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"Aiden, you have to do it with me! Please!! I can't audition alone!"

"No Harry, this is your adventure. Not mine." My best friend looked down at me, begging me with his eyes.

"But...we always had our adventures together." He was breaking my heart.

"Harry, please..." I grabbed his hand in mine. "I'm not going to make it far...if I make it at all. You are going to be amazing! Please, it for me." I begged. I pulled him into a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around me. "Ok...I will." He mumbled in to my hair. I smiled. My best friend was going to audition for the X-Factor, and I would be there to support him the entire way.


I made it! I made it Aiden!" I was swept up into the arms of my best friend. He had a huge smile plastered onto his beautiful face.

"Harry! I knew you would make it! I knew it! Ohhh I told you so!" I squeezed him around the neck as tightly as I could without strangling him.

"Oh my gosh...this is crazy. Do you think I will keep going? There were a lot of really good people..." He suddenly had gotten nervous and was pulling at his mess of dark curls.

"Of course you will! You're totally going to win!...Just don't forget about me when you're rich and famous, all right?" I said with a wink.

"Ha. Ha. Yeh sure...and I could never forget about you, Aid. You're my best friend! And if I do get rich, I'll buy you all the TOMS you want, deal?" He cooed pinching my cheeks teasingly. I slapped his hand away. "Good! Nothing had better seperate us...ok?"

"Nothing! Ever! I won't let it!" He proclaimed.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He stated holding out his pinky. I smiled and hooked my pinky with his.


"I got voted off Aiden. I'm done. It's over." The boy cried. Tears were streaming down his face.

"Harry...I'm so sorry. I will always love my eyes you will always be the best." I held my best friend as he cried into my shoulder.

"Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malike, and Louis Tomlinson...could you please come back to the stage?" Someone, a stage manager I assume, called out.

"Harry! That's you! Go!!" I wiped the remaining tears off of his confused face and quickly kissed his cheek before he went back. I crossed my fingers and prayed he would have a second chance. I couldn't bear seeing him so upset.


"A boy band...I can't believe get another chance!!" I cried out happily. "Hey, that one fellow...Louis...that's his name isn't it?? He is pretty cute..." I hinted at him with a wink.

"Yeh, he is. I totally call him!" He teased me.

"Harry!" I punched him.

"Ow! I'm kidding!" He laughed. "But I'm still not setting you up with him. He's too old for you." I stuck out my tongue at him. "Is not..." I mumbled. He just smiled at me.


The boys called themselves One Direction. I liked it...the name had a nice ring to it. I got to meet all of the, and they were really cool. At first they were all pretty quiet, but they soon grew out of that. They went pretty far during the X-Factor. Unfortunately, they didn't win...but I was still proud of them no matter what. Especially Harry. We got to hang out a lot since I saw Harry all of the time. Simon Cowell signed them up with his record company. It was a huge opportunity to follow their dreams, and they took it. They got really big, really fast. It was amazing, but it also took Harry away from me. Of course we were still best friends, I just didn't get to see him as often anymore. We went from seeing each other nearly every day to once a week if we were lucky. We had grown up together. Our mothers were best friends all throughout school and before we were ever born, and things hadn't changed. Harry was a year older than me. Everything during the X-Factor had happened throughout my 2nd year of high school. My 4th year was just about to start...when my mom told me the news.

"Sweetie...I don't know how to tell you this but...we are moving to the States at the end of the summer...I'm so sorry..."

That one statement made my entire world come crashing down on top of me...suffocating me...what was I going to do? What about school? What about Harry? Just the thought of leaving him made me sick. How was I going to tell him??

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