Chapter 12

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I know that has been awhile since I last updated, but you'll all be fine. This chapter isn't long, and all that is left is the epilogue, and that isn't even an entire page in my notebook. I have some important notes at the end, so enjoy!!


(Two Years Later)

I know as well as anyone that a happy ending would have been more pleasant for everyone. Like somehow finding out how to ignore management…end up staying with the boys…but that didn’t happen. We moved on with our lives. Liz got a boyfriend less than nine months later even. His name was Joey. He was a nice guy, but I didn’t like him…whatever. I later found out he was Flyn’s cousin. I never told her that though, because I didn’t want that to ruin anything. I may not love the kid…but I wasn’t going to screw something good up for my best friend. He was a decent guy…but he was also her backboard after Zayn. She took it really hard when we had to leave, even though she would never admit it. I wasn’t sure she was going to forgive me for the first three months or so, but luckily she did. Management wasn’t totally cruel…they still let me text and Skype Harry. I wasn’t really allowed to talk much to the other boys though. There were special occasions when I could, but we lost a lot of contact. Me and Louis agreed we would have to move on, I took it fairly well…until he got a girlfriend about a year later. That was pretty hard on me. Darcy and Liam weren’t technically together anymore, but they never lost contact and were still best friends. They talked every night. I don’t think any of us have been quite the same ever since we left. I tried keeping myself busy…but it was hard. That’s when I decided it was time for me to leave. It had been just after Louis got himself a new girlfriend when I made a decision. Five months later, I was saying goodbye to my family, Liz, and Darcy, and on my way to Africa to work in an orphanage. That’s where I have been for the last seven months. I loved children, and loved all of the amazing kids I had met and bonded with. I was now twenty years old, and perfectly happy with my life…mostly. I still missed my friends so much! Luckily, I had a new best friend…she was a little girl from the orphanage. Her name was Amira. She was just barely two years old. I had become extremely close to her, and she loved me as much as I loved her. Her parents had abandoned her, and she was brought to the orphanage around the same time I arrived there. We were loners together, and we had stuck together ever since we met. She never ever left my side. She didn’t speak at all when I first met her, so she was at a perfect age for me to teach her some English. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but to my surprise she caught on quickly. She was extremely smart, and the most adorable little girl I have ever met in my life. I loved her so much, and I never wanted to leave her. She was my little angel who saved me from the depression I never realized I was in.

So much had happened since I left to Africa. I found out that Darcy and Liam got to see on another again after such a long time. They realized they never stopped loving each other, and Liam proposed to her. I was so happy I actually cried! Liz was also happy for them…but I was worried for her. Darc told me she broke up with Joey not even a week after the news of the engagement, and she left him with a broken heart. Then there was me…trying to ignore the fact that my dreams would never come true, even though Darcy’s did. I kept reminding myself that my new dream was here in Africa with Amira, my little princess.


As fate would have it…that dream fell through too, with one little phone call from Liz and Darcy. Apparently, life wasn’t done kicking me in the teeth yet. I could hear Darcy crying in the background as Liz told me the news.

“Aid…you’re mum…she was in an accident. She was hit by a drunk driver…she didn’t make it. I’m so sorry…” My entire world fell apart with that phone call. Liam did me the favor of telling the boys what had happened, and they bought me a ticket to come home. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to come back…I could hardly bear the thought of leaving my little princess behind, but there was no way I could possibly bring her with me. The sight of her tear streaked face as I got onto the plane haunted me the entire flight home. I had left her…something I swore I would never do. I had abandoned her.


The reunion with my friends should have been a happy occasion, but for obvious reasons…it wasn’t. Liz kept her distance from Zayn, while he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Out of the few times I’ve talked to him over the years, he has asked about her every single time. It nearly broke his heart when he found out she had gotten a boyfriend. I was worried things would be awkward between me and Louis, but they weren’t. I was in his arms the second I fell out of Harry’s. It was a beautiful funeral, and things were going well considering the circumstances.


Darcy and Liam were getting married in two months, so the boys were on a break until then. It gave us all plenty of time to catch up again. I told everyone about Amira. I cried the entire time, and Haz held me as I cried. Zayn and Liz ended up getting back together. Zayn snapped her out of her little pouting session by kissing her…which most likely turned into a full blown, make out session…but nobody can be sure.


Darcy and Liam had  a huge wedding. Several random famous people wanted to attend, and they were too nice to say no. Luckily, there was no paparazzi. There were TONS of people though: Justin Bieber, Danielle Peazer, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Daley, and a bunch of other random famous people we didn’t really know. Uncle Simon, and Pauly and his wife were there too of course. So were all the other boys. I was thrilled to see Josh, Jon, Sandy, and Dan again. I hadn’t seen them in so long! Me, Liz, Cassie, and Renea were all bridesmaids, while Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry were the groomsmen. Cassie and Niall had stayed a couple, as did Harry and Renea. I noticed Zayn eyeing a blonde girl from Little Mix (it was probably because of the crazy maroon streaks she had in her hair), and apparently so did Liz because she smacked him upside the head. He chuckled and kissed her softly, then quietly whispered something into her ear causing her to blush. All in all, a beautiful wedding, and a fantastic day.


Okay, so first off. The whole Africa thing was MY IDEA. I wrote it almost exactly 3 weeks before the boys went to Africa. I seriously about died the day I found out they were helping kids at an orphange IN AFRICA. So yeh, totally my idea. I didn't get the idea because they went. (: Also, the little girl from Africa, Amira, her name actually has a special meaning. I had it specifically looked up. (My friend Katie actually looked the name up...So I will probably dedicate this to her. I asked her to look up Princess in an African language, and so she found all the words that mean princess. This particular language is Swahili. It's my most favorite language to sing in (random I know), but it is so cool! So yeah (: Amira=Princess in Swahili !! Anyways, I'm super excited...because this is the first story I have ever finished. I am debating whether or not I should upload the epilogue tonight or not. Oh! Question! I have already started my next story. It is called 'Reality Ruined My Life' and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to put up the description or not?? Anyways, thanks for the reads, votes, and fanning! I love all of it, even if it's not a lot! Hope you all have enjoyed this story! xx

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