Chapter 4

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Two months. Two long months had passed since we had moved from Cheshire. I had become great friends with Darcy and Liz. I had actually sent pictures of them to Liam and Zayn. It was pretty sneaky…I hadn’t told them that my new friends were madly in love with the two of them. I just casually sent the pictures so that they would know what my friends looked like. Neither of the boys actually said it, but I knew they had both formed a slight crush one of the girls. Zayn and Liz…Liam and Darcy…yeh I was awesome.

Lunch had just ended when I got a text from Niall.

I’m calling you in 2 minutes. Be ready. It’s important! It’s about Harry… :’(

 I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I turned to Darcy and Liz. “I have to go…umm…call someone. I don’t know if I will make it to class.” They gave me questioning looks. “Ok, we will save you a seat just in case.” Darcy replied before dragging a confused Liz down the hallway. As soon as they left I ran to the safety of my car and made it there just as my phone began to ring. “Niall?” What happened??” I demanded.

“We just finished up a concert…and Harry messed up a bit on his solo in ‘What Makes You Beautiful’…nothing big, but he is really upset about it.” The Irish boy told me. I let out a huge breath of air I had been holding. “Is that all? Niall, I’m skipping class for this! You scared me half to death!” I said exasperated. “No…Aid…he is taking it really hard. He got on Twitter and read all of the things people are saying about him. It’s awful Aid…they’re being horrible to him. He is crying and won’t talk to anyone but Lou…he’s been so depressed ever since you left. You’ve got to talk to him.” He sounded like he was on the verge of tears himself. “Oh…that is awful! Don’t worry, let me talk to him please?” I asked. I waited for a second, then through the phone I heard Niall’s soft knock. Harry? I have Aiden on the phone. Please open up Haz…I waited only a few seconds, but they felt like forever…but then I finally heard the familiar husky voice of my friend. “Hullo?” His voice was raspy from crying. “Oh Harry…I’m so sorry. I love you so much.” He began to cry softly. “Aiden…why would they say stuff like that?” I hated when he cried, it broke my heart. “I don’t know Haz…I’m so sorry.”

“I miss you so much Aid…I can’t deal with everything when you are gone. I need my best friend back.” Did he not understand this was just as hard for me as it was for him? “Haz…I know…but you still have the boys. I wish I could come see you, but I can’t. We don’t have the money. I’m sorry. I love you, but please try to be happy…for me?” I begged him. I didn’t know what to do, so I began to softly sing to him. You’ll never love yourself half as much as I love you. You’ll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to. If I let ya know I’m here for you, maybe you’ll love yourself like I love you. And I’ve just let these little things slip out of my mouth, cause it’s you…oh it’s you. It’s you they add up to, and I love you and all your little things…” I switched the words a tiny bit since I was singing them to my best friend. “Thank you Aid……WAIT A MINUTE! Where did you hear that!? You aren’t supposed to know that yet!” Oops…kinda forgot the song still had about a week until it was supposed to be released…”Uhh…” I had no idea what to tell him, and didn’t want to go in depth about me and Louis’ skype call right now…”Nevermind…you’ll tell me when you want to. Love you Aiden. Go to class kay? Goodbye, love.” I hung up the phone and sat in my car silently. Then I did the stupidest thing I could have possibly done at that moment. I went onto Twitter and looked at Harry’s mentions.

‘@Harry_Styles I can’t believe you messed up your solo! Do you know how much I paid to hear you SCREW up? You freak…’

‘@Harry_Styles You’re the worst member of One Direction, my boys would be SO much better off without you! ‘

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