you until you cuddle back.” I was willing to bet anything he had a smirk on his handsome face right now. I let out a long sigh and turned to face him. I tried to glare at him but just couldn’t do it.

“It’s a good thing I love you Loubear.” I said before finally resting my head on his chest.

“Well…this just got uninteresting. I guess I can stop recording now.” Harry sighed putting his phone away. I rolled my eyes. That boy…I looked back into Louis’ gorgeous blue eyes. He was staring back at me. “May I go now? I really should finish unpacking.” I asked him. He heaved a great and dramatic sigh.

“ I suppose…thanks for cuddling love.” He winked. I smiled then kissed him quickly on the cheek.


“Yes, love?”

“You have to actually let go in order for me to get up.” He grinned sheepishly.

“Oh right…sorry.” I sat up just as Darcy and Liz walked in.

“Woah…we interrupting something?” Liz giggled.

“Hey, you left your phone in our room, Flyn won’t stop calling. Trust me…I pressed ignore several times.” Darcy grumbled.

“Oh crap! Flyn! I completely forgot to call him!!” I jumped up eagerly to grab my phone from Darcy to call him, leaving Louis on the bed alone.


Louis’ POV

“Flyn??” I asked Darcy and Liz.

“Yeah, he is pretty much her boyfriend. Total jerk.” Liz answered before walking out in disgust. The sinking feeling that I had first gotten when Darcy had mentioned the boy was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I felt my heart completely shatter. Tears pricked at my eyes. I looked over at Harry who had a guilty expression on his face…he had known and didn’t tell me. I quickly stood up and left the room so I wouldn’t cry in front of them. I saw Darcy open her mouth to say something, before quickly shutting it again. As I walked through the door into my own bedroom, a sob tore out of my constricted throat. I collapsed onto the bed and began to cry.

Harry’s POV

I felt awful about not telling Louis about Fly. I really didn’t know much about Aiden’s relationship with this kid, so I figured it would be best to leave it be. Darcy cleared her throat, grabbing my attention. “Is he going to be okay?” She asked. I shook my head.

“I don’t know…he really lik…nevermind.” It wasn’t my business to tell.

“Well…could I talk to you about something?” She asked with slight hesitation in her voice.

“Of course.” I patted the window seat motioning for her to come sit down.

“Well, you see…the thing is…Flyn is basically a cheating dirtbag.” She proceeded to tell me everything the jerk had done since they had met him. I looked at her in shock.

“Why is she with him!?!” I asked in disbelief.

“I don’t know…she doesn’t think she can do better.” Darcy said quietly.

“That’s ridiculous! Louis is head over heels for her!” I blurted out.

“Yeah…I noticed…we just need to find out how to get her to see that, and see how much of a jerk Flyn really is.” I nodded my head in agreement. I needed to go make sure Louis was alright. I walked to his room and gently knocked on the door.

“Lou? Can I come in?” I didn’t wait for him to answer and just walked in. He was curled up on the bed with swollen red eyes. “Oh Lou…” I sat down next to him and began to rub his back. I was debating whether or not to repeat what Darcy had told me. I still hadn’t decided yet when he shot up suddenly.

“I’m not letting her go Haz. I’m not just going to give up!” He said fiercely.

“What are you going to do??” I asked him.

“I don’t know…but I’m not going down without a fight.” He said seriously. I looked at him for a moment before answering.

“I will help you.” I finally said. A small smile immediately lit up his face.

“The concert…that will be perfect…” He mumbled.

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