Chapter 10

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Warning....before you may want....nevermind. Can't say it. It will ruin it. Enjoy :) Please, please, PLEASE tell me how you liked how I wrote this chapter. Or if you disliked it for some reason...whatever. Just give me feedback :) It's great. Love you!!xxxx


Louis and I decided it was probably time to leave the roof. Paul and the rest of the boys had texted the both of us repeatedly wondering if I was alright and where we were. He jumped down first and then helped me down. He absolutely refused to let me use my “little contraption” I had built because he didn’t want me to break my neck. He told me he wasn’t going to let me go again, and no girlfriend of his would be risking injuring themselves any time soon. Oh yeah…about that…the girlfriend thing. He may or may not have asked me to be his girlfriend in-between kisses. Happy, glorious day! We walked hand in hand to the waiting limo. All of our friends began to cheer as soon as they saw our clasped hands.

“Finally!” Niall yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

Everyone decided to put in a movie when we got home. I honestly didn’t feel like watching, and told them I would be going to bed. It had been a long crazy night. I turned to leave, but Lou grabbed my hand.

“Not without me you’re not.” I smiled and lightly kissed him before walking to my room. He left quickly to go change, and I did the same while he was gone. As soon I was done, I crawled into my bed and immediately began to fall asleep. I heard my door open and then lightly close again, then the other side of my bed sunk down and I felt Louis’ warm body wrap around mine. I turned to him and gave him a long, sweet kiss before curling up closer to him.

“I love you Aiden…” He said softly.

“I love you too Loubear.” I said back. Then we both fell into a peaceful sleep, happy just to be in each other’s arms.


After I had left, everyone decided to go off and do their own thing. Renea, Harry, Cassie, and Niall all stayed together to watch a movie. Darcy and Liam went to his room, while Liz and Zayn went to Zayn’s room.

As soon as they got there, Zayn picked her up and threw her onto the bed. She squealed from surprise making him smile.

(Meanwhile…Liam and Darcy glanced towards the closed door leading to Zayn’s room. “Do you think we should see what they are doing?” Darcy asked Liam. “No…I don’t wanna know…” He replied.

Harry looked towards Zayn’s room as soon as he heard the scream. He gave Niall a sly smile making him crack up before trying to follow them. Luckily, Renea grabbed him and didn’t let him leave. He pouted a little, but she kissed his cheek making him forget the mischief he had wanted to create.)

Zayn kneeled down next to a bookcase full of DVD’s instead of following the flying Liz to his bed. “What do ya wanna watch?” He asked her.

“Umm…do you have ‘When In Rome’?” She asked hopefully, trying to situate herself on the bed after landing.

“As a matter of fact, I do.” He put in the movie then jumped up onto the bed next to her. It was pretty awkward at first, they weren’t touching at all and it was very quiet.

“Umm…I’m cold. “ Liz said pointedly.

“Oh! Sorry!” He exclaimed. He threw a blanket to her. She stuck her bottom lip out in a put, but covered herself up with the blanket anyways. They sat for another moment, aware of each other’s every move.

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