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Ahhh screw it! I love you guys, and I don't wanna make you wait forever for the end of this story. BEWARE: It is freakishly so short, that it's not even funny. O_o I'm sorry. Again, the whole Africa thing...MY IDEA. (: Enjoy! I love you all!! xx


While Liam and Darcy were being a perfect couple, Zayn and Liz ended up getting married. Everyone was just waiting for me and Louis to get engaged. They all had expected us to be the first ones married, but life had kind of screwed us over. No worries though, because he did in fact…propose. I was going to be married to my best friend. My life was going to be perfect, except for one thing…and Lou knew it. Amira was still in Africa, and I missed her so much it hurt! Louis and I were married March 17, and it just kept on getting better. Five months into our marriage, we had a new family member…a little girl. Louis, the love of my life, suggested that we adopt. So…we did. Amira was now a part of our family. I honestly didn’t know that I could love that boy any more than I already did…but I was honestly the happiest person alive. Amira and Louis hit it off as soon as they met. He loved her as much as I did, and she loved him. Life was absolutely perfect. We had overcome the trials that life had thrown at us, I married my best friend, and we had our beautiful little princess, Amira.


......told you it was short. I hope you all have enjoyed this story!! Please...fan, vote, and comment! Also, tell me if you would like me to post the description of my next story! It has been amazing writing this, and i really hope you all liked it! I'm dedicating this to my friend Amy, because I love her so much! And she is my lesbian lover...JK not really (; Inside joke. Anyways, love you all!

P.S. Hopefully the picture/link to the picture works. It's the pic of Louis in Ghana wiping away the little african girl's tears. When I saw it, I almost died. I LOVE the picture SO much!! Plus the little girl reminds me of Amira A LOT. Anyways...yep! :)

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