Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

The cool breeze swept across my face, blowing my curls out of place. there was a lone cricket...its chirp ringing in the night's air. If I saw it...I would probably kill it. The happy little creature did not fit in with my dark mood. I couldn't believe that two of my best friends would keep a secret like that from me. Especially Aiden who told me everything! I was beyond upset about this...if Louis were to walk out at this moment I would beat the crap out of him. Right on cue, the screen door opened. I shot up out of the chair I had been sitting in.

"Woah! Calm down Curly!!" Zayn yelled diving back down behind the safety of the door. I glared at him but sat back down. He poked his head back out and slowly began walking towards me. Behind him followed Liam and Niall. They casually sat down around me. Niall actually sat down on my lap. It was a good thing everyone loved him.

"Niall get off of me!" He stared at me for a second and then slid his hand down the side of my face. I gave him a look warning him to get off, and he did...right after he gave me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. He plopped down on the ground beside my chair and rested his head on my knee. "Agh! Nialler!" I wiped my face off with my sleeve.

"I loveee you Haz!!" He grinned. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He was nearly impossible to get mad at. Perfect little Irish thoughts were interrupted by Liam clearing his throat.

"Uhm...Haz...we need to talk. About...what happened."

"Oh! You mean Louis snogging my best friend?" I replied angrily.

"Hazza...she is a big girl...she can take care of herself. She shouldn't have had to go through that." Liam said.

"Yeh man...I don't know about Aid...but Lou really likes her. I saw them skyping the other night. Neither know that I sa. Louis sang her 'Little Things' and well...I dunno man. Even if they never got together, it would be horrible to ruin that friendship." Zayn put in. I wouldn't look at them or answer back. Niall put his hand on my knee.

"Harry...Aiden wouldn't stop crying. She was still crying when I left, even though she had fallen asleep. She loves you and Lou so much...please don't let this mess up your friendship with either of them. She misses you Haz...please talk to her tomorrow?...and Louis? It isn't his fault he likes her...things like that just...happen. Ya know?" The Irish boy finally broke me. I let out a long sigh.

"I will talk to Aiden in the morning. And Lou...well...we will see." The boys smiled at me. We were quiet after that. We watched the starts in a comfortable silence and enjoyed the beautiful night before eventually going to bed.


I groggily walked downstairs the next morning. I walked to the table and sat down laying my head down on the table. I really hated mornings. My lovely mum set a plate filled with food down next to my face. "Thanks mum, love you." I peeked out of one eye and eyed the plate. It was giving off a delightful smell causing my mouth to water. I glanced around at my surroundings and noticed I had sat down next to Louis out of habit, and he was studiously avoiding me. A dark bruise lined the left side of his jaw and cheek. It was not pretty. A pang of guilt shot throught me. The other boys were also at the table. My mum and Aiden's mum were cooking. Everybody was there except for Paul and Aiden. "Where's Aid and Pauly?" I asked my mum.

"Paul...well I don't know where he is, but he deserves a break, and I haven't seen Aiden yet this morning." My mum answered.

"She is still in bed, I checked in on her this morning." Niall said quietly. My face fell, I felt awful. I glanced over at Louis. He looked as upset at I felt.

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