Chapter 11

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Sooo I lied. I didn't wait for 1000 reads because I am nice and love you guys a lot! You're welcome!! PLEASE comment(: I would love to see what you have to say!! xx


*Right after me and Niall left*

“Well…what should we do??” Liam asked after we left.

“I wanna make snow angels!” Liz squealed looking out the window at the powdery white snow.

“Yeh!! Let’s do it!” Harry yelled happily running out of the room. Liz and Zayn left to find themselves some warm clothes. Darcy looked over to Liam.

“I don’t wanna make snow angels…” She told him.

“Me neither.”

“Just Dance??” She asked hopefully. He smiled at the beautiful redhead and nodded his head. They went over to start setting it up, and that’s when Harry ran back into the room.

“Snow angel time!!” He threw a giant bag into the air, and shredded paper flew out of it landing all over the floor. He happily fell onto his back into it and began moving his arms and legs in a scissor like motion, a happy grin plastered onto his face. Liz and Zayn were back by then, and gave him a weird look.

“Yehh…have fun with that…” Zayn said before dragging Liz outside to make actual snow angels in the snow. Darcy and Liam began their epic dance party. Liam was pretty good…but Darcy still totally kicked his butt. They finally collapsed onto the couch laughing and slightly tired. Liam glanced over to the pile of shredded paper to see that Haz had fallen asleep curled up in the bits of paper.

“Awww!” Liam cooed. He go up and grabbed a blanket, carefully covering Harry up with it.

“You’re so cute…” Darcy told him with a smile.

“Just taking care of my boy…” He said back with a blush.

“They love you so much.” She said laying her head on his shoulder.

“Darc…I um…I’m so glad you’re here…you are…” He stopped midsentence as she looked up at him with her gorgeous eyes, taking his breath away. “You’re beautiful Darc.” He finally blurted out, causing her to blush. “Can I…” He didn’t have time to finish because she cut him off.

“Yes.” She whispered before ‘laying one on him’. He looked at her in shock, happiness written across his handsome face.

“I didn’t even ask my question yet!” He laughed.

“Wasn’t that what you were going to ask??” She said with some hesitance in her voice.

“No! I mean…it was fantastic…but I was going to be my girlfriend, and then kiss you! But I like your idea too!” Then he grabbed her around the waist and gave her a long, sweet kiss.

“My answer is yes to that question too then.” She whispered against his lips, before kissing him back.


Snow angel making didn’t last very long. Liz chucked a snowball at Zayn’s perfectly styled hair, and that was the end of it. Snowballs were flying everywhere. One hit Liz squarely in the face. “Ow! Zayn!! That hurt!” Her face was bright red from where the snowball had hit her. He ran over and tried to comfort her.

“Liz! I am so sorry! Will you…uh be my girlfriend?” He smiled. She glared.

“What the heck Zayn?! You practically break my face, then ask me to be your girlfriend!? The chances of that happening are as likely as me dying my hair maroon!  So not happening!” His face fell, but he quickly recovered.

“You’re right. That was inconsiderate. What a stupid question. My mother, however, told me I must apologize when I’ve hurt someone. So I insist I must kiss it better…and considering where it hit you…well, there’s only one thing to do.” With that he pulled her close and gave her a long passionate kiss.

“Fine.” She mumbled against his lips, “You win.” He then did a downward fist pump of victory.


The five of them gathered together again after their little escapades to get some lunch. Darcy and Liam were busy making everyone sandwiches when Harry’s phone began to ring. “It’s Paul.” He answered our questioning looks. “Hellooo Pauly!!” He said happily into the phone. Everyone watched him as he listened wondering why Paul was calling. His happy grin fell quickly, and his face slowly lost all of its color turning a whiter and whiter. He hung up the phone and shakily ran a hand through his hair turning to everyone. “Niall is in the hospital. We need to go. Now.”


Aiden’s POV

“Please explain what happened.” Darcy said quietly once they arrived at the hospital. We were all sitting in the waiting room on the hideous floral couches they had. Me and Louis had already been there for the last half hour. I hadn’t talked or looked at anyone since they got there. I was sitting curled up on Lou’s lap, and was hiding my face in his shirt. I was so numb from shock and guilt that I couldn’t even cry anymore, but I also wouldn’t talk to anyone. Louis had to explain to them what happened.

“They were running and messing around…not really paying attention. Niall saw the bus before Aiden did. It was coming right at her…she was going to be hit,” He began his voice cracking.”But Niall…he…he…” His voice totally broke and he began to cry, so I finished it for him. “He jumped in front of the bus to push me so I wouldn’t get hurt…and got hit instead.” Everyone was in tears now, and the guilt was eating me alive. Nobody noticed when Paul walked into the waiting room.

“I need you all to listen…” He began, “Niall is awake, and the doctors said he will be fine. He just needs a couple months of physical therapy to work with his leg, and he’ll be good as new in no time.” We all began to cheer knowing that our little Nialler was going to be okay, but Paul still look unsettled. He wasn’t done. “But…I’ve been on the phone with management for the last hour…and they aren’t happy with what has occurred…” He stopped to let it sink in, and looked extremely upset about something. “They said they can’t allow you to see the boys anymore. You all have to go home. I’m so sorry girls…you’re plane leaves in 4 hours. You need to say goodbye…” Paul quickly hugged me. He had silent tears trickling down his cheeks now too. “I’m so sorry Aiden…there was nothing I could do.” He gently kissed my forehead before turning around, and slowly walking away from us. I watched him go as the realization that my world had just fallen apart hit me full force.


Whoo! Short chapter, I know. There is only one more chapter left, and the the epilogue. I hope you all have enjoyed my story!! I would love comments! Votes are always nice too (; I already have a huge idea for my next story, and have a lot of it planned out!! It will be called "Reality Ruined My Life" and I'm so psyched to start it!! I have big plans for it! This story feels like crap to me now, because of how legit this next one will be! Please, please leave comments! Love you guys! Thanks for reading!! xx

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